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Vaxxed Family Members Being Smug

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posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:23 PM
I don't have much in the way of family left, but do have one sibling. They are the sweetest, kindest, most normal, caring adorable person ever. Materially successful, utterly normal. I joke they are like pooh bear if pooh bear was a human. I am very protective over them. I am not normal. I have not had a normal, mundane life at all. Sometimes my sibling can irritate the heck out of me. Everyone is essentially 'nice' and 'good' and 'means well' as far as they are concerned. They think the best of people, and are fabulous at shutting the curtains onto anything bad or suspicious. Their nickname for me is Cassandra - foreteller of Doom. I was right about covid, when they dismissed me utterly. I was right about the 'vaccine' not providing sterilizing immunity. I have been right down the line and put up with being ridiculed and dismissed and told I am 'worrying for nothing'.
Fast forward...they are on their third booster. They keep telling me their symptoms (fever, lethargy, headache, chest pain) are totally 'normal' - because they believe what they have been told.

The gloating is getting absolutely infuriating. I had covid, recovered, as did my kiddo. Both had loss of taste and smell for a while and that was that. I don't want them to learn a lesson....but i do....I don't want my sibling to suffer from the vaccine...yet i have put up with so much talking down to, dismissing smug behavior that I to be frank, I found myself wishing they would get taken down a peg or two.

Ok, so I am not a good person. I know this. I adore my sibling, love them. They are good to me. The fact that this planned release of a biological weapon and the subsequent new world order has driven a wedge of resentment between us is not ok. The hysteria, panic, the utter compliant docile behavior, the gloating, the smugness...It is unbearable. I have told her me and my child will not ever get the vaccine. Every time we talk I have to put up with her telling me to vax my child. How do other people cope with loved ones buying into the covid cult?

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

I can fully understand your position and thinking - I'm of the opinion that a lot of us who are basically fed up with the entire episode feel the same way. There is no possible way I will get their so called vaccine - I have a severe syndrome from taking another medication in 2002 that's killing me; fool me once. I also had their little Covid at the beginning of the plandemic.

But we can't have our own opinions out in the open because of the way people lash out at those that aren't sheeple. They can browbeat all they want but we can't, so myself, I hope they do suffer. This is a kind of civil war we're fighting here.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

I propose to you? How do they...cope with us...buying into this "covid" cult thing?

Oh, you know?🤔

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:45 PM
Those pushing the vaccine are using people's niceness to gain prestige and power. The nicer the person the more easy to con.

There are so many scammers out there targetting nice people, especially Christians to gain power and prestige. I knew an older guy who tried to convince me that taking money from the nice people made the nice people feel better, so he conned a lot of people and felt he was doing them a service to boost their ego by taking their food and charity. He was making about forty grand a year on his pension yet was a moocher and always tried to get something for nothing. He loved the game more than he loved the gain in his wealth. He has died, seems that he believed in others running the con game too, which led to him destroying his health from those pushing products to boost energy which caused his immune system to be too strong and was deteriorating his body.

He told me that everyone lies, that it is normal. He was trying to convince me to back his lies, and I refused to follow him. He was a good teacher, he taught me a lot about techniques that he used, Ad Hominum techniques I never even knew existed. learning from a good con helped me to identify the cons more easily. And these days they are all over the place. He was right though, people feel good when they help others, even if those they are helping are actually conning them. Their beliefs that they are helping someone blind them from seeing or admitting they were swindled.

Hanging around with that retired school teacher opened my eyes to how those who prey on niceness operate. He was as good as Fauchi in making people believe in half truths. There is always some truth to a good lie that makes people accept the lie. The strange thing is he had two little dark buttons on his forehead that looked like a button bucks horn pads, he never got his horns though, I was trained by a relative of the devil. At least my horn that tried to grow on my head was a unicorn horn, I did not have ram horns. I wonder if a unicorn horn is a good thing or a bad thing, I had it removed anyway, I did not want to have to wear a wizzard hat to cover it up.

You can learn from everyone, you can learn how not to be evil from a con.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:45 PM
I find that unvaccinated people feel so alarmed and tend to want to preach so much regarding their fears and legitimate concerns of being discriminated against that they come off as kind of extreme and desperate. I am not saying vaccinated ppl are not smug but they are more of the minority as a %. Most vaccinated people don’t care about what is going on and don’t feel strongly about it either way.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:49 PM
Except that isn't the case is it? I am not invited to thanksgiving, they won't meet with me in person, I haven't seen them for two years, and they agree that mandates should force a dangerous drug onto me and my child. I care about them being vaccinated because I love them, apart from that - their body their choice. The ones forcing their ideology into our veins are the damn vaccinated sheep. a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:51 PM
I am so sorry to hear that you have damage from a medication, and hope that you find a way to recover fully. I agree it is a kind of civil war. I totally resent it driving apart me and my sibling. They can do what they heck they want....but don't seem to agree I deserve the same. a reply to: billxam

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger I suppose my sibling is complaining about me in just the same way. It is irreconcilable

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush
Say to them that you finally broke down and got the jab.
End of discussion.

It works - normally I remain neutral and just nod and agree when my vaxxed friends start going on about the "vaccine hesitant", but if asked point blank I will lie. They've got no business asking so I am under no obligation to tell the truth.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:21 PM
Except they will then require proof of vaccination when they then insist I come to family events...they are gonna wanna see that card. a reply to: underpass61

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

Make one - there's plenty of resources and how-to's to be found online

Or so I've heard

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:27 PM
The boosters arent the issue, they clearly have come down with a case of the "Global Warming"

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:42 PM
Before Hurricane Ida hit my little town, my mom and sister both were so sure they were safe from covid. They both had the moderna shots. My sister says, I got my shot, I'm good. And my mother would say, oh no, did you hear so and so didn't get the shot and now they are going to the ER. Well once they all came down with covid, including 4 other non-shot people. They were scared. They both go to the doctor to get their covid test. Moms comes back negative, sisters is negative. Then they got worse. My mom goes back two days later, and now she is testing positive. The doctor tells her that it is common for the shot people to have false-negatives due to the shot. Well they send them home. My mom calls me the next day, which is Saturday, she thinks she is going to die. I drive back home the next morning. I come into close contact with all of the infected. I do my best to bring everyone out of it, I made food, forced everyone to drinks lots of water. In the end , no one died. But now my sister will not be having her children shot, and my mother knows that the shot will not do her any good in the future. To top it off my other sister was holding out due to a medical condition, but her company (Maytag) was giving all salary employees one thousand dollars if they get the shot. She sold out and got it, she was one of the sick that I mentioned that had not been shot yet. Side note, In late June into early July my family and I all had covid, at least that is what we believe, I haven't let anyone put anything in our noses or the rest of our bodies to have it confirmed but I didn't get sick and I quarantined myself for 10 days just to make sure. After all of it, I do believe my mom and sister got off their high horse. Believe what you want.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

As if families aren't divided enough already...

The holidays are about to get heated. Nearly two-thirds of vaccinated Americans have banned unvaccinated family members from their holiday gatherings this year.

Our survey of 2,000 U.S. residents – conducted on Nov. 2 – examined how the COVID-19 vaccine has impacted people’s relationships with their loved ones ahead of the holidays this year.

Nearly seven in 10 respondents (67%) said they feel they cannot go home for the holidays without getting vaccinated first.

Of the 65% who are fully vaccinated, six in 10 (58%) have reportedly cut off family members who refuse to get vaccinated, while 63% don’t feel comfortable inviting unvaccinated relatives to their parties.

I wonder how many families will use this as an excuse not to spend the holidays together just because they can't stand to be in the same room with each other for more than an hour anyway.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Those pushing the vaccine are using people's niceness to gain prestige and power. The nicer the person the more easy to con.

I wouldn't call it 'nice' , but naive

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

I pretty much had to give up talking to them, almost all friends too. I only briefly mentioned where this was all going way back in 2020 and that was enough. They couldn't relate. Now that it is all coming to be they have started to admit it may be out of control. They have no idea how hard this has all been.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

I understand totally.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: AfterTheGoldRush
Except that isn't the case is it? I am not invited to thanksgiving, they won't meet with me in person, I haven't seen them for two years, and they agree that mandates should force a dangerous drug onto me and my child. I care about them being vaccinated because I love them, apart from that - their body their choice. The ones forcing their ideology into our veins are the damn vaccinated sheep. a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

So it all them and you have no part to play? Just do what the other person said-lie and say you got it and stop discussing it with them. Something tells me you have brought up the discussion enough. Again, not saying in your circumstance you hold more fault but it takes two to tango. And rarely are things one sided.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 03:14 PM
Of course I asked to visit, or them to visit me, which involved my sibling demanding to talk about my refusal. It was brought up by them, and then pushed in a hysterical, attacking and to be frank, authoritarian way! As far as bringing up the subject - no. Not on my part. Not unless I was trying to get my only family member to come see me. Of course when they said they were getting the vaccine I asked them to think it through. It is not me demanding they come to my point of view, instead I am being attacked, ridiculed and sneered at.
It is ok. I figure this divide and conquer, getting us to break ties with loved ones, pick sides, is all part of the plan. Isolation and then destruction. reply to: AcrobaticDreams

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 03:37 PM
In my opinion, I’d just write off whatever family members didn’t want me around because I won’t bow down to their commands. The only courtesy I’d give them is the repercussions of that decision if they plan to follow through with it. I’d also just do my own family event for all of us that didn’t want to be part of that nonsense of excluding family members because of propaganda they got fed on the television. You might be surprised how many people may just show up at you’re party instead.

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