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Since Visiting ATS, Are you MORE of a conspiracy theorist or LESS of a conspiracy theorist??

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posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

10 years ago i was a total conspiracy freak, immersed in religious study...

Over that time i've learned that the deeper you dive into conspiracy the more everything becomes a conspiracy...

this eventually can lead to mental illness, which happened to one of my former friends who was a member here at one time but banned long ago...

in the end, no one will never prove a conspiracy... so its pointless to let it bother you

SO i'd say im much less of a conspiracy theorist...

edit on 26-10-2021 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 04:42 PM

If I remember I came here for UFO content, which I still enjoy, but far less than I did back then. And I got lead down all sorts of rabbit holes since. But if anything I am less convinced by conspiracy theories over all. It has made me critically engage in all sorts of subjects a lot more tho.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

a lot of conspiracies are smoke screens IMHO. I used to think a few of the wild one's might be true. I actually joined masonry to find out if there was anything to all that noise. That experience showed me how far the conspiracy is from the truth, and also solidified why it's that way.

But through the years, those who oppose the theory of "the powers that be", the NWO, whatever you wish to call them seem to have less and less of a leg to stand on. It's painfully obvious that an agenda is always in play, and the MSM largely is driving it, with political assholes seemingly directing it. Currently it looks like it's democrats doing all the evil things, but when you pay attention long enough, you can see that the party affiliation is irrelevant, but the longevity in office is key. The longer they are in DC, the scummier they are.

This is why I believe the majority of long term members who are still here, are very active in the political threads. There is so much overlapping going on with wild conspiracies, and the scum in DC.

We have all but been told UFO's are real, and it was like when you found out the tooth fairy wasn't a real fairy, but your dad the let down was negligible.

So to answer your main question, I'd say I am less conspiracy minded on most things, and way more focused on what I see as the real conspiracy. That doesn't make me right, just makes me think I am. And since I rarely admit mistakes, I have a fantastic track record.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 04:48 PM
I have discovered many high impact political conspiracies discussed here have come true.

More provable facts always trumps the speculation variations that never come true 🎃

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 04:56 PM

all of the theories have turned out to be facts

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

Conspiracy theories - Cryptozoology, UFOs I believe less, largely because of new evidence from new technology. I still love reading about it though!

Political conspiracy theories - Much, much less. ATS has shown me how low and how distorted the bar of evidence has become in the age of the internet. Anecdote is not evidence, rhetoric is not empiricism. What is happening in the world is easy enough to read if you know basic political theory, science, economics and history; seeing politics as analogous to sport is, as General Franco knew in the early 40s, a convenient distraction from the real issues. Even worse, some people see politics as a really really bad made for TV film - raid on the servers in Frankfurt anyone?

Politically I'm where I've always been but more convinced - like most people, I'm left on some issues, right on others, centrist on others. Seeing the corruption and ineptitude at the heart of the British state, and working 7 days a month for an organisation with a strong, explicit moral purpose, has made me more determined to challenge what is happening around me at a local and national level.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:10 PM
I'm sorry, but can someone explain which conspiracy 'theories' remain?

I suppose my answer should be LESS, then.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:29 PM

Since Visiting ATS, Are you MORE of a conspiracy theorist or LESS of a conspiracy theorist??

I first joined in 2003 , when I was much younger , for the JFK and 911 stuff.
Then work and life took me away for a while .
To answer the question , only a few.
#1 is Skinwalker Ranch .

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: loam
I'm sorry, but can someone explain which conspiracy 'theories' remain?

I suppose my answer should be LESS, then.

Nicely worded.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

That is a complex question and there is no straightforward answer.

For ME ATS is an important sounding board and meeting place were theory's are often smashed and new theory's born, on that I would say it overall is not more likely to make anyone a conspiracy theorist or less likely.

But it does serve as an important, perhaps the most important site on the net for debate between conspiracy theorists and sceptics and even experts that can often bring to closure or sometimes open up conspiracy theory's.

It is also a vastly important site due to it's vast database of theory, debate and disclosures as well as genuine debunking and some not so genuine debunking that has occurred here over the years.

For myself I would say LESS though.

How do I quantify that, well I had these pet theory's about ancient civilization, sunken city's, UFO's and all of that.
I have not seen anything to take that away from me but I have had my appetite fed by the site more than many other sources.

Like anything conspiracy is like steam in a kettle, if people believe in it and do not have an outlet it will explode but if they have a release valve like this site they have a way of getting if off there chest and for others it offers an escape from there worries and the humdrum of there daily lives giving them something to enjoy.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: loam

I suspect that cryptozoology will increase as quality of life decreases and people find themselves in shacks and log cabins that were cobbled together and living without electricity in the near future. I mean when a burger flipper and physical therapist are making the same wage, it puts everyone nearer the poverty line.

Call it economic conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: loam
I'm sorry, but can someone explain which conspiracy 'theories' remain?

I suppose my answer should be LESS, then.
Bigfoot has yet to accept my invitation for a beer and a Drew Estates cigar with a small taste of something from a jar, so his existence is still in question.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:52 PM
It has made me an alcoholic ftw


posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: network dude

Maybe Bigfoot is a teetotaler?

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 06:37 PM
Would say less overall, because.... Wait !!

Is this just another one of those data-gathering threads ?

You know : like when we are asked to write-out our worst fears, nightmare scenarios, and all of that juicy stuff that the ' Watchersâ„¢ ' can't seem to get enough of ?

Are you guys spying on me ?

What's that sound ?

Is that a camer...

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

Less. Much less.

Over 20 years of reading "evidence" given to me by people on this site involving a wide array of ct's. Doing research on those topics I found that a majority of the time people just don't know what they are talking about.

What I've learned the most is that those that believe in ct's are the ones who are the most easily fooled.

The true, the real truth about this world can not be found on the internet.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

I've definitely put on a few pounds so more.

I know that's not what you meant.
I'm not sure it's a question of belief but I find a lot of things just very interesting.

Having said that, people can sense when they're being lied to so in the absence of a believable explanation for some things I can understand why people imagine the worst.

It's clear that we have dishonest leaders and a rotten media. Combine those two and it's almost an open invitation to theorise why.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Debunkology

a lot of conspiracies are smoke screens IMHO. I used to think a few of the wild one's might be true. I actually joined masonry to find out if there was anything to all that noise. That experience showed me how far the conspiracy is from the truth, and also solidified why it's that way.

But through the years, those who oppose the theory of "the powers that be", the NWO, whatever you wish to call them seem to have less and less of a leg to stand on. It's painfully obvious that an agenda is always in play, and the MSM largely is driving it, with political assholes seemingly directing it. Currently it looks like it's democrats doing all the evil things, but when you pay attention long enough, you can see that the party affiliation is irrelevant, but the longevity in office is key. The longer they are in DC, the scummier they are.

This is why I believe the majority of long term members who are still here, are very active in the political threads. There is so much overlapping going on with wild conspiracies, and the scum in DC.

We have all but been told UFO's are real, and it was like when you found out the tooth fairy wasn't a real fairy, but your dad the let down was negligible.

So to answer your main question, I'd say I am less conspiracy minded on most things, and way more focused on what I see as the real conspiracy. That doesn't make me right, just makes me think I am. And since I rarely admit mistakes, I have a fantastic track record.

Well said,and ditto.

ETA:For me the conspiracy becoming fact is the preying on children either for sexual pedophile or blood reasons is the most alarming to me.IMOO
edit on 26-10-2021 by Onlyyouknow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 08:49 PM
I was a conspiracy theorist as far back as I can remember, asking way too many questions as a kid, but since I came onto ats I've really come to be amazed at how much deeper it's all connected as well as how long it has been going on for. My views prior to ats was more shallow knowledge based on my own skepticism and a burning drive to know all the parts of the puzzles.

Really appreciate this community and all the hard work people do in building comprehensive posts as well as the general day to day info, chit chat and sense of not being the only oddball out there.

posted on Oct, 26 2021 @ 08:52 PM
When i started visiting ATS i was completely brainwashed.
So many "conspiracy theories" that i've read on ATS have been proven now that the are not theories anymore.

I like to call us conspiracy analysts now.

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