a reply to:
That's direction and gateway you are speaking of
The fluid nature of that comes between internal and external
The exchange. The action
It is exactly as you say
But within the Egyptian analogy, it would be the scales. The action of love being weighed against the heart
From which, the reflection within emotion, would be the boat carrying the individual
Your understanding is not distant from what I am saying, you just have a linear perception of the process
This dissolves into you seeing
the intent, the direction and the focus as all being one in the same
Emotional trimanifestation (Hermes Trismegistus) is something you should learn to view fluidly from all aspects individually
It is the same as what is referred to in all "Trinity", including the Christian. And the 3 main degrees of Freemasonry, which are based on the
Illumination process
Father = Internal
Son = External
Holy Spirit = Gateway and direction
The importance of recognising Trimanifestation in its individual parts, is that you can then reflect it upon the world, and those within it
You understand the formation of yourself as one cell ... It translates to all cells within creation. Smallest to largest
Many people see only one of the linear perspectives
1) They see an internal self, existing in an outside world
2) Or they see an external world, that they exist within
3) Or they see the fluid nature of their existence itself in between
It is no different to people arguing over whether or not Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are the same thing
They all exist, perceiving a different linear perspective
The idea is to learn to see all 3 perspectives at once
So you can perceive yourself as both body you live in, and the world itself
As well as all exchange, gateway and direction between them
Your human body, your internal body. And the world around you, you external body
This is the understanding that is used by certain orders, to exploit and control those who have no knowledge or understanding of such things
Because the ability to perceive backward, forwards and inbetween all at the same time ....
Also allows you to influence people, without them realising they are being influenced
Especially those who cannot see the distinction within linear alignment
If they perceive externally? You cater to them internally
When you come to the thing you want them to do, you reverse your perspective and alignment to them
Make them do what you want to. Things they normally would not do. And make them think it was their idea
Like the story of Aleister Crowley giving his friend an example of alignment, where he followed a stranger down the street, imitating their walk, gate
and stride exactly. So that when he pretended to stumble himself, the stranger in front of him tripped over
If you understand and visualise the alignment well enough, this is actually very easy to do
You imitate their walk, thinking "follow, follow, follow" with every step, visualising them leading your walk to the point where you are allowing them
to control you
Then, you sharply change "follow" to "LEAD", at the split second you intentionally stumble
This reverses the sync, and they will trip over
This is a very rudimentary example though
The alignment we are taught in Illumination is much, much deeper than this
To the point where we need to be taught, not how to influence people in this way, but how to measure ourselves in a way that we do not do this to
people without meaning to
This usually means isolating yourself from the world for a few years
My point is, that recognising the "opposites" and the influence of reflection for things like emotion is very important
It is the difference between being lead by an empathetic system (Yaldabaoth) as subject ...
And being consciously aware of your influence, and needing to measure what you give within a sympathetic system (Sabaoth)
In Christian terms, these are the difference between the Sheep and the Shepherd
Neither is any less important, or beautiful than the other
The Sabaoth simply has the ability to influence and control the system, rather than be subject to it
Within this, the Illuminated are far more powerful than orders such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians and religion
But we also have far more responsibly and consequences attached to us, because of our ability to recognise the patterns within probability (Prophecy)
and Possibility (Prayer)
What they refer to as "Prayer" is essentially the exact same process as what Aleister Crowley did
Except those who pray are not consciously aware of how the system works, or how they influence it
Within Illumination, much like with it raining when we cry ...
People, animals and other living things can die, if we do things like lose our temper and rage
We do not kill them, nor do we intend to hurt them. But it happens
And in ways which are very obviously and undeniably attached to what we felt
Our emotions are very dangerous, if not measured and controlled
So at cannot afford to conflate love and pain
We must know exactly where every emotion is coming from, to maintain a positive and balanced influence on the world
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