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What is gang stalking and targeted individuals?

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posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: HilterDayon

Dear gods, that's a bit excessive to think about.

Mine wasn't quite that bad, but I won't get into what I did deal with because I don't want to dreg up the past like that.

We're on good terms now. I passed the tests.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: HilterDayon


posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 12:18 PM
I was going to come in hot making bold claims of the truth, but I've caught myself and will reconsider, in view of a recent advice from a friend.

This is what I see as the truth.

As farfetched as it seems, there is a layer of consciousness which has been l, let us say, usurped.

At this level, one of good heart who rises is likely to be detected and under attack.

This is not paranoia.

They are vile and abuse a kingdom on its own.

But what do I know?

I'm just a Man.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Not farfetched at all. But it is a little more complicated than that

The understanding of which, is the purpose of the underworld journey known as initiation

As represented in the Egyptian "Book of Illumination" (commonly incorrectly translated as "Book of the dead")

Where a persons heart is weighed on a set of scales against a feather, being carried on a boat across the underworld

"A good heart" does not mean that a person possesses the ability for a pure alignment within the collective consciousness

Everyone who experiences alignments of things like gang-stalking, "demons", etc, is struggling within their own ability to align within polarity of the collective consciousness

You may be of good nature and intent, but a heart is weighed within the pain and fear it carries

Very few are even aware that carry such weight within their hearts

Pain (mind - past) and fear (heart - future) act like anchors to the soul and its physical alignment to things like the collective consciousness

You may want for nothing but to love and be loved, but still find yourself attacked, because you have yet to recognise the pain and fear within you, which must be released

The world itself, seeks balance. Regardless of the polarity between good and bad, light and dark, etc, within the collective consciousness

The meridian and medium of which, is very hard to traverse over, from one side to the other, unless you have been through catharsis, purification and cleansing, in order to purge your mind, heart and body respectively

You can simply decide you want to be a better person

But you still need to let go of all you hold onto of who you were

There are, essentially, blockages within you, keeping you aligned to certain aspects of polarity

The control of the usurpers, as you put it, within the collective consciousness, is only superficial. Even if it seems indomitable

It is not the fact that such things are impossible to overcome or defeat. It is simple that you carry baggage within yourself that holds you back from superseding them

Like a plane which needs dump its weight in cargo, so it can fly high enough to get over a mountain

Within this, such as within initiation, you spend years dumping every possible pain and fear that could possibly ever be used against you

Apologise to everyone you can
Make up for every wrong you can

To forgive yourself
Free yourself from all pain and fear
To become blameless

To carry a heart as light as a feather

So no manner of vile, nasty "crocodile" accuser, or opposition, could ever see your soul darkened, to what you understand of yourself

It has been 13 years of letting go of pain and fear for me

To the point where I am near blameless now

The more you do, the lighter your soul becomes

You start to feel a warm glow of loving light emanating from within the body (one of the reasons we are called "Illuminated")

You feel physical blockages within your body slowly being burned away (affliction is a long and physically painful process), matching the removal of blockages in your mind and heart

You align with the world in ways that are hard to describe

You understand animals instinctively, as they do you. You start to find them drawn to you, as if they are an extension of your expression. Within which, you love them in a way which is hard to describe in words

You begin to "feel" the world around you, instead of simply existing within it

You not only recognise it as your external body, opposite to your personal inner body, it starts to feel like your body. It reacts to you. You react to it

You cry, it starts to rain. Things such as this

This is the process known as "ascension" which follows the purge process of initiation

Which is a type of opposite, to the opposite of things like gang-stalking

My point is, that the collective consciousness, is something which you can learn to expand and influence

In exactly the same way as it appears to control and influences your personal conscious within things like gang-stalking

The influence goes far deeper and is far more powerful than you likely realise

But, it is always based on you as a person

You are never subject to it, you have just been conditioned to believe you are

And it can take many, some hard years of purging themselves of negativity, to take back your control and authority

If I told you the extent of some of the things that are possible within this process, for those that lighten their heart to prove themselves worthy of such alignment and abilities, you probably would not believe me

But you can very literally influence the sky itself, once you understand how your soul and physical form are intimately aligned within creation with/to/as such things
edit on 10 3 24 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I disagree.

In olden days perhaps, but in this day, I believe a Heart is weighed by love.



Or rather, perhaps, the Love it carries.
edit on 10-3-2024 by BrotherKinsMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

It is brave and bold to carry the scars of sufferance within oneself.

But it comes at a cost...

Better go home before you find yourself destitute!

So far away from home, all alone, at your wits end, suffering... Alone...

This is heart breaking.

Only a foolish person would bare such unnecessary burden in this day.

Choose Love.

It will lead you home.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 10:00 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Love is not the weight of the heart

Love is what the heart is weighed against

Love is the lightness
Pain is the heaviness

Love is the opposite of pain

For the most part "Love" is a vastly misunderstood concept

Love it to be put before
Pain is to be put after

Love can mask pain
Love can help draw pain out

But it does not stop the pain and fear from existing, nor erase it from having been

You cannot simply use love to "forget" your pain and fear

It does not work like that

Pain can still exists under love. Just as dark can still exists under light

You need to find and relieve the root of all pain and fear within yourself first (Initiation), if you wish to genuinely radiate the greater light of love (ascension)

A whole future of love and good intent, will not make up for things you have done in the past, if you have made no effort to confront those things and atone for them

Because there is a difference between being genuinely remorseful, and simply seeking to forget your wrongdoings

Simply saying sorry and forgetting is easy. But it does not remove the weight from your soul

It is still there, even if you forget about it and don't see it

And within such, it acts like a blockage between you, and the source and essence of our creation which is all of ours inherent from birth

Seeking to make up for all you have done in the past, is much harder. But it is the only genuine way to remove the weight and blockages from your soul

It is a very long and painful process

But it is the only real path to "enlightenment" of the heart

It is the "trials and tribulation" of the Christians

In Illumination we refer to it as "The long walk"

A journey to self forgiveness, which cannot be bought, faked, or awarded to you by others
edit on 10 3 24 by Compendium because: Clarification

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Once more my dear, we disagree.

Love can be painful.

In fact, if done right, it absolutely is.

But thing is, you don't see it because Love's Light overwhelms it.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I suggest, with all due respect, that you focus not so much on opposites.

I know, I'm a hypocrite, what can I say...

But at this time, one must be careful in such assesments.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Love is never painful

Only the cost, withholding, or loss of such is painful

Again, love is what your heart is weighed against. Not the reflection of the emotion which comes from it

The cost within reflection can bring pain

But love itself is never painful

Giving love, to put another before ... Can put you after, which is pain

The love and the pain that are FELT (reflection), may be two sides of the same coin. But they should never be conflated as the same thing

You need recognise the distinction and balance within their polarity. Or you cannot understand the real nature and root of emotions within reflection, that arise from them

You end up doing things like hurting those you love, because you are in pain

Or giving your love to those you shouldn't, because you long to feel it yourself

Understanding these opposites, is very important to find emotional balance within equilibrium (El'ohim)

Conflating these things does not balance the soul. It is false light

False light can only ever be more painful, the greater the light you seek

Whilst it also enables those who deliberately deliver pain, in order to enable their own light

It is the root of all imbalance in this world

The very root of everything the Illuminated orders battle to restore balance to
edit on 11 3 24 by Compendium because: Clarified

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: Compendium

I guess we just don't see eye to eye.

I'm not entirely concrete on magnets for now, lol.

They say opposites attract, and it sure does seem that way, but across my travels I found it to be quite the contrary!

I'd rather define it myself as two reflected fractions uniting as one being a true display of attractional forces at play.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 12:14 AM
On a side note, it is my belief that love itself does not come from the heart.

It may reside there, if one welcomes it into its home.

But from whence does it hail?

Does any one know?

One might, but oh well.

I guess we'll see.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

That's direction and gateway you are speaking of

The fluid nature of that comes between internal and external

The exchange. The action

It is exactly as you say

But within the Egyptian analogy, it would be the scales. The action of love being weighed against the heart

From which, the reflection within emotion, would be the boat carrying the individual

Your understanding is not distant from what I am saying, you just have a linear perception of the process

This dissolves into you seeing the intent, the direction and the focus as all being one in the same

Emotional trimanifestation (Hermes Trismegistus) is something you should learn to view fluidly from all aspects individually

It is the same as what is referred to in all "Trinity", including the Christian. And the 3 main degrees of Freemasonry, which are based on the Illumination process

Father = Internal
Son = External
Holy Spirit = Gateway and direction

The importance of recognising Trimanifestation in its individual parts, is that you can then reflect it upon the world, and those within it

You understand the formation of yourself as one cell ... It translates to all cells within creation. Smallest to largest

Many people see only one of the linear perspectives

1) They see an internal self, existing in an outside world
2) Or they see an external world, that they exist within
3) Or they see the fluid nature of their existence itself in between

It is no different to people arguing over whether or not Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are the same thing

They all exist, perceiving a different linear perspective

The idea is to learn to see all 3 perspectives at once

So you can perceive yourself as both body you live in, and the world itself

As well as all exchange, gateway and direction between them

Your human body, your internal body. And the world around you, you external body

This is the understanding that is used by certain orders, to exploit and control those who have no knowledge or understanding of such things

Because the ability to perceive backward, forwards and inbetween all at the same time ....

Also allows you to influence people, without them realising they are being influenced

Especially those who cannot see the distinction within linear alignment

If they perceive externally? You cater to them internally

When you come to the thing you want them to do, you reverse your perspective and alignment to them

Make them do what you want to. Things they normally would not do. And make them think it was their idea

Like the story of Aleister Crowley giving his friend an example of alignment, where he followed a stranger down the street, imitating their walk, gate and stride exactly. So that when he pretended to stumble himself, the stranger in front of him tripped over

If you understand and visualise the alignment well enough, this is actually very easy to do

You imitate their walk, thinking "follow, follow, follow" with every step, visualising them leading your walk to the point where you are allowing them to control you

Then, you sharply change "follow" to "LEAD", at the split second you intentionally stumble

This reverses the sync, and they will trip over

This is a very rudimentary example though

The alignment we are taught in Illumination is much, much deeper than this

To the point where we need to be taught, not how to influence people in this way, but how to measure ourselves in a way that we do not do this to people without meaning to

This usually means isolating yourself from the world for a few years

My point is, that recognising the "opposites" and the influence of reflection for things like emotion is very important

It is the difference between being lead by an empathetic system (Yaldabaoth) as subject ...

And being consciously aware of your influence, and needing to measure what you give within a sympathetic system (Sabaoth)

In Christian terms, these are the difference between the Sheep and the Shepherd

Neither is any less important, or beautiful than the other

The Sabaoth simply has the ability to influence and control the system, rather than be subject to it

Within this, the Illuminated are far more powerful than orders such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians and religion

But we also have far more responsibly and consequences attached to us, because of our ability to recognise the patterns within probability (Prophecy) and Possibility (Prayer)

What they refer to as "Prayer" is essentially the exact same process as what Aleister Crowley did

Except those who pray are not consciously aware of how the system works, or how they influence it

Within Illumination, much like with it raining when we cry ...

People, animals and other living things can die, if we do things like lose our temper and rage

We do not kill them, nor do we intend to hurt them. But it happens

And in ways which are very obviously and undeniably attached to what we felt

Our emotions are very dangerous, if not measured and controlled

So at cannot afford to conflate love and pain

We must know exactly where every emotion is coming from, to maintain a positive and balanced influence on the world
edit on 11 3 24 by Compendium because: corrections

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan
On a side note, it is my belief that love itself does not come from the heart.

It may reside there, if one welcomes it into its home.

But from whence does it hail?

Does any one know?

One might, but oh well.

I guess we'll see.

I agree

It originates from the furthering of the original source of our creation (that many affectionately call "God")

What is also referred to by Hindus as the primary vibration/source

As it exceeds to put us in this world, to love us ...

So does it enable us to create and put before ourselves, as love

I think the heart is just used as it is the resonant gateway, which enables us to continue what is offered

"The water" gateway. The Ark of the covenant

It carries the most potent "pulse" from the source

So we have come to associate it with love
edit on 11 3 24 by Compendium because: Correction

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

What I find interesting

Is the symbol we use for heart ❤ is actually a picture of the two hemispheres of the brain tapering off to the brain stem

It is not a picture of the heart

It is actually nothing like the shape of the heart

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: Compendium

I see two reciprocal halves joined together.

It's just a picture.

We see what we want to see I guess.

Whatever fragment of echoed memory we catch a glimpse of.

Or whatever someone put in your head, if you let them.

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