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1831 cholera riots and the similarities to covid 19 today.

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posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

My first thought is that classism and a lack of general transparency creates this kind of backlash, and its shown in both instances.

The behavioral changes being resisted echo's Typhoid Mary, with her being the perfect storm of bad behavior and disease vectoring.

But dehumanizing people, then expecting them to be concerned for your general health through behavioral changes, seems to be a stupid way to find success. Gaslighting around this type of stuff only makes it worse. Public trust today can not possibly be any worse than it is right now without violence erupting over it.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

I looked up the treatment at the time, and is it any wonder people did not want to be bled, given an enema of a pint of chicken tea, and fed opium.

Treatment of the first stage (Premonitory) of cholera consisted of confining the victim to bed and the taking of some warmed mild aromatic drink such as spearmint, chamomile, or warm camphor julep. Once the individual had commenced to perspire, calomel, camphor, magnesia, and pure castor oil was administered.[xxxv] If the cholera victim had recently consumed food, an emetic such as ipecacuanha or sulfate of zinc was given. It was also recommended that bleeding of the victim be performed. "The object of the bleeding is to relieve the internal congestion," and should be discontinued if the victim faints.[xxxvi] During the second stage, which 19th century medical professionals considered the actual onset of cholera, treatments were intensified. During this stage, as cholera's victims suffered excruciating nausea, massive diarrhea, cramps, physical collapse, cold clammy extremities, and a feeble pulse, medical therapies included, "put the feet and legs in water as warm as could be born, with the addition of mustard and common salt to the water; open a vein in the arm, and bleed from five, to sixteen to twenty ounces . . apply a large mustard cataplasm over the stomach and give . . .calomel, opium, an camphor, every half hour." If the patient continued to deteriorate, and was there any reason to think he would not, "Sulphuric ether in small doses should be given . . .at the same time an enema of a pint of chicken tea, with a table spoonful of salt . . .should be thrown into the bowels . . ."[xxxvii] Few persons survived cholera's third stage which was sometimes called the "stage of asphyxia." The principle of treatment during this portion of the illness was to "arouse the dormant energies of the system." Larger doses of calomel and camphor were recommended; in addition, quinine and morphine were to be administered every half hour, and "a cholera patient . . . should never be left a moment without the presence of an intelligent nurse."[xxxviii] If the patient survived the treatments prescribed for the third stage, further bleeding or the attachment of leeches was recommended for the fourth stage. More calomel, magnesia, camphor, opium, and morphine pills were given, and if during this stage of cholera, "consecutive fever" or typhoid appeared, "it may be necessary to resort to tonics and stimulants such as sul. quinine, serpentaria, carb. of ammonia, wine whey, oil of turpentine, etc."[xxxix] Variations upon these therapies were as numerous as there were physicians.
edit on 31-8-2021 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:38 AM

I think it's more than reasonable to be hesitant about having a pint of chicken tea with salt thrown into ones bowels.

a reply to: zosimov

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: nonspecific


(I really did have a laugh at that one. Thanks for the good cheer!)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Chicken tea with salt?

Some people might call that soup!

Stuff getting a soup enema, bad enough when you burn the roof of your mouth with the stuff never mind inside of your arse.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific

I think it's more than reasonable to be hesitant about having a pint of chicken tea with salt thrown into ones bowels.

a reply to: zosimov

Yeah, but...

I'd actually pick that one above ALL the rest listed, it's actually a legitimate treatment called a few different things -- Rectal Feeding and/or Re-hydration, Nutrient Enema, etc. It's meant for dire straits stuff when the other methods of getting stuff into the bod aren't going to cut it/won't cut it alone, such as food strikers pushing their body's luck. I believe this was done to Khalid Sheik Mohammad in Gitmo during one of his food strikes.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 10:31 AM
I never claimed it might not be good for you just that I could understand people being hesitant.

A pint of chicken soup up the bum would make me think long and hard about alternate treatment.

a reply to: Nyiah

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