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Two COVID test two different results

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posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 03:12 PM
So about 2 weeks ago my 4-year-old nephew got sick, he had a fever, a cough, and a sore throat. My father who watches him got sick as well, same illness fever, cough, sore throat. Both got tested using the at-home kits you buy from Walgreens (BinaxNOW) and both came up negative for COVID. My father is vaccinated.

Fast forward to this last weekend and I had the family over for a BBQ. My nephew and father both came since they didn't have COVID and everyone had a great time.

On Monday my wife and her Grandfather who was at the BBQ fell ill, Fever, cough, sore throat. Since my grandfather-in-law had cancer before and because of his age they took him to a hospital and he tested positive for COVID.

My wife went to her doctor and she tested positive for COVID at the doctor. My wife said they used the same looking rapid test at her doctor.

Fast forward to today and I am feeling ill, mild fever, cough, but no sore throat. My wife buys me a BinaxNOW rapid test and it comes with 2 tests and I came up negative for COVID. For #s and giggles, she took the other test and it came up negative for COVID.

We then went and dropped off a BinaxNOW rapid test for her grandfather and he showed negative for COVID on BOTH tests.

How can this be?

The only theories I have are either the BinaxNOW don't work and they all show negative, or there is some kind of incentive for hospitals and doctor's offices to keep bolstering the COVID #'s for money or other gains.

What do ya'll think? Do I have COVID?

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: PraetorianAZ

or there is some kind of incentive for hospitals and doctor's offices to keep bolstering the COVID #'s for money or other gains.

The US government is still giving money for hospitals for patients being treated for COVID.
What I heard , anyway .
I would say "money" as hospitals are corporations and only think of profit margin .

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: PraetorianAZ

Well, common flu has been you must have CV.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 03:42 PM
This reminds me of the the covid tests various people sent away, where one was from someone’s wiped arse, someone else took a swab from a plant etc but they all came back positive for the Woogie boogie flu……

a reply to: PraetorianAZ

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 03:48 PM
The rapid tests are not really very good to be honest.

They have a pretty poor reliability and combined with the swab being done by yourself it's often a bit hit and miss.

They are better used for mass testing, say a large school or workplace where they can get a rough idea as opposed to an individual assessment.

Here on the UK if you test positive on a lateral flow instant test then you still need to have a PCR test to confirm if it's positive or not.

There's some new tests in the trial stages in the UK that are supposedly as fast as a lateral flow test but as accurate as a PCR bit they are not yet approved.

a reply to: PraetorianAZ

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: PraetorianAZ

Shake it off, you’ll be fine.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: PraetorianAZ

Cheap tests are cheap.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:50 PM
Gestation takes longer than a weekend, so probably a coincidence.

a reply to: PraetorianAZ

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 06:07 PM
I'd say you had this ancient mysterious thing called a cold, possibly the flu. It hadn't been around for eons but occasionally one or 2 show up before they are considered the dreadful covit.
Honestly, I'd belive the hospital tests are set to high. They make a killing off of positive cases and they are eager to plug victims into ventilators without hesitation. Hospitals are where you go to die.
edit on 25-8-2021 by starshift because: Typo

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 07:14 PM
How does that work in countries with socialised healthcare then?

It's similar the world over give or take?

a reply to: starshift

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 07:38 PM
It's the same cult worldwide as far as the western pharmaceutical priesthood operates.

a reply to: nonspecific

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 01:02 PM
Why are yall testing for Covid - now you are in a database to be tracked forever.
Maybe yall have a common cold. Every symptom yall had, could have been a number of common things we all get every year.
I dont mean to offend, but I am super leery of our government and their tracking and this covid crap.

We have been told over and over those tests are not reliable. That is why the same test will show different results when used w/in minutes of each other. There is also no retail test for the Delta - so dont let anyone tell you, you have that variant!

My daughter was sick this week with the same symptoms - NO WAY I was going to give her a covid test. I gave her some nyquil and soup and made her sleep....and she is fine now. I feel a bit #ty tonight, I will nyquil up and be fine by the weekend.

Anyways, I hope all of yall feel better soon!

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