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Masonic Numerology-Satanic Plans for a Scripted Future-WWIII, Fake Invasion, Unnatural Disasters

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posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:16 PM
Part 1
This presentation is geared towards showing that the mainstream (NWO, Great Reset) idea of what the ‘elites’ are trying to achieve, is in fact a front, a cover for what they're actually striving for – intentional destruction. This agenda is one plotted on a very specific timeline, with a profoundly complex and intertwining numerology encoded into the dates, times, locations, etc. It all has to do with time and timing, and involves a scripted, sequentially planned unfolding of future events such as the fake alien invasion, false flag meteor strikes, triggered earthquakes and volcanoes, large scale land sinkings, a Second Coming of Christ hoax, and WWIII.

Unfortunately, many evidences I have that have served in fully confirming my knowledge and beliefs regarding this, are experiential. Bear with me though. The information I have is very intertwined, much of which requires context, but I do have various material references to back up some of my experiential information. I will share (some of) these experiences with you, and you'll need to discern for yourself in regards to the potential validity of the story I'm presenting. The rest of my evidence mostly pertains to the Masonic numerology encoded into the events the ‘elites’ have executed in the past, and plan for the future. Again, bear with me as there are some uncanny patterns to the numerology I will be presenting here, but it requires an in depth foundational foreknowledge to understand. I would encourage you to look at what I'm presenting, while embodying a healthy balance between open-mindedness and sound skepticism, because both are necessary. I realize the ambiguity of what I'm presenting, and I would never expect anyone to blindly accept what I say, though to blindly reject it without consideration may be a disservice to yourself.

I not only expect scrutiny, I welcome it. I figure many will have extreme doubts about what I'm presenting. I can't say I would really blame anyone for that. It is EXTREMELY controversial, so I GET IT. However, I can almost GUARANTEE that anyone who hears what I have to say about the ‘elites’' future plan, and really takes what I’m presenting into serious consideration, no matter the extent that one questions or rejects it, once it begins to unfold, you most certainly WILL think back to what I said. That's in large part why I'm doing this. I don't care in the slightest about credit. I just want to shed light on what IS TRUE, so perhaps this information can help some people, either now or in the future.

After I present my claims about the ‘elites’ and their plans, I will then tie it into what I have come to KNOW in my heart as the truth about death and the afterlife, of which the elites are WELL AWARE, and essentially everything they do is ultimately geared towards luring and misleading the masses away from this truth. I will present many tangible physical evidences of this truths' validity, and hopefully some of you may choose to dig deeper. Though, I would also say that the truth can never be fully realized through thought alone, as the mind can deceive you. Prayer is a VERY important tool. USE IT!!! ❤🙏

Please keep in mind that in what I say, I say it in the most humble way I can. Despite the major implications of the information I have to share, I'm always quick to admit that in the vast expanse of everything that is knowable to mankind, both as individuals and as a collective, I myself know VERY LITTLE. I'm very modest in my position. I don't intend to force my views on or offend anyone, and you're entirely entitled to take what I say in whatever way you choose. In all honesty, knowing what I have learned up to this point with respect to this topic, I'd rather NOT know it and NOT be here sharing it with you now. It is important to realize also, there is a line to be drawn between what someone believes, no matter how strongly, and what someone knows. Belief may or may not be fully in line with objective truth, but real knowledge is ALWAYS grounded in objective truth. However, knowledge can only be realized, when your heart and mind are BOTH aligned with that part of objective truth.

As a general rule of thumb, if you have ANY doubt in your heart as to the validity of a belief you have, that may just be because that belief is not grounded in objective truth. So, if what I’m presenting, namely what I'll address later regarding death and the afterlife, disturbs you or exposes doubts in your heart about your own core beliefs, there's a damn good chance that's because your beliefs are not grounded in objective reality. No offense meant, but being TRUTHFUL with yourself and DISCERNMENT are both EXTREMELY important. Real knowledge vanquishes ALL DOUBT from your heart about its validity. Unfortunately, sometimes people will cling to a belief so strongly, and become so accustomed to dismissing doubts in their heart about it, that those doubts may become less and less prevalent, to the point that someone may confuse strongly held beliefs with knowledge, when in reality they have deceived themselves by ignoring and covering up the doubt in their heart about it. I hope that you will be respectful, considerate, and thoughtful in addressing what I say, as reactionary, emotional responses will only serve to hinder intellectual discernment.


I'm not going to pretend like I know everything in regards to the foundation of this numerology. It is highly complex, largely in part due to the supernatural (Satanic) origins of it. This explanation is a combination of things I have learned, and (some of the) interpretations I have made regarding the properties of time, the tetrahedron, and tetrahedral numbers, and how they relate to the foundational Masonic numerological matrix.

I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the planet Saturn being part of the 'elitist' Satanic ritualistic practices. Saturn(God), in Roman ideology, is heavily associated with time. Saturn is the equivalent of the Greek titan Cronus, which literally translates to time, specifically chronological or sequential time. Cronus has a brother, or son in some interpretations, named Kairos, which is the personification of opportunity, or opportune TIME for action. Both Cronus, and Kairos are depicted with wings, and thus Saturn has over time become depicted with wings as well, to further signify relationship with Cronus and Kairos. This all has to do with time and timing. So, when you hear about "Saturn rituals", please realize that it has to do with time and timing. Interesting to note as well, there is a hexagonal shaped cloud structure fixed at the north pole of Saturn and an eye storm fixed at the south pole. Neither are well understood, according to NASA. Hahaha, “according to NASA" 😂😭…best take that with a grain of salt.

On the other hand, we have the Tetrahedron. Tetrahedrons are also known as 3-simplexes. Simplexes are the simplest possible polytope (flat sided shape) in any given dimensional space. So, a
0-simplex = a point
1-simplex = a line
2-simplex = a triangle
3-simplex = a tetrahedron
4-simplex = a 5-cell (a four dimensional object bounded by 5 tetrahedral cells)

Because of Einstein's (and others') work in showing that time is an inseparable part of the 4th dimensional plane, it can be said that the 5-cell, which is essentially a 4D tetrahedron, is the simplest and most DIRECT connection between the 3 dimensional observable universe (the tetrahedron) and time itself (4D tetrahedron). So, this definitely plays a part in the reason tetrahedral numbers are so paramount in this numerology, and how it ties in to the importance of time and timing. I won't get deep into tetrahedral numbers, in part because I don't know a lot about them, but I wanted to try to show some explanation as to why I'll use them here, in defining the foundation of numbers of greatest importance to the "elites". It is also worth noting, that ALL of the silicate minerals which make up ~90% of the earth’s crust, have tetrahedral molecular structures!

(Videos are just highlighting tetrahedral geometry - not necessary to watch)

Water is also predominantly associated with tetrahedral structures!!

As well, ALL known life is Carbon based, and Carbon is always tetravalent, meaning it strongly desires to, and often does form tetrahedral molecular bonds.

Tetrahedral geometry is BY FAR the most fundamental molecular structure in the building blocks comprising the earth, and ALL life that inhabits it.

With the importance of tetrahedral geometry having been addressed, I will now move on to the Masonic numerology. There is a 69 at the top of the Royal Freemasonic Arch.

Notice, it is sideways - it is literally the symbol for the Cancer zodiac. The 69 also relates to the concepts of order out of chaos and chaos out of order, as above so below, and others which will be discussed later on. The foundation of these principles are NOT based in objective truth. The foundation is SATANIC, based in DECEPTION. So, we have the 69, aka CANCER, on the KEYstone of the arch. Emphasis on KEY. The KEYstone is what holds the arch up. It's both the FOUNDATION, in a sense(what holds it up), and the highest point, or HIGHEST PRIORITY on the arch. The ‘elites' that embody and perpetuate these principles of deception, and take part in these rituals are literally the cancer of the world.


These rituals are meant to invoke supernatural Satanic influence to entrance and deceive mankind through black magic. The principles and DECEPTION associated with AND the numerology that stems from the 69 on the KEYstone, are both the foundation AND the highest priority in ALL that the ‘elites’ do. The DECEPTION is the KEY, stemming from, and looping back into itself, just like the principle of Yin Yang that also stems from the 69. It's all tied together.

So, we have the 69 at the top of the Masonic Arch. If you take the 6 - that represents mankind. For one, all known life is carbon based, and carbon has an atomic number of 6. In Biblical teachings, the 6 represents mankind and evil or sin. Another thing, Saturn is the 6th of 9 planets. So, the 6 represents mankind, but is also tied to time (Saturn). Now I'll bring in the tetrahedral numbers to reveal the foundation of their numerological matrix. From the 69 on the Freemasonic Arch - take the 6 (That’s us)

The 6th tetrahedral number is 56
6x56 = 336+633 = 969
This number is also tied to Saturn, which moves at 9.69 km/second.

Take the number 969
969+(9×6×9) = 1455+5541 = 6996
Notice the 69 and its flip of 96, comprising 6996

Then, back at the 69 on the keystone of the arch. The 6th tetrahedral is 56, and the 9th tetrahedral is 165.
56x165 = 9240+0429 = 9669

Notice 9669 is 6996 flipped. This numerology is the major reason, if not the ONLY reason, the 6 and 9 are drawn as flips of the other.

Then we have 5555, another big player in all of this. I'll explain more later on the significance and root of 5555.
And, 5555 is tied to 6996
Like so
5555+(5×5×5×5) = 6180+0816 = 6996

Another big player is 8888, which is from the 404 verses, and 22 chapters in Revelation.
404x22 = 8888
And, 8888 is also tied to 6996
Like so
8888 = 88x88 = 7744, and
7744 = 77x44 = 3388, and
3388 = 33x88 = 2904, and
2904+4092 = 6996

Finally, we have 666, the mark of the beast.

In total there are two 3 digit numbers that are part of the most important numbers that form the foundation of Masonic numerology. The two 3 digit numbers are
666 and 969
666+969 = 1635+5361 = 6996
Also, from 1635 =
1635+(1×6×3×5) = 1725+5271 = 6996 again.

So, in total there are six MAJOR numbers that form the foundation in this numerology matrix. They are
969 (tied to 6996)
5555 (tied to 6996)
6996 (itself)
8888 (tied to 6996)
9669 (flip of 6996)

There are many more minor numbers in this matrix, but I intend to show that many of the most significant events in our history, are latent with the BIGGEST of the Masonic numerology - The six numbers that I highlighted above. I may skip some of the lesser numerology in my presentation and examples, because it is already complex and cluttered enough, trying to show all this stuff.

In ancient Greek, the number 6 is represented by a symbol called a stigma (στ). The name stigma (στίγμα) was also a common noun meaning “a mark".

Stigma further translates in English to

1.      An association of disgrace or public disapproval with something, such as an action

2.      A visible indicator of DISEASE

In ancient Greek, the number 9 is represented by the symbol theta (θ), and theta was also used as an abbreviation for θάνατος (thanatos, “death”).

See where I’m going with this? Remember, mankind is the 6. The 6 also represents a mark, as in marking mankind. The 6 also represents public disapproval, which the majority who know (some of) what the 'elites' are up to, fully disapprove of their intentions. The 6 also represents disease, which the 69 as a whole represents as well. The DISEASE is the CANCER of DECEPTION. And the 9 represents death, which EVERYTHING the “elites" do, has to do with misleading mankind from the truth of death – THE MOST IMPORTANT TRUTH, through DECEPTION! The numerology as a whole is also a mark (fingerprint). Marking mankind(6) for death(9) [69]

Now that I’ve addressed and presented the basis and foundation of the Masonic numerology matrix, I will give examples of past (large scale) historical events, and show how the foundational numerology is heavily encoded in ALL of them. Please, take your time going over this, and reread if need be to help it absorb and sink in. This may be pretty complex for a lot of people, and it tends to get cluttered. I assure you, I’m using the same technique EVERY time. It’s just showing the process involved in fully breaking each number down every time, would only serve to needlessly clutter these examples beyond recognition. I use the EXACT SAME method each time, but I only show the parts of the breakdown process that yielded results. This numerology is BY FAR the most repeatable, systematically structured numerology I have ever researched. The repeatability is there, but for those who are curious in seeing the full method used EVERY time, I'll include an example full breakdown to highlight the process I do each time in the comments.

That being said, here are various examples of large scale past events loaded with bigtime numerology:

From the SECOND largest to the LARGEST terrorist attacks in US history, Oklahoma City bombing to 9/11 was 2337 days.

Take the number 2337, and add the mirror of it 7332.
2337+7332 = 9669

2337 days is ALSO 6 years, 4 months, 23 days.
6y,4m,23d = 6423+3246 = 9669 again!

2337 days is also 333 weeks, 6 days.
333w,6d = 3336+6333 = 9669 again!!

The fact that it is second largest to largest attacks is very significant as well. The numerology means more that way.


There were 2977 alleged victims on 9/11.
2977 = 29×77 = 2233+3322 = 5555
And, from 2233 =
2233+(2×2×3×3) = 2269, and 22x69 = 1518+8151 = 9669

Of the 2977 alleged victims, 343 were firefighters.
The sum of divisors of 343 is 400, and the 343rd prime numbers is 2309.
343+400+2309 = 3052+2503 = 5555

2977 total victims, 343 firefighters.
2977 - 343 = 2634+4362 = 6996
And, instead add 343 to 2977.
2977+343 = 3320, and 33x20 = 660+(6×6) = 696, flip to 969.

2977 victims on 9/11 2001
911+2977 = 3888+(3×8×8×8) = 4812+2184 = 6996
Then, continue above, adding in the year 2001.
911+2001+2977 = 5889, and 58x89 = 5162+(5×1×6×2) = 5222, and 52x22 = 1144+4411 = 5555

Then, instead of adding, subtract 911 from 2977
2977 - 911 = 2066, and 20x66 = 1320, and 13x20 = 260+062 = 322
As many probably know, 322 signifies Skull and Bones Society.


The first plane on 9/11 took off at 7:59, and crashed into the north tower at 8:46
759+846 = 1605
1605+(1×6×5) = 1635+5361 = 6996
The above applies doubly because the mirrors of the times 957+648 = 1605 as well.

The second plane took off at 8:14, and crashed into the south tower at 9:03.
1) 814+903 = 1717+7171 = 8888
2) The plane impact at 9:03 is the one that was shown on media over and over and over again.
903+(9×3) = 930+039 = 969
And, 903 mirrored = 309
309+(3×9) = 336+633 = 969 again.
And it was shown over and over and over again. Then watched by researchers over and over again some more.

The first plane impact was at 8:46, the second was at 9:03.
846+903 = 1749+(1×7×4×9) = 2001, the year 9/11 occurred.
And, the times mirrored
648+309 = 957
957 is the mirror of 7:59, when the first plane took off.

The first plane took off at 7:59, the second at 8:14
759+814 = 1573+(1×5×7×3) = 1678, and 16x78 = 1248+8421 = 9669
And, from 1573
1573 = 15×73 = 1095+5091 = 6996

Finally, and I am skipping A LOT of lesser numerology here...
Take all 4 times for take off and impact of the 2 planes that hit the WTC.
759+814+846+903 = 3322+2233 = 5555

The planes used on 9/11 were 11, 77, 93, and 175.

1. Flights 11 and 175 crashed into the Twin Towers.
11+175 = 186+(1×8×6) = 234+432 = 666
Continue above, adding in the mirrors of 11 and 175.
11+11+175+571 = 768+867 = 1635+(1×6×3×5) = 1725+5271 = 6996

2. Take and add the mirrors of all 4 planes used.
11+77+39+571 = 698+896 = 1594+(1×5×9×4) = 1774
1774 = 17x74 = 1258, and 12x58 = 696, flip to 969
Then, continue above from 1594
1594 = 15x94 = 1410+(1×4×1) = 1414+4141 = 5555

3. Next, continue from #2 adding in the forward values of the flight numbers.

A) The numbers 11 and 77 are the same forward and mirrored, so omit their forward values to start.
11+77+93+39+175+571 = 966+669 = 1635
1635+(1×6×3×5) = 1725+5271 = 6996

B) Continue from A) by adding in the forward values of 11 and 77.
11+11+77+77+93+39+175+571 = 1054+4501 = 5555

The number 911 can be written 4 ways when flipped and/or mirrored.
911, 119, 611, and 116.
911+119+611+116 = 1757
1757 = 17x57 = 969

The sum of divisors of 911 is 912.
912+(9×1×2) = 930+039 = 969

The first 911 call in the US was placed on 2/16 1968.
Firstly the date was 2/16
216 = 6×6×6 = 666
2/16 1968 = 216+1968 = 2184+4812 = 6996

The 2 atomic bombs to end WWII, were drop on 8/6 and 8/9 1945.

1. The bombs were dropped on the 6th and 9th days = 69, referencing the 69 on the masonic arch.

2. The bombs were also dropped 6 days, and 9 days prior to Japans formal surrender = 69 again.

3. Bombs were drop on 8/6 and 8/9 1945.
8/6 1945 = 86+1945 = 2031+1302 = 3333
8/9 1945 = 89+1945 = 2034+4032 = 6336
Add those results
3333+6336 = 9669

4. Bombs were drop on 8/6 and 8/9 1945.
86+1945+89+1945 = 4065+5604 = 9669

5. The total duration of the war was 2193 days.
2193 days = 2193+(2×1×9×3) = 2247+7422 = 9669

6. US involvement was 1365 days.
1365 days = 1365+5631 = 6996
And, from 1365
1365+(1×3×6×5) = 1455+5541 = 6996 again!

According to Wikipedia, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection changed their "informal" name to CAL FIRE on 1/24 2007.
The "Camp Fire" - the most deadly and destructive 'wildfire' in Californian history, started on 11/8 2018.

1. Take just the dates 1/24 and 11/8, and add the forward and mirrored values.
124+421+118+811 = 1474
1474 = 14x74 = 1036 +(1×3×6) = 1054+4501 = 5555

2. Take the dates forward and add the year of 2018.
124+118+2018 = 2260, and 22x60 = 1320
1320 = 13x20 = 260+062 = 322 = Skull and Bones Society

3. Continue above, and add the other year of 2007
124+2007+118+2018 =4267+(4×2×6×7) = 4603
4603 = 46x03 = 138+831 = 969
And, return to 4267
4267 = 42×67 = 2814+4182 = 6996
And, from 2814
2814+(2×8×1×4) = 2878
2878 = 28x78 = 2184+4812 = 6996 again.

4. Next, take the dates mirrored and add 2007 also mirrored.
421+811+7002 = 8234+(8×2×3×4) = 8426
8426 = 84x26 = 2184+4812 = 6996

5. Continue from #4, and add the second year 2018, mirrored.
421+7002+811+8102 = 16,336
First, take the 10,759 days in Saturn's orbital period, and subtract from 16,336
16336 - 10759 = 5577+(5×5×7×7) = 6802+2086 = 8888
Then take 16,336 and multiply on either side of comma
16,336 = 16×336 = 5376
5376 = 53x76 = 4028+(4×2×8) = 4092+2904 = 6996

6. From the date the name CAL FIRE was adopted on 1/24 2007 to the start of the "Camp Fire" on 11/8 2018 is 4306 days

A) Take 4306 and add the first date 1/24
4306+124 = 4430, and 44x30 = 1320
1320 = 13x20 = 260+062 = 322 =
Skull and Bones Society

B) Instead, subtract 124 from 4306
4306 - 124 = 4182+2814 = 6996
And, from 4182
4182 = 41×82 = 3362, and 33x62 = 2046
2046+(2×4×6) = 2094+4902 = 6996

C) Instead from 4306, subtract the other date 11/8
4306 - 118 = 4188+(4×1×8×8) = 4444+4444 = 8888
And, return to 4188
4188 = 41×88 = 3608, and 36x8 = 288+882 = 1170
1170+(1×1×7) = 1177+7711 = 8888 again.

CAL FIRE made the change on 1/24 2007.
The fire destroyed the city of Paradise on 11/9 2018.

1. Take the dates forward and mirrored, and add.
124+421+119+911 = 1575, and 15x75 = 1125
1125 = 11x25 = 275+(2+7+5) = 345+543 = 888, another more minor number which I will further address later.

2. Take the dates forward, and add the year 2018.
124+119+2018 = 2261, and 22x61 = 1342, and 13x42 = 546+(5×4×6) = 666

3. To #2, add the other year of 2007.
124+2007+119+2018 = 4268+(4×2×6×8) = 4652, and 46x52 = 2392
2392 = 23x92 = 2116, and 21x16 = 336+633 = 969
And, return to 4268
4268 = 42×68 = 2856+(2×8×5×6) = 3336+6333 = 9669

CAL FIRE made the change on 1/24.
Fire was started on 11/8.
The fire destroyed the city of Paradise on 11/9.

1. Take the dates mirrored and add.
421+811+911 = 2143+3412 = 5555
And, return to 2143
2143 = 21×43 = 903+(9×3) = 930+039 = 969

2. Continue from #1 and add the forward values.
124+421+118+811+119+911 = 2504+(2×5×4) = 2544+4452 = 6996

California was incorporated as a state on 9/9 1850, and the "Camp Fire" was set on 11/8 2018.

1. Take the forward and mirror values of just the dates.
99+99+118+811 = 1127 = 11/27
The city of Paradise was incorporated on Nov 27 = 11/27.

2. Take the forward values, and add the year of 1850.
99+1850+118 = 2067+7602 = 9669

3. From #2, continue and add the year 2018.
99+1850+118+2018 = 4085+(4×8×5) = 4245+5424 = 9669
And, return to 4085
4085 = 40×85 = 3400+(3×4) = 3412+2143 = 5555

California was incorporated as a state on 9/9 1850, and the city of Paradise was destroyed on 11/9 2018.

1. Take the forward values of just the dates.
99+119 = 218+(2×1×8) = 234+432 = 666

2. Continue from #1 and add the mirrored values of the dates.
99+99+119+911 = 1228, and 12x28 = 336+633 = 969

3. Take the mirrored dates, and add the year 1850, also mirrored.
99+911+0581 = 1591, and 15x91 = 1365+5631 = 6996
And, from 1365
1365+(1×3×6×5) = 1455+5541 = 6996 again!

4. To #3, continue and add the forward values.

A) 9/9 is the same forward and mirrored, so we will start using it just once, then add it in a second time representing the mirrored value.
99+1850+0851+119+911 = 3560, and 35x60 = 2100+0012 = 2112
2112+(2×1×1×2) = 2116, and 21x16 = 336+633 = 969

B) Now, add the 2nd 9/9 to above example A)
99+99+1850+0851+119+911 = 3659, and 36×59 = 2124
2124 = 2124+(2×1×2×4) = 2140, and 21x40 = 840+048 = 888 (again, I'll address 888 more later).

California was incorporated as a state on 9/9 1850, the "Camp Fire" was set on 11/8 2018, and the city of Paradise was destroyed on 11/9 2018.

1. Dates alone forward
99+118+119 = 336+633 = 969

2. Dates alone, mirrored
99+811+911 = 1821+(1×8×2×1) = 1837, and 18x37 = 666
Further, from 1821
1821 = 18×21 = 378+873 = 1251+(1×2×5×1) = 1261
1261 = 12×61 = 732+237 = 969

3. Dates alone forward and mirrored. 9/9 is the same forward and mirrored, so we will use 9/9 once, then twice.

A) Using 9/9 once
99+118+811+119+911 = 2058, and 20x58 = 1160, flip and mirror to 0911 = 9/11
Further, from 1160
1160 = 11×60 = 660+(6×6) = 696, flip to 969

B) Adding the mirrored 9/9
99+99+118+811+119+911 = 2157+7512 = 9669

4. Dates forward along with the year 1850.
99+1850+118+119 = 2186, and 21x86 = 1806
1806 = 18x06 = 108+(1×8) = 116, flip and mirror to 911 = 9/11

5. Dates forward instead with the year 2018.
99+118+119+2018 = 2354+(2×3×5×4) = 2474, and 24x74 = 1776, the year of the Declaration of Independence, a MASSIVE ritual which I will address further to come.
And, from 2354
2354 = 23×54 = 1242+(1×2×4×2) = 1258 And
1258 = 12x58= 696, flip to 969

6. Continue from #5, adding in the other year 1850.
99+1850+118+119+2018 = 4204, and 42x4 = 168+(1×6×8) = 216
216 is 6x6x6 = 666

7. Now, there are 2 dates in 2018, so add another 2018 to #6.
99+1850+118+2018+119+2018 = 6222+(6×2×2×2) = 6270+0726 = 6996

8. Now, take the MIRRORED dates on 9/9, 11/8 and 11/9, with the year 1850.
99+0581+811+911 = 2402+(2×4×2) = 2418
2418 = 24x18 = 432×234 = 666
And, from 2402
2402 = 24×02 = 48+84 = 132+(1×3×2) = 138+831 = 969

9. Continue from #8, adding the forward values.
99+99+1850+0581+118+811+119+911 = 4588
4588 = 45x88 = 3960, and 39x60 = 2340
2340+(2×3×4) = 2364+4632 = 6996

10. Now take the MIRRORED dates with the year 2018, also mirrored.
99+811+911+8102 = 9923, and 99x23 = 2277
2277 = 22x77 = 1694, and 16x94 = 1504+4051 = 5555

11. Continue from #10, adding the forward values, keeping just one 9/9, then adding another, representing the mirrored value.

A) 99+118+811+119+911+2018+8102 = 12,178.
Subtract the 10,759 days in Saturns orbit.
12178 - 10759 = 1419+(1×4×1×9) = 1455+5541 = 6996

B) Add the mirrored 9/9
99+99+118+811+119+911+2018+8102 = 12,277.
Again, subtract the 10,759 days in Saturns orbit.
12277 - 10759 = 1518+8151 = 9669

Butte County, where Paradise is located, was incorporated 2/18 1850.
2/18 = 218 = 99+119.
Thus, MOST of the numerology for California incorporation date on 9/9, and the day Paradise was destroyed on 11/9 counts DOUBLY, as Butte County was also founded the same year as Cali, in 1850.

So, Butte County, where Paradise is, was incorporated 2/18 1850, and the "Camp Fire" was set on 11/8 2018.

1. Take the dates alone, mirrored.
812+811 = 1623, and 16x23 = 368+863 = 1231+(1×2×3×1) = 1237
1237 = 12x37 = 444+444 = 888

2. Take the dates alone forward and mirrored, and add.
218+812+118+811 = 1959+(1×9×5×9) = 2364+4632 = 6996
And, return to 1959
1959 = 19×59 = 1121, and 11×21 = 132+(1×3×2) = 138+831 = 969

3. Continue from #2, adding the year 2018 forward and mirrored.
218+812+118+811+2018+8102 = 12,079.

A) Subtract the 10,759 days in Saturn orbit from 12,079.
12079 - 10759 = 1320, and 13x20 = 260+062 = 322

B) And, from 12,079, multiply on either side of the comma
12,079 = 12×79 = 948+(9×4×8)= 1236
1236 = 12x36= 432+234= 666

4. Continue from #3, adding the year 1850, forward and mirrored.
218+812+1850+0581+118+811+2018+8102 = 14,510.

A) Take the 11,983 words in Revelation, and subtract from 14,510.
14510 - 11983 = 2527, and 25x27 = 675+576 = 1251
1251+(1×2×5×1) = 1261, and 12×61 = 732+237 = 969

B) And, from 14,510, multiply on either side of the comma.
14,510 = 14×510 = 7140, and 71x40 = 2840
2840+(2×8×4) = 2904+4092 =6996

Butte County was incorporated on 2/18 1850, and Paradise was destroyed on 11/9 2018.

1. Take the dates alone, forward.
218+119 = 337+(3×3×7) = 400+004 = 404, for the 404 verses in Revelation.

2. Continue from #1, adding the year 1850.
218+1850+119 = 2187, and 21x87 = 1827+(1×8×2×7) = 1939
1939 = 19x39 = 741+147 = 888
And, return to 1827
1827 = 18×27 = 486+684 = 1170+(1×1×7) = 1177+7711 = 8888

3. Continue from #2, adding the other year 2018.
218+1850+119+2018 = 4205+(4×2×5) = 4245+5424 = 9669


The movie "The Sinking of Japan" was released on 7/15 2006, and the Japan quake happened 3/11 2011.

1. Take the dates 7/15 and 3/11 alone.
715+311 = 1026, and 10×26 = 260+026= 322 = Skull and Bones

2. Take the dates mirrored.
517+113= 630+036 = 666

3. Take the dates, forwards and mirrored.
715+517+311+113 = 1656, and 16x56 = 896+698 = 1594
1594 = 15x94 = 1410+(1×4×1) = 1414+4141 = 5555

4. Take the dates mirrored, and start adding the years. First with 2006, mirrored.
517+113+6002 = 6632, and 66x32 = 2112
2112+(2×1×1×2) = 2116, and 21x16 = 336+633 = 969

5. Instead of 2006, add in 2011, mirrored
517+113+1102 = 1732+(1×7×3×2) = 1774
And 1774 = 17x74 = 1258, and 12×58 = 696, flip to 969

6. Then the dates, forward AND mirrored, first with the movie release in 2006.
715+517+311+113+2006+6002 = 9664.

A) The EQ happeened in 2011, 5 years after the movie release. Add to 9664, from above.
9664+5 = 9669, exactly.

B) And from 9664.
9664+(9×6×6×4) = 10,960. Miltiply on either side of comma.
10,960 = 10×960 = 9600+0069 = 9669

C) And, return to 9664.
9664 = 96×64 = 6144, and 61x44 = 2684
2684 = 26x84 = 2184+4812 = 6996

7. Now, the dates forward AND mirrored, along with the year of the EQ, 2011.
715+517+311+113+2011+1102 = 4769 And
4769 = 47x69 = 3243+3423 = 6666
Further, from 3243
3243 = 32x43 = 1376, and 13x76 = 988+889 = 1877
1877+(1×8×7×7) = 2269, and 22x69 = 1518+8151 = 9669

The Japan megaquake and tsunami happened 3/11 2011 - Fukushima incident started 3/12 2011

1. Take the dates alone and add - 311+312 = 623+326 = 949
This number is from 911 = 911+(9×1×1) = 920+029 = 949

2. Take the dates alone, mirrored
113+213= 326+623 = 949

3. Thus, the dates forward and mirrored
311+113+312+213 = 949

4. Take the dates forward, and add the year
311+312+2011 = 2634+4362 = 6996
And, from 2634
2634 = 26×34 = 884+488 =1372+(1×3×7×2) = 1414+4141 = 5555

5. Now, to above #4, there are 2 dates in 2011. Add another 2011.
311+2011+312+2011= 4645+(4×6×4×5) = 5125
5125 = 51x25 = 1275+5721 = 6996

6. Now, use the mirrors of the dates with the year.
113+213+1102 = 1428+8241 = 9669

7. Then, dates with year, forward and mirrored.
311+113+312+213+2011+1102 = 4062+2604 = 6666
And, from 4062
4062 = 40×62 = 2480+(2×4×8) = 2544+4452 = 6996

8. And the date of Fukushima meltdown initiation, on 3/12 2011 alone.
312+2011 = 2323+3232 = 5555
And, return to 2323.
2323+(2×3×2×3) = 2359, and 23×59 = 1357+7531 = 8888

9. Now, 3/12 2011, forward and mirrored.
312+213+2011+1102 = 3539, and 35x39 = 1365+5631 = 6996
And, from 1365+(1×3×6×5) = 1455+5541 = 6996 again.

Still skipping some minor stuff, as would require more explanations and only serve to further clutter things.

Depending on how much people engage with this post, I have A F#!% LOAD more to present, if there's iinterest. Part 2 (of 3) of the presentation is EXTREMELY controversial, in fact probably bordering on some of the most controversial information any of you have ever seen or heard.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:17 PM
Example breakdown for those that are curious:

As for when I break the numbers down, I do follow the same patterns every time. There is so much more to all this, but I can't just go showing everything there is to someone newer to this, and also because I don't even know all that there is. There's too much to look at. However, when I break a number down I do the same thing each time. I add specific dates or numbers that correlate to one another together to get whatever number they yield. You can try it forward, try it reversed, with or without the years. For big events, you will generally find quite a few key numbers as you break everything down. You need to have an opened mind, and try to think of how they would express things symbolically. I try to stay within 4 digit numbers as it gets extremely complex if I don't. When I break a number set down myself, I do this, as an example.

1126+2016= 3142
I can add the mirror of 3142 to get to 5555.
3142+2413 = 5555

Then, there may be more to that value so,
3142+(3x1x4x2)= 3166
Then I break that all the way down by splitting in half and multiplying.
3166 = 31x66= 2046
Now that number does lead to 6996
2046+(2x4x6) = 2094+4902 = 6996, but I don't ever add the numbers multiplied by themselves twice in the same breakdown step. [Eg: already did it back at 3142+(3×1×4×2).]

Instead I continue to break it in half and multiply.
2046 = 20x46 = 920+029= 949
949 does have some minor significance
911+(9x1x1)= 920+029= 949.
Once I reach a 3 digit number or less, I'm done with that phase.

I then go back to 3142, before +(3x1x4x2).
Split in half, multiply and repeat.
3142 = 31x42= 1302+(1x3x2)= 1308
1308+8031 = 9339, which doesn't have any easily discernible significance, so I don't show this value in my explanations.

Then, back at 1308 - split in half and multiply down to 3 digits or less.
1308 = 13x08 = 104+401= 505
Again, 505 has no easily discernible significance, so I don't show it in my explanations.
Then, back to 1302, before (1×3×2).
Split in half, multiply and repeat.
1302 = 13x02 = 26+62 = 88, yes I skip that value too.

So, add the numbers multiplied by themselves, split in half and multiply down. Go back to the value I started with and repeat until it's broken right down to 3 digits or less.

Also, I only ever add the mirrored value a max of 3 times but, it's almost always once or twice max.

Yes, certain things need to be mirrored or with or without the years but, that's because the values are made to also align with other key dates that correlate to what I'm looking at. Also, the amount of days or hours between 2 dates are usually made to correlate, and/or the days of the year and/or days remaining, but usually more than one or all of those factors are made to correlate in some way. The bigger the event, the more numerology to be found in it using those steps above, for the most part, but there are other more complex steps too that I leave out and have only looked at myself really. It gets far too complex to try to explain certain things, and there's surely still A LOT I don't understand about it all. It's a huge matrix, and basically unable to be fully grasped by the human mind itself. That's because there are other unseen, supernatural forces at work here.
edit on 13-8-2021 by Nickok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:24 PM
Would you be able to summarize the op into a few bite sized paragraphs?

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

Honestly, writing isn't my strong point, but I'll give it a shot. Also my first post I've done on here, so learning the system. Took me a LONG time to compile all of this information, and there's so much necessary context for understanding. 😅😐
And this is only part 1 of 3.

edit on 13-8-2021 by Nickok because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-8-2021 by Nickok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:51 PM
The math is interesting, I love numerology.
Things like this are more just for the fun and mystery around it to me and not about certain belief systems.

why the mirrors? you say:
because the values are made to also align with other key dates that correlate to what I'm looking at.

do you have an example of that?

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Nickok
a reply to: GoShredAK

Honestly, writing isn't my strong point, but I'll give it a shot. Also my first post I've done on here, so learning the system. Took me a LONG time to compile all of this information, and there's so much necessary context for understanding. 😅😐
And this is only part 1 of 3.

I would appreciate it, the title is intriguing and matches up with my theories of whats going on.

It seems like you put a lot of work into this.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 02:57 PM

edit on 13-8-2021 by GoShredAK because: Duplicate post

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

The math is interesting, I love numerology.

- Yea, it's fun for sure. This is by far the most repeatable numerology I've ever researched.

Things like this are more just for the fun and mystery around it to me and not about certain belief systems.
- Would you agree that the 'elites' use it though? This story gets really wild in the next part. It'll hardcore challenge people's beliefs.

do you have an example of that?
Tough to show exactly what I mean, but its because the timeline is all intertwined, so they try to fit as much numerology they can in, while being mindful of correlation to other relevant dates, past and future (planned).

As an example, for instance:
I showed one of the relationships between Oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11, the second largest to largest terrorist attacks in US history (2337 days between).

Take the number 2337, and add the mirror of it 7332.
2337+7332 = 9669

2337 days is ALSO 6 years, 4 months, 23 days.
6y,4m,23d = 6423+3246 = 9669 again!

2337 days is also 333 weeks, 6 days.
333w,6d = 3336+6333 = 9669 again!!

Now, the siege at Waco is said to be the major influencer for the patsy Timothy McVeigh committing the OKC Bombing. So, while OKC was planned to correlate numerologically to 9/11, it was also made to correlate to Waco, in that it occurred two years to the day after the end of the Waco seige.

Waco - ended 4/19 1993
OKC - happened 4/19 1995

419+419+1995 = 2833+(2×8×3×3) = 2977 = the total victims on 9/11!!
2977 = 29x77 = 2233+3322 = 5555

Continue, adding in the year of Waco in 1993
419+1993+419+1995 = 4826
4826 = 48x26 = 1248+8421 = 9669

edit on 13-8-2021 by Nickok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

Yes, it is indeed what is going on. I'll see what kind of engagement I get with this post first, before I decide to maybe rewrite it. It's just that the amount of necessary context and foreknowledge needed is quite a lot.

Did you not read it?

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 04:49 PM
Very cool.

originally posted by: Nickok
a reply to: GoShredAK

Yes, it is indeed what is going on. I'll see what kind of engagement I get with this post first, before I decide to maybe rewrite it. It's just that the amount of necessary context and foreknowledge needed is quite a lot.

Did you not read it?

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Nickok

Your now my favorite Writer, umm, yea, my very favorite, umm, writer. STAR AND FLAG!!!

"And the Truth, Shall set us free"

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Nickok

I read through and back tested the I was reading, it occurred to me that my mind was subconsciously trying to make a "figure", a picture of some shape out of the numbers. Something like a dodecahedron........I dont know why.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: UnRepentantHarlequin

Thanks! 😊 Just trying to shed some light on the truth of these troubling times.

Just wait, it gets even more interesting. For instance, I can tell you that 9/11 was a ritual initiated at least as far back as the year 1752. In 1752, you had the English (and her colonies) calendar switch from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar. Did you know 11 days don't exist in 1752? There were only 355 days that year, and guess what month the 11 days were removed from?


In month 9, 11 days were removed.
And, the 9th of 11 days removed WAS 9/11!
I get more in depth about that later though.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: TonyS
Lol, thanks! 😊🤷‍♂️

Refer to above reply to UnRepentantHarlequin.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: TonyS
The numbers are all thoroughly confirmed by myself, but that's good you're confirming for yourself. Open-minded skepticism and rationality are entirely encouraged! 😎👍

Not sure about the dodecahedron though. 😅 Hopefully it was easy to follow.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: Nickok

I read the whole thing and gave ya a S&F.

Even though I don't believe any of it. It was a fun read! Looking forward to your next one!

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 05:42 PM
Arithmomania is generally recognized by the psychiatric community as a kind of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I assume this would mean that if you wanted to stop doing all this crazy math you could probably go to a doctor and get some anti-depressants or anti-psychotics that would bring it down to a point where you wouldn't even notice it.

Just think of all the free time that would give you.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 06:14 PM
I'm going to confess that I was hooked for about 4 hours! LOL

Was trying out your 'system' to more local historical events that have a lot of mystery and conspiracy around it.
I don't see your key numbers in my calculations, but I do keep coming up with multiple times the same double digits like 3636 ... and 9999. Not sure if those are significant.

To be honest,
I find myself going into 'odd' calculations, with the mirror numbers, and I think I can keep going until 'something' comes up. If all this is true then shouldn't there be a pattern or calculation that is always the same?

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: KawRider9

I don't blame you for your skepticism. It is extremely controversial stuff, and the next parts only get more so into the grey areas. Glad you enjoyed though! 😁

Was it easy-ish to follow? 😅

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

While I agree that I am for sure obsessed with this stuff, I would never take pharmaceuticals to mask it. And it sure as heck doesn't mean that I'm wrong, and you'd be lying to yourself if you said you knew I wasn't on to something here. Strongly believe, sure. Know, absolutely not.

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