Ahhhh, a break from Covid.... to look at other idiots lol
(Mods, please move if RANT is not the correct forum thanks)
So, buddy comes to me, can't figure out how to unlock a phone he just bought. So I tell him, no prob, let me take care of it. Now, the CRTC here
changed their regulations back in 2017, I think it was December 2017, we're interested in unlocked/unlocking phones. The new regulation was that ALL
mobile phones in Canada had to come unlocked or could be unlocked FREE OF CHARGE by the carrier.
You can read the entire code -
Main Code
But you'd be better off reading the simplified code -
Simplified Code
(just look up "unlocking" without the quotes in your browser, usually CTRL F)
So what does it say about unlocking in the CRTC code?
F. Mobile device issues
1. Unlocking
i - Any device provided by a service provider to the customer for the purpose of providing wireless services must be provided unlocked.
ii - If a device is, or becomes, locked to a service provider’s network, that service provider must unlock the device, or give the customer the
means to unlock the device, upon request, at no charge.
Back to the idiots at FIDO.... Since, IMHO, they have a rather crappy service and even crappier support, these clowns are hemorrhaging customers. They
are fleeing in droves. So FIDO has instituted a policy that they will refuse to give you the network unlock code unless you have the original owner's
name and account/phone number. This means that anyone buying a phone used has to get detailed information from the seller, which they may not want to
give, or the seller has to unlock the phone, if they are the original owner.
There is NOTHING in the CRTC regulations that apply these kinds of conditions to unlock a phone or to deliberately make it difficult for the person
trying to unlock the phone. The code information from F.1.ii is very specific, "service provider must unlock the device, or give the customer the
means to unlock the device, upon request, at no charge."
So it appears FIDO is breaking the regulations, I am filing a formal CRTC complaint on July 26, 2021. Don't know if it will do any good, but since the
rules are very specific on the responsibilities of the service provider, I am going to push for loss of their license plus a few hundred bucks for me
screwing around with this BS ;-)
The jag-offs at Fido are at --->
Fido Phone: 1-888-481-FIDO (3436)
The CRTC are at ---->
CRTC Fax: 1-877-782-2924
The most comical part of all of this is that FIDO has a link to the CRTC regulations that they must follow to keep their license, but they ignore
Cheers - Dave
edit on 7/23.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: missed a word