posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 11:03 AM
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I flipped into Jimmy Kimmel a couple of nights ago and he did a little bit of street interview.
I guess that we all recall that Leno used to do interviews on the street with people who didn't know simple things like who was the first president or
who won the first world war. Those were funny enough though saddening at the same time. And of course we know that the interviews were ''cut'' to show
the stupid answers and not those who got the questions right.
And of course there were the Fallon street interviews where the interviewer asked questions and muddled the questions by scrambling words
nonsensically after the person had decided that they knew the answers enough to give an opinion all the while not hearing what was being said to them
at all.
But this series on Kimmel was very interesting. With a microphone shoved in their faces and a camera pointed in their direction, the interviewer asked
questions about last nights Oscar awards. Of course the Oscar awards at not until a couple of days from now, but that did not seem to matter.
The questions sounded legit and done with a straight face. Those interviewed then acted as if they had seen the previous nights ceremony and one after
another expounded on their impressions of what had been on. It was hilarious yet deeply concerning. Just like my post here, making an attempt to
appear intelligent while all the while very possibly not knowing much at all as certainly the whole bit could have just been set up, that is the
people were told it was a phony interview and they were to make up stupid stuff to make it funny.
Yet I think not. Decades ago I was sitting at a bar when I was approached by a guy who said he was working for the local newspaper. He wanted my
opinion on how well OJ Simpson would do in the upcoming playoffs. Well, I din't know $hit from Shinola about that years football season but I
expounded with my opinion none the less. What I spewed out was exactly the same kind of stuff that I heard being said by those people in Kimmel's
interview, mainly pure rubbage.
There seems to be something about us not wanting to look stupid going on, especially when there is a camera filming it or a microphone recording it. I
guess that there is a lot of psychological study that has gone on about how our consciousness is being transformed by the ubiquitous presence of
devices that can elevate any of us up onto the ''big screen'' of life that is so much more impressive than our own small and meaningless lives. I
Oh, that newspaper guy was for real. Two days later my picture showed up in the sports section with the crap I had flung as if it was real. I was
ashamed and vowed to myself that the next time that type of situation occurred I would be honest and proclaim I don't know S from S so go interview
someone who gives a flying frog. I"m still waiting.