posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 02:47 PM
I am NOT anti-vaccine. Never have been and never will be.
I advocate for and often proselytize for initiatives like the Genetic Literacy Project to dispel asinine conspiracy theories regarding GMOs and
vaccines. I am not a Mike "The Health Ranger" Adams groupie and find that guy to be a class A con man. Natural News and everyone who writes for that
idiotic rag is responsible for more injuries than any vaccine could ever be with their bull# homeopathy.
I advocate for the rigorous approval process and phase trials required by law on all medications. It's what keeps people from dropping like flies from
unscrupulous drug-makers. Unfortunately, it is also what creates a monopoly for the companies that are currently at issue with regard to the
SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
My first issue with this vaccine is first and foremost the lack of accountability at ANY level for what may potentially be harsh or deadly effects of
this new vaccine and variants of the same technology.
The second is the lack of phase trials to test this vaccine and variants with better data and long-term effects with a wide enough sample pool for
statistical significance. I work for a company that would NEVER be allowed to do this under any circumstances and we don't do in vitro with our drug
delivery systems or the drugs themselves.
The absolute disregard for HIPAA and its limitations against the wide disbursement of medical information is amazing to me. We just gave up on that
law, right? Did we repeal it or something? It seems to have been repealed de facto as a response to COVID19.
The racist distribution policies that are being pursued.
Lastly, the litany of 1984-like carrot and stick approach to the liberties of Americans. The coercive nature of the policies being imposed are
absolutely antithetical to the liberty of Americans and should be abandoned as a tactic entirely. This is not a way to ensure compliance, it will only
encourage revolt and we all know where that could go.
These are REAL concerns. You don't have to be anti-vaccine to ask these questions and expect answers that satisfy and if they don't, demand reforms
that will.