Geez some big issues. Though there pretty much the same issues as ever. though I do think lying about everything is kind of a big issue.
I think ultimately mermaids are to blame for this. Like I said. Females lie, and some lie so much its like keeping up with the kardashians on the
lies they told and now have become a reality for them some 20 years ago. And now they must lie even more to keep up with the lie which has turned
into a reality.
What I am saying is. Women have a lot of power, and not because there the brightest and smartest thing out there. But because of biology 101. And
well most control factions know this every advertizment company out there know this by now. its why so many products are pushed and geared toward
Even modern things like going out to buy a house or basic things. Is for the most part geared toward women. And the guy just goes along with whatever
and noods his head. Like Edward Bernais did long ago when the cigarette companies came to him to get there bottom dollar to go up some few billions
of a points.
So they got the biggest group of people to start smoking? Know what group that is. Wasn't black people, or asian, or kids or any of that. It was
women. Prior to edward bernais it was considered unladylike to smoke. Then it became smoke because men have been oppressing you for untold generations
and you need to smoke.
And well now a days. its just become a big ass fake circus, were the woman is always right and every dumbass just goes along. And whole marriages are
based on this. But between the two genders. Women have bigger egos by far. There are very few men out there who are so dodedly always want to be
But even they eventually come around to saying. Ya! I was wrong. And move on.
Sorry to say. But. Women are kind of dumbasses when it comes to some things. Its not that they are wrong. Its more like they would not know what is
right if it was presented right in front of them for the past 10 years right under there nose had a bit sign with an arrow pointing at it day in and
day out.
Simply because they want to be right. And what is right is usually dictated. Well by the media and other theories that women have based on the
opinions they heard form there friends who heard it from there friends friends. Its like a gaggle of geese and a game of telephone.
All based on some opinions. Which at best may be considered theories. Which got taken and mistaken to be what real life is based on.
They have an inferiority complex kind of how a short man has a little man complex. The majority of women are kind of out to prove something which not
only exists in there heads. But was made up and packaged by a giant conglomerate some 20 years ago and sold to the masses through constant bombardment
on the Tubes and TVs.
Till eventually it became normal. And now every dumbass just nods his head goes along. And that for the great majority may be there marriage.
Because that's the kind of power women have. They are worried about what they would look like on Instagram and Facebook or even some people they know
at work which they will only know for at most a year or two.
Then any real issues. Basically, there are a great and large population of women, mostly in the United States. That can be considered morons. And if
you get attached to them or marry them. It will make your life a living hell. Just because there not mature or incapable of anything but playing
Mind games basically have become a reality and favorite sport among the masses.
And its just not worth bothering with. And that has shown and the stats are there to show that this phenomenon is much more prevalent in the US and
developed world then anywhere else. Which again. Makes sense as in other countries and places. They have not time for stupid #.
And its also not worth posting pictures once in a while on facebook showing the world how great everything is, when everything is based on a lie.
Like I said. When you have somebody more worried about there public image to a public who does not even give a #, and wont even remember it by
tomorrow? Well. Its kind of like falling into the same hole each and every time.
And so we come to the real issues of things. And that is, mermaids and princesses. And a whole big confusing mess that is the female mind. Usually
this sort of thing is outgrown by the time people reach there 30 somethings. But I think its safe to assume for many its not. And any female under 30
just may be considered a walking talking contradiction out to prove an issue which only exists in her head.
And the rest? Well it would make for a very confusing state of things. When everybody is just bull#ing everybody else. So ya. Kind of leads to the
issues of today does it not?
I agree with what your saying.
Your post is fairly convoluted though, I can see why, it is a touchy subject and one that is very inflammable.
To expand along the same theme as you were saying about cigarette smoking. I have always said that the destruction of the nuclear family by making it
‘desirable’ for both parents to work had the added ‘benefit’ of doubling the tax base.
A brave post galad 3rd
a reply to: galadofwarthethird
You had to emphasize your laughter with capitals. You'll have to do a lot better than "I know you are but what am I?" to indicate my apparent
frustrations and general triggeredness.
Manly men don't get so defensive for their own being and they definitely don't go on the attack because someone said mean things about my daddy...
Your dad's a good guy... Swell for you, you're a good son defending his honour.
edit on 5-4-2021 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)