posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 11:36 PM
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A cool poem brah! But! I think they should make an opinions forum.
Or maybe all forums should be reclassified as opinion forums.
Or maybe all the net and all media should have a small print on the bottom which says. "All that you see and read here, is but an opinion"
Or maybe in all the world wide the only thing that exists is but opinion and opinions.
And to make my point. Love is but an opinion one has. For the most part, a brief opinion in the time scale of things. The love a good steak dinner
seems to be the strongest form of love out there and also the longest lasting.
But that to is an opinion. Opinions to the left of me! Opinions to the right of me! Everywhere I look, opinions stare back. Whatever my point is?
Is but an opinion on your opinion.