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As a Lifelong Friend and Ally of China / Why Isn’t North Korea Wealthy in 2020?

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posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 09:59 AM
Think about it. China is on a race to economically "colonize" the continent of Africa. It’s not just for low labor costs but also for the gems, minerals and all other natural resources. OK fine I get that. But, what about China's lifelong friends and neighbors and how are they doing with the CCP economy booming since the mid 2000's. I am specifically talking about North Korea or DPR. Basically it sounds like China hasn't shared much of their new found wealth with North Korea does it. Why?

We read all kinds of stories of economic agreements that Xi Jinping is establishing with Laos, Vietnam, Burma and of all countries; Taiwan and many many more.

Yet North Korea? Nothing..............................

So where do I get my material for writing this thread, well for one from the front page of China Daily dot com.

So, all I did was type in "North Korea" on the search bar for stories within their web site. So what came up? NOTHING Anything on North Korea? NO. But this story did:

China Daily

After eight years of unremitting efforts, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement was formally signed on Nov 15. The agreement involves the 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and five of its major trading partners-Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea. The total population and GDP of the 15 member economies account for 30 percent and 29 percent of the world total respectively. But since China has already signed bilateral free agreements with 17 economies, including with ASEAN, Australia and the ROK, why is the RCEP still so important to it?

So, this is how China treats North Korea after decades of faithful service to the CCP? It’s more like an ugly sister they keep her locked up in a closet. Hell, it’s actually like child abuse when you think about it. So why is that?

I know there are 100's of CCP supporters on this site and that's fine. However I don't have the “angle" on what they are attempting to accomplish here. It’s kind of like those in the Southern USA who keep dogs locked up in a cage for their next dog fight. Although illegal. The dog’s life exists only to either live or die just another day so some filth of a human can place a bet on which animal survives.

So is that it? So they keep the entire country economically disadvantaged just like an underfed pit bull? Angry at the world and on a short fuse. I mean take a look at the younger sister. Talk about rage on steroids. But at the end of the day; all they know is what they know. Just like over here in the USA, just at a different angle!

Too bad they no longer follow Confucius. The world would be a better place.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

When you deal with North Korea, you deal with basically a handful of people. There's no company's or corporations that lobby those people to sign trade deals etc. They will come around since they house the majority of the coal needed to feed the coming economic boom that China has planned for their growing middle class.

The future of global trade will be massive regional or continental groups like NAFTA / USMCA.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Think of China and N. Korea as Frienemies.

China and North Korea are not the same, but to the Western mind they see them as such.

Do you have rich friend and poor friends? Why don't your rich friends give your poor friends a big chunk
of money... there answered your question..

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Like the comment. They need to throw him a bone. Then again Global media have been pushing north and south reunion like Vietnam

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

So they keep the entire country economically disadvantaged just like an underfed pit bull?

China is not keeping N. Korea disadvantaged, North Korea is keeping itself disadvantaged and
China is not going to interfere.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:36 AM
That's an obvious answer.

Kim Jong-un has everything he needs. He's clearly very wealthy. Seems his inner-circle is doing pretty well, too. What else matters?

You know, kind of like the US congress that vote themselves fat raises and and throw crumbs to the plebes. Same exact attitude.
edit on 2020 12 27 by incoserv because: typo.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:41 AM
One has to remember the country that created N.Korea and why....

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Sure about that? He does love his missiles and rockets. He could manufacture more with more. Plus hes got that Iran link

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

North Korea isn't actually a friend of China. China tolerates NoKo because it puts a buffer zone between them and US ally South Korea.

China is not going to invest heavily in NoKo because it really doesn't have any benefit for China and NoKo being a sovereign nation isn't going to be keen on China interference.

It benefits the world for NoKo to stay in the dark ages for now. When NoKo opens up is when the troubles begin; they don't speak the same standard form of Korean they do in SoKo and they don't speak a form of Chinese; they don't have the culture or education of China or SoKo; they don't have the infrastructure to join SoKo or China.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

As a creation of America why isn't Liberia Wealthy in 2020 ?

I don't see why you would think China should make its noisy neighbor wealthy , it keeps the North afloat because it suits China but North Korea is its own country.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Ah yes our Masters over at the Central bank and that vintage German family with middle east roots founded in 1577.
edit on 27-12-2020 by Waterglass because: roots

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

The average South Korean is not keen for reunification. Can you imagine the upheaval that will create? Think when East Germany reunified with West and the problems. A Korean reunif will be far worse. NoKo is decades behind South Korea not just in wealth and infrastructure but also in culture and education.

It will be a huge burden for South Korea to assimilate NoKo and they will require vasts amounts of revenue and help from other nations that really aren't that keen in putting out the effort when keeping NoKo right where it is works for now.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Identified

The average South Korean is not keen for reunification.

You don't know what you're talking about.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 11:10 AM
North Korea is just a buffer for China, from the U.S. in South Korea.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Friends and allies??? I would beg to differ. They're only allies in the sense that...'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. Beyond that NK is viewed as a parasite by China, and they create all sorts of issues for China. NK is like having a bunch of destitute gypsies living next door to you. Every time they knock on your door you cringe and make sure there's a gun nearby. They steal your stuff, ignore your boundaries, sneak onto your property, get your kids addicted to drugs and act like complete idiots.

NK doesn't really have anything China needs. Coal maybe, but that's about it. More than anything NK stands as a buffer zone between the west and China because invading China from the south would mean wiping out millions of NK's in the process which would be a diplomatic apocalypse for anyone who tried it. China knows this, else they would exterminate that little worm in a Beijing second otherwise.
edit on 12/27/2020 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Identified

The average South Korean is not keen for reunification

That's not what I wrote. I wrote that the Global MSM is pushing it. Just look at all the articles about it. Forget about what the commoner thinks as they have as many rights as we have right here in the USA.

Let them attend all Psy concerts

Rights? correct; as in slim or none.
edit on 27-12-2020 by Waterglass because: typo

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yes I do. How long did you live in SoKo and how many South Korean friends and relatives of yours have you asked.

Unification is necessary: 38.9 percent of 20-29 year-olds vs. 71.0 percent of 60+ year-olds

Positive attitude to a one-nation state: 20.9 percent of 20-29 year-olds vs. 47.3 percent of 60+ year-olds

Negative attitude to a one-nation state: 47.2 percent of 20-29 year-olds vs. 26.6 percent of 60+ year-olds

It’s not only the younger generation that holds this view. Overall public support for reunification has steadily declined in the South Korea, where 57.8 percent see it as necessary, down from 69.3 percent in 2014, according to a survey published last year by the Korea Institute for National Unification, which is funded by the South Korean government. But among young people, many of whom aren’t swayed by appeals to ethnic heritage, the number is far lower. According to the survey, only 38.9 percent of those in their 20s say reunification is necessary.

posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Well, that's the entire point of my thread as rising waters float all boats but not in this case as the North Koreans are viewed as "dogs" by the CCP based on your comments.


posted on Dec, 27 2020 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

I think Global MSM is pushing it as a narrative to claim the West isn't doing what it should to stop the threat of NoKo.

Global MSM are more about feels and less about geopolitics with every passing day.

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