Isn't it fascinating that John's "666" and the "mark of the beast" being related to buying and selling commerce, inclusion and exclusion are still the
boundaries of when freedom becomes slavery. Orwell's "1984" is so similar as a warning of what not to do if we want to remain free. I have noticed
since the Virus made its mark upon the whole world and all people that these boundaries are seriously being imposed upon.
I was reading yesterday over at "Jerusalem Post" comments section to an article relating to the Haredim's projected slow response to a state social
insistence that the citizens need to have the vaccine. The authorities and media are well hostile to any who for whatever reason will make the choice
to not have the vaccine or defer it for some time. In Israel MOST people do not want the vaccine right away. They want to wait. The secular commens
were truly hating on the Haredim and being well religiously intolerant. That is Jew hating on Jew, secular hating on zealot. If Jews can be split so
easily under the strain of this then you may safely bet that the other nations could be made to hate within their societies more easily.
St. John set the boundaries of human freedom on behalf of G-Dly tolerance of behaviour at the point where humans get forced to do something by a state
or power or excluded if they do not. The Almighty does not force us. HE gave us free will for a very good reason. That is the boundary not to cross
for any state. The fact that the vaccine has been so heavily invested in and the whole market is being designed for future use as an economic tactic
to make money for investors next to the deployment of inclusion and exclusion tactics to enforce vaccination does make it a mark of a beast in
In essence people could be forced to take a vaccination because investors need it to make their profit. The investment would fail if people did not
take up the vaccine and the investors would lose a lot of billions instead of making many quick billions.
Here we have a mark that is generated for motives of profit potentially. It could mean social and state inclusion or exclusion for those who do or
don't accept it from the state. It is overstepping the boundaries where freedom becomes social and state slavery. The "666" of John's mark is an
allusion to Solomon's 666 Talents,
1 Kings 10:14
Solomon's Wealth and Splendor
14The weight of gold that came to Solomon each year was 666 talents, 15not including the revenue from the merchants, traders, and all the Arabian
kings and governors of the land.…
It is there related to as a tribute. People were forced to pay the tribute. It is not like income tax. It is for a king and his own purse of
John really did acurately find the tender spot that has a meaning in all ages and universally. Recently it has been given the go ahead to bring green
vaccine passports into Jewish/Israeli society in Israel. It will mean that those who are vaccinated get the green "go" and can function in society and
those without will have to be locked down. How closely this begins to resemble a tier system among humans of those who can function and are included
and those who can't function and are excluded.
"1984" for me is Orwell's vision of how we would fall into state slavery. There are too many things happening now that resemble his nightmare
dystopia. We are falling blindly into state slavery. Think even about online exercise classes, for example Peleton and Zoom. Remember how Winston had
to do his exercises before the TV and being watched by the instructor who could see him too. You know writing "1984" destroyed George. It destroyed
his health and killed him writing that warning for us. He wrote it in the cold on an island. Remember how John wrote his Revelation from a cave on an
The reason I will not have the vaccine is because the virus is not generally a killer of nearly all of us. It is not much worse than the sepsis we had
for a few years in Britan. That really did kill a lot of people and young people too. I heard of two people getting it around my own age. One died and
the other was very very poorly. I have not heard of one person near me dying of Covid. Also, I am making a point and telling Warren Buffet and Bill
Gates to stop being control freaks. They are not G-D. We live in democracies and my vote is as important as their votes are.
It has come to the point where I think I would rather die than have that jab in my arm and make money for Warren and Bill. We have to avoid crossing
the boundaries where freedom becomes slavery. The West is under attack and its freedom is being toyed with by politicians and investors. It is being
squeezed for profit by bankers and investors who are having their boom out of this Virus.
edit on 20-12-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)