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President Trump has tested positive for COVID 19...can anyone verify?

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posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 03:59 AM
The sources are just coming in but they are ones I have never heard of. I will update in a minute but any large media outlet or Reuters reporting yet?

So it seems both the New York Times and the BBC are running stories on this so it is true. There are various scenarios we could have unfolding unwilling discuss but first heres video confirmation from the BBC.

Now feel free to delete my thread as I update since I bet a number of us are at present chiming in not knowing about the others' OPs amd each less likely to have begun the original discussion.

Assassination!? Sure here at ATS we must start with logic and sensible explanations for world events. So why start with this? Well you can look back at 3 or 4 of the last things I posted. I kept citing Nancy Pelosi who kept saying some seriously cryptic yet disturbing threats with no intention of making them. I'll find the clips now but the most recent was a video where someone asked about the Dems likelihood of winning the election against Dinald Trump when he seemed to be holding on to serious popularity. She laughed and said it doesn't matter. He doesn't matter. He isn't even running in this election so I can already guarantee that Donald Trump wont be President come January, again he wont even be in the running.

edit on 10/2/2020 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/2/2020 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/2/2020 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
The sources are just coming in but they are ones I have never heard of. I will update in a minute but any large media outlet or Reuters reporting yet? Assassination!?

Its all over the British press and news.

He has tested positive along with his wife and is said to be in quarantine.

Edit to add sky just reported Putin has wished him a swift recovery.

edit on 2-10-2020 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

WHAT? Are you serious? President Trump is a human being?

That should help him win next month by an even larger margin!

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

He tweeted himself, what more verification do you need?

However that doesn't mean it's actually true, although I support him he's not unprone to telling a lie or two is he.

I get the feeling he's bunkering down due to intel of some greater significance - what that is remains to be seen he sure as hell ain't disclosing the truth IMO but over at Westmoreland there has been a swarm of earthquakes totaling 600 over past 72 hrs so maybe the big ones coming.

He's hiding from something but it ain't his contagiousness.

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
The sources are just coming in but they are ones I have never heard of. I will update in a minute but any large media outlet or Reuters reporting yet?

So it seems both the New York Times and the BBC are running stories on this so it is true. There are various scenarios we could have unfolding unwilling discuss but first heres video confirmation from the BBC.

Now feel free to delete my thread as I update since I bet a number of us are at present chiming in not knowing about the others' OPs amd each less likely to have begun the original discussion.

Assassination!? Sure here at ATS we must start with logic and sensible explanations for world events. So why start with this? Well you can look back at 3 or 4 of the last things I posted. I kept citing Nancy Pelosi who kept saying some seriously cryptic yet disturbing threats with no intention of making them. I'll find the clips now but the most recent was a video where someone asked about the Dems likelihood of winning the election against Dinald Trump when he seemed to be holding on to serious popularity. She laughed and said it doesn't matter. He doesn't matter. He isn't even running in this election so I can already guarantee that Donald Trump wont be President come January, again he wont even be in the running.

yep...pure karma...finally

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
The sources are just coming in but they are ones I have never heard of. I will update in a minute but any large media outlet or Reuters reporting yet?

So it seems both the New York Times and the BBC are running stories on this so it is true. There are various scenarios we could have unfolding unwilling discuss but first heres video confirmation from the BBC.

Now feel free to delete my thread as I update since I bet a number of us are at present chiming in not knowing about the others' OPs amd each less likely to have begun the original discussion.

Assassination!? Sure here at ATS we must start with logic and sensible explanations for world events. So why start with this? Well you can look back at 3 or 4 of the last things I posted. I kept citing Nancy Pelosi who kept saying some seriously cryptic yet disturbing threats with no intention of making them. I'll find the clips now but the most recent was a video where someone asked about the Dems likelihood of winning the election against Dinald Trump when he seemed to be holding on to serious popularity. She laughed and said it doesn't matter. He doesn't matter. He isn't even running in this election so I can already guarantee that Donald Trump wont be President come January, again he wont even be in the running.

I dont remember what I kept commenting but it was usually just shock and it built up from saying they should fine Pelosi to they should investigate her, then I said she should be charged with a crime for what were veiled threats and that final message she put out there made me say she needs to be dragged out from her COVID hideout immediately, screw due process and Mirandizing and all that since she owes the American people one thing and immediately...on immediately broadcast live TV the American citizenry deserve a detailed explanation of what she meant by promising us he wasn't going to be a candidate in the 2020 election since she seems to be suggesting she is part of a plan that she must be insane not knowing that most Anericand arent on board and never asked her to intervene. The timing of this seems after those comments more suspect than the US president being given all kinds of preventative treatments catching it from mixing fluids with some random person when it would be the easiest easiest thing in the world not to mention an obvious move for a nation which hosted a worldwide summit 4 weeks before the outbreak where it was decided 100 nations needed to very soon conduct a simulation of a Coronavirus which comes from a bat in a Chinese animal market (I kid not, see the front page of the Agenda 201 summit) and quickly spread. All those nations agreed but didnt make the scheduling of the simulation public but wouldn't you know 2 more weeks pass and the US releases its first ever Pandemic Bonds which Bonds bought entirely by the private investorsnof the FED and two final weeks pass and Covid 19 theybname a new virus from a Chinese bat...almost as if a play on words of an initiative well connected...the Bill and Melinda Gates Certificate of Vaccination ID movement....yes those gates...whose polio trademark vaccine infected 60000 children in Chad in August 2020 with Polio after live Polio was leaked into the inkections.

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

Obviously I have serious problems with my ATS at the mlm moment so I will have to abandon my post even though I never got to the other possibilities each more likely yet less evidence leading up to....but also I can rest assured that my lack of eloquence and brevity will be shown up big time by someone with a knack for presenting things like this...we have some real artists of information relation here and their conveying these things in an organized and well flowing document trumps my attempt with a broken ATS issue of a malfunctioning edit button. I'll let others add what I am missing and just be a commentator from here on. My appologies.

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:29 AM
The President and Melania are getting well wishes from all over the world. People who hate Trump according to our Terrorists-owned mainstream media.

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:46 AM

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 08:42 AM
Earlier thread here


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