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originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
a reply to: pthena
What about Adam and Yahweh?
What about Adam and Yahweh?
I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty’—but I did not reveal my name, Yahweh, to them.
originally posted by: TzarChasm
originally posted by: Pachomius
originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
There's no cause and effect, there's freedom.
Dear Out6, I can't make out what is your point with saying:
"There's no cause and effect, there's freedom."
Please elaborate.
Here are the points I am making with my earlier message:
1. Do you notice that monotheists are always into causation, and atheists eschew causation:
2. because they know in their heart of hearts, that if they care to do honest intelligent productive thinking, and investigate causation,
3. they will inevitably sooner than later come face to face with God,
4. God in concept as the creator cause of man and the universe and everything with a beginning.
Pachomius posted on Sep, 5 2020 @ 08:46 AM
Dear readers here and my opponents here, and also atheists, do you notice that monotheists are always into causation, and atheists eschew causation: because they know in their heart of hearts, that if they care to do honest intelligent productive thinking, and investigate causation, they will inevitably sooner than later come face to face with God, God in concept as the creator cause of man and the universe and everything with a beginning.
It's critical to note that when you are studying causation you must be able to identify the nature of the cause by measuring and documenting its explicit properties so those quantified qualities can be confirmed from as many investigative channels as possible. Saying "we know what happened but we don't know how" is an oxymoron. And being unable to demonstrate that phenomenon in action is also problematic. Simply inserting some cosmic anthropomorphic creature without laying the groundwork for how it was measured and identified and documented is lazy. No one on earth has any actual evidence of divine or supernatural material that can be examined in a practical environment and studied by experts from every field. It just doesn't exist.
NB My 12 steps to prove from evidence the existence of God in concept etc below.
Title of thread: Wanted: Honest intelligent productive thinking to resolve the issue God exists or not.
Author of thread: Pachomius
posted on Jun, 25 2020 @ 01:12 PM
OP of thread:
On the assumption that mankind sincerely seeks knowledge, I submit that it is possible for any person to come to resolve the issue God exists or not, with honest intelligent productive thinking, i.e., thinking on truths, facts, logic, and the history of ideas. Now, honest intelligent productive thinking on the said issue must start with working together to concur on the concept of God. What do you dear colleagues here say?
Pachomius posted on Jun, 25 2020 @ 01:12 PM
On the assumption that mankind sincerely seeks knowledge, I submit that it is possible for any person to come to resolve the issue God exists or not, with honest intelligent productive thinking, i.e., thinking on truths, facts, logic, and the history of ideas. Now, honest intelligent productive thinking on the said issue must start with working together to concur on the concept of God. What do you dear colleagues here say?
12 steps to prove the existence of God:
Dear everyone, as there is an oft repeated request for me to show my proof on evidence for the existence of God, in concept as the creator cause of man and the universe and everything with a beginning, allow me to reproduce my post, below, for your study.
After you have studied it, may I just ask you to kindly bring up No. 1 line, for us all to discuss: you see, without your acceptance of No. 1, it is impossible for you to understand the whole procedure of my proof.
So, if you don’t first bring up No. 1, I will opt to not give attention to your message.
Pachomius posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 07:13 AM
Dear everyone, here is my exposition proving from evidence the existence of God, in concept as the creator cause of man and the universe and everything with a beginning.
1. You and I and he she it, we all exist, do you accept that?
2. You and I and he she it, we came from our parents, do you accept that?
3. Our parents came from their parents, do you accept that?
4. We all humans make up the human race, can you accept that?
5. The human race had a beginning in the universe, can you accept that?
6. Scientists tell us the universe had a beginning some 13.8 billion years ago, can you accept that?
7. There has been the domain of existence prior to the beginning of the universe, can you accept that?
8. In that domain of existence prior to the beginning of the universe, there has got to be an entity, which created or caused the coming to the beginning of the existence of the universe, can you accept that?
9. Evidence is anything existing which leads man to ascertain the existence of another thing, can you accept?
10. Wherefore, man and the universe and everything with a beginning are the evidence to the existence of an entity, which created or caused them to come to existence, can you accept that?
11. And therefore we can call that entity in concept and in name, as the creator cause of man and the universe and everything with a beginning, can you accept that?
12. If you cannot or will not accept that God exists, are you not then either irrational or dishonestly stubborn against the existence of God?
Dear everyone, please point out what Number 1 to 12 you have difficulties with, okay?
originally posted by: Pachomius
Attention to posters who care to give their concept of what is evidence:
I will not attend to your definition unless you can succeed to the following requirements:
1. Right from the start mention what is evidence, is it a kite, is it a bird, is it a pot of gold, is it flying spaghetti monster, is it something that exists - otherwise don't bother to proffer your concept of evdience.
2. Limit your concept to not more than the maximum of 15 words.
If you cannot comply with these two reaquirements, then for my own insight that is evidence that you have no capacity for genuine honest intelligent productive thinking and writing.
Here is my definition of what is evidence:
"Evidence is anything at all existing leading man to know another thing existing." (13 words)
Tzar posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 09:43 AM
[ quote] (originally posted by: Pachomius)
Attention to posters who care to give their concept of what is evidence:
I will not attend to your definition unless you can succeed to the following requirements:
1. Right from the start mention what is evidence, is it a kite, is it a bird, is it a pot of gold, is it flying spaghetti monster, is it something that exists - otherwise don't bother to proffer your concept of evdience.
2. Limit your concept to not more than the maximum of 15 words.
If you cannot comply with these two reaquirements, then for my own insight that is evidence that you have no capacity for genuine honest intelligent productive thinking and writing.
Here is my definition of what is evidence:
"Evidence is anything at all existing leading man to know another thing existing." (13 words)
[ /quote]
You're ignoring me because I'm making some damn good points and you know it. I can keep reposting as long as I feel like it serves a purpose buddy.
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edit on 8-9-2020 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)
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Creationism vs Evolution debates (ad nauseam)
"I think therefore I am" is misleading. the true fruit of life is "I have done therefore I have been".
originally posted by: neutronflux
originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
a reply to: neutronflux
Where did the large animal come from? Eternal crap?
Where did god come from if everything needs a beginning and creator. And where did all the matter and mass of the universe come from.
Or is the universe just a bunch of matter in an endless state of flux? That has always existed?
You assume God follows the laws of physics , Of course that is not the case.
God does not need a beginning or an end , because God exist outside the realm of time .
originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
Bigfoot is not omnipresent, Bigfoot is an animal found in the woods. I thought God would've told you by now.
originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
a reply to: neutronflux
I see. I can't come in. There's nobody inside.
originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: asabuvsobelow
So god is now like Bigfoot? Bigfoot cannot be found, so Bigfoot is now morphed into an interdenominational being?
So god doesn’t need a beginning. And matter and mass are are constructs of the human mind, and god isn’t?
I see people getting killed by the matter and mass of bullets, knives, and cars. Seems matter and mass cause very real and permanent death. I think that’s is real as real gets.
What’s your proof of god. That God is beyond reality like Bigfoot?
You assume God follows the laws of physics , Of course that is not the case.
God does not need a beginning or an end , because God exist outside the realm of time .
How is that any difference than stating the mass and matter of the universe has always existed in a endless dance of flux.
If god always existed, then there was never a void. What if matter and mass have always existed, that too means there was never a void. And it doesn’t take a human construct of god.
Your stuck mate on what other people have told you about God .
Your stuck on what you can understand, on what you think you know.
IF we were created by God and that's a big IF , then the complexities of God that created us are beyond us you have to understand this. You see it everyday in nature , in human choice , in the biology of the human body in every thing .
Stop listening to other people or what books say , try quieting your mind and creating a personal relationship with God.
I see that you all wrongly conflate God with religion, you can have religion without God.
And you can have God without religion.
originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: Pachomius
perhaps you may want to start the convo?
I'll give ya a shove... No one can prove the existence of God to another...
originally posted by: seedofchucky
a reply to: Akragon
Well there is that 1 way . That cheat of theology . Messengers with miracles. Easily proves existence of god . Everyone watches dead man rise , or blind see , or handicap walk .. Its game over. Sign me up !~ But do we get that today ? noo.....we gotta play the pick the right cup game lol
originally posted by: Teikiatsu
I think you'll need to define what you think God encompasses.
From my upbringing and personal philosophy, God existed before the universe began. He exists outside reality as we know it, can walk into and out of the universe the way an architect can walk in and out of a building he designed, has fundamental understanding and manipulation of the entirety of the universe because He designed it from the start, and thinks in ways beyond human comprehension.
So good luck with that.