posted on Jun, 23 2020 @ 12:07 PM
When the immune system over reacts to the virus or another illness like pneumonia takes hold, it becomes covid-19. Remember, the vast majority of
people who died from this virus died because they were old or they had another problem like COPD or Cancer which is not good in the first place, the
added virus then depletes their immune system regulation and they get really bad. The majority of the sick elderly in nursing homes that died
probably would have died because of the flu, but remember, this virus does not have symptoms in many of the young that are working in those homes, so
it is the undetected passage of this disease that is what is so much of a problem, not the fact that the virus itself is that dangerous.
If I was eighty, living in a nursing home, I would rather spend the little time I had left, poor quality time, with my family and friends. I am not
afraid of dying, I am afraid I will be an invalid sitting in a nursing home, I do not want to be an inconvenience on people when I get old. I will be
happy to go to the senior center and talk with other people and have lunch or coffee, but during covid that was not possible.
Why are the young so worried about us older people? If we are in bad shape, eternal rest is a blessing. I would never want to cause so much damage
to society by having the young losing everything so I could live in a nursing home with incontinence.
The deaths listed on the official tallies are not correct, just because you have the virus or diagnosis of possible covid 19 does not mean that the
covid killed you. They were not even testing for the flu for people who came in for covid testing, so having the flu with covid all became covid
The whole thing is riddled with deception piled upon deception. The truth is, lots of old people died, people with a lousy future most times where
death was a blessing. Doctors do compassionate things for these kinds of people, if the people or the kids say it is ok, they let them die so they do
not have to suffer so much. If the lung damage is major, it is better to ease the future pain. I am all for that, I will try to make sure my kids
know what I would like, but will have my kids or wife make the decision, I will not sign an advanced directive giving the doctor the right.
If I do get bad, I will have the daughters or wife have the doctor give me a flu vaccine, that will trigger a cytokine storm and I will die within
three or four days probably, if I manage to get through the storm, maybe I am strong enough to get through that, maybe I will reconsider since the flu
vaccine will definitely make me super sick if I am healthy.
They falsify medical research all the time, they design things to show results they want. Other sciences do the same thing, they design research to
show what they want to show in many sciences.