posted on Jun, 17 2020 @ 01:38 AM
"Get your ASS to Mars, get your ASS to Mars, get your ASS to Mars" - Total Recall
Did you ever wonder why this line is a major part of the movie? It's because Mars will be the new home for people between Uranus (YOURanus) and the
Currently there is a marriage between the Sun (7) and Saturn (1) and the planet directly in between those two is Earth (4), where the marriage is
consummated. The major rings around Saturn signify the wedding ring.
BUT, it's possible a major divorce is happening and the Sun (7) needs something even more potent than Saturn (red, root chakra, blood, 1). This would
be the next planet further away from the Sun (because the further away from the Sun you are, the less you actually need the Sun to warm you up = more
physical). This planet is Uranus (YOURanus) and represents 0. Get it?
So, if the Sun decides to marry YOURanus, this would mean there is no actual planet directly in between the two. So what does this mean? Welp, this
just means a new (or returning) planet will show up and reside somewhere between Earth and Uranus. This new or returning planet will simply make Mars
the direct in between planet between the Sun and YOURanus. GET YOUR ASS TO MARS = the marriage between the Sun and YOURanus, which is consummated on
Sun (7) (9)
Mercury (6) (8)
Venus (5) (7)
Earth (4) (6)
MARS (3) (5)DIRECTLY IN THE MIDDLE, the new home for "life", which is why there is so much Mars stuff in the news)
Missing Planet? (4)
Jupiter (2) (3)
Saturn (1) (2)
Uranus (0) (1) (notice the news stories about the rings that are becoming more visible = new wedding ring)
There is much more but I don't feel like explaining it.
edit on 17-6-2020 by FlukeSkywalker because: (no reason given)