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99 percent of us won’t die. 100 percent need our next paycheck

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posted on May, 4 2020 @ 09:11 AM
"Working class people out there protesting..."

Yeah, right.

All I see are retards with guns out there yapping about their cause
or retards pushing one political party or another
or retards out there yapping about LGBTQXYZ123 rights or some bull$hit

Don't like having to work a sh!t job, learn a new skill. Spend less time ranting on conspiracy sites and more time on YouTube or other sites that might educate. Practice what you see and apply it

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 10:28 AM
Your OP title is incorrect. It seems less than 100% need their next paycheck. They are doing just fine so we just need to grin and bare it.

a reply to: Isurrender73

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: McGinty

So by your logic it's ok for that loving family that is worried about contracting the virus (most likely will happen at some point regardless of all of these measures) and dying (most likely won't happen) to demand that those "non-essential" employees, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck must stay home from work. Many of those individuals have now lost jobs, have no income, will struggle to pay bills, pay mortgage, pay for groceries, etc. Many will fall into depression, mental illnesses, etc. and will result in homelessness, suicides, etc. But, b/c that sweet, nice family is scared of acquiring the virus, it's perfectly fine for them to demand that happen to those folks. But it's not ok for those that want to continue to work and keep their livelihoods afloat to do so b/c they may be putting that family at risk. So if you are afraid of the virus, you are free to demand others suffer greatly for your own safety. But if you aren't afraid of the virus, you have no right to demand the ability to continue pursuing happiness (and keep in mind, that doesn't mean running around trying to get people sick - - it means opening the economy, getting back to work and being as safe as possible without ruining businesses) and your livelihood must suffer and you will possibly fall into despair and die, to protect others from getting sick and possibly dying.

Sound logic.
edit on 4-5-2020 by acparker7 because: typo

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:00 PM
The only reason it is only 1% is because everyone is staying home. Could easily be 10x that number if we were all doing our normal thing.
edit on 4-5-2020 by sligtlyskeptical because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: acparker7

Unfortunately those who want and can afford to live in fear seem to be sociopaths claiming to be empathetic.

I am empathetic to all sides. But I always default to logic. I was good with flattening the curve. But now that the real numbers are out I believe that far more lives will be destroyed by this lockdown than by the virus.

Sometimes life throws difficult decisions at us. We must choose the one who impacts the least amount of people and ensures the health and future of the most.

To reopen is the only logical thing left to do at this time. People will die if we reopen, people will die if we stay locked in place. One of these deaths is natural for the human condition, the other is induced by unnecessary fear and Sociopathic behavior.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: acparker7

Far too many of the ones out on the streets demanding the state to open the doors cant even bother putting on a mask before they go screaming into our police officers faces!! How are yous gonna feel when the time comes to open up and it cant be done because half the police force in the state capitols and wherever else they've been gathering to scream are out of commission because of covid??
How many businesses currently open have provided any type of ppe to their employees... hint key word in ppe is personal, meaning it protects the wearer, not everyone else around them?
Safety first!!

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

I think most people are selfish, if the world fell apart over night, people would go ape. There's evidence of this in times of hardship. Most people these days don't know how to care for themselves other than posting selfies of how godlike they are. eg. facebook.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:12 PM
For the last 5 years my mother has had a very serious case of COPD with constant pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis and all the illnesses that follow due to lack of oxygen in her blood, and all the medications she requires that have side-effects. She is on constant oxygen, and can hardly walk 15 feet before needing to take a break. She's had the illness much longer, but every time she has an "exasperation" it seems to get worse. 5 years ago it finally got bad enough to put her on permanent disability. It's only down hill from there, it never gets better.

COPD is worse than cancer in my opinion because there is nothing you can do to repair lung damage at her age. At least with cancer you can try chemo or surgery. This disease was self inflicted by smoking, something I've begged her to stop almost every day of my conscious life. I probably would have tried even harder if I knew how bad COPD was, and how much easier it is to get than cancer. I always thought cancer was worse, but at least with cancer you can still breathe out after breathing in. Imaging not being able to breathe out, only in...

The scary part is that if my mother gets the flu, or even a small cold, it could send her to the hospital with life threatening breathing issues and can very likely kill her. This means every flu season myself and my family are worried constantly. Almost every holiday we treat as it may be her last. Anytime one of us gets sick, we cant see her. This has been going on for 5 years.

Now with COVID-19... all of a sudden... people just now realized there are 1% out there that can die from a flu or virus? I am just wondering where the heck everybody was the last 5 years? Why all of a sudden have you all just realized the normal flu kills 60k a year? You just now decided to stop the entire economy to "help" reduce the spread of this new virus? Why only this virus? Why now?

You may say COVID is more infectious, or more deadly, but it doesn't really seem to be the case for the 1%. Nothing has changed for them. It still is spread the same way. People can still carry the normal flu for many days and even weeks before realizing they have it, so incubation period isn't much different. Nothing changed for the 1% because they still have to treat everybody as if they have some virus, as they have been before COVID.

From my perspective, and my mothers, it all seems to be selfishness. It seems the fear that is being spread all over the media about this has people more worried about themselves than anything else. We think those people are hiding behind the 1% as an excuse. They are trying to pretend they are righteous and pro life, and trying to protect the 1%, but they are really just trying to protect themselves.

Otherwise, were people just not aware about flu deaths and now they are? What about other deaths like heart disease? Do they not care about those people? Do they only care about this virus because its transmittable, and they themselves may get it? I think so. Otherwise we would stop the entire economy and close down every donut shop and fast-food restaurant in the world to rid ourselves from obesity. We would ban alcohol and cigarettes completely too. If you cared about 1% dying well a lot of them are dying because they once smoked cigarettes in their past. So lets all finally ban tobacco?

I don't feel the economy should be shut down. We should protect the weak and vulnerable (as some of us have been doing for years) while everyone else goes on about their business. It's great more people are conscious about spreading germs and viruses, for that I am thankful. However we must think about the younger generations, and their new kids, and let them all have a life and go back to work. There are many that are going homeless and starving because of this. That is not acceptable.

We all die eventually. Let's not cower in our homes and fear it. Live.

edit on 4-5-2020 by More1ThanAny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Completely agree. I have been saying from the beginning we absolutely must do everything we can to protect the vulnerable.

One of the best things we can do to protect the vulnerable is for the 99% to actually get the disease and develop natural immunities. Once we reach herd immunity the danger for the most vulnerable will actually decrease significantly.

If the 99% were truly empathetic they would be standing in line to receive the actual virus so they could gain immunities. But like you said, the sociopaths are hiding behind the 1% pretending to be empathetic.

I personally would stand in that line. And would prefer the actual virus to a vaccine that are proven to be less effective than natural immunities.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

I'm sorry about your Mom, sounds like she has no immune system. Times are dicey right now and it's taking a toll on people mentally and physically. I wish your family well in these dark times.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: acparker7
a reply to: McGinty
...your livelihood must suffer and you will possibly fall into despair and die, to protect others from getting sick and possibly dying.

yes, that’s about the sum of it. Make your choice, empath or psychopath, it’s entirely up to you.

Tell me, how many have died so far from getting sick and despair?

Today brings the number of deaths from the virus to 250,977 and that’s with lockdowns. How many more without the lockdowns is a truly scary thought.

Lift lockdown too soon and you exacerbate the severity of the next inevitable peak meaning fewer hospital beds, therefore more deaths (try catching up on the Italian news from a few weeks back; people dying in hospital corridors).

Btw, FYI when you espouse things as truths, yet base all your arguments on ‘most likely’ and ‘possibly’ you need to try harder or rethink your POV.

edit on 4-5-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: TGunner
I think most people are selfish, if the world fell apart over night, people would go ape. There's evidence of this in times of hardship.

There’s plenty of evidence in this thread.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 03:36 PM
What super natural powers and prescient ability
did politicians use to write HR 748 Cares Act
package back in Jan 2019, a full year before
Covid19 came on the scene?

Need proof? Read it for yourself.

CARES stands for Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act. Which was introduced on
01/24/2019 by Joe Courtney D-CT

Which means this material was written
prior to Jan 2019.

These people are playing us for fools.
edit on 5/4/2020 by MrBlaq because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

At this point the hold out is undeniably political .

Certain measures had to be taken to preserve life and not have this turn into a real horror show, but the experts know that the end all to this pandemic is Herd Immunity and if they know so do the Politicians.

And Herd Immunity can only be obtained by letting this Virus run its course which will cause more deaths , But the Longer the Left controlled Media calls for a lock down the more damage is done to the economy and peoples patience . The left knows this and they do not care as long as it is making POTUS look bad they will keep it up no matter the cost.

If a Democrat was in office we would have the after burners on trying to get this economy back to normal a quickly as possible , but alas its a Republican and they want him gone End of Story .

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Frigging RIGHT. I already DO work from home, and my income is more than comfortable, but this OP NAILS it. I think there are too many people going around guilting others for wanting to go back to work, as if the orders from the governments are absolute drops of gold, and anything that dissents about them or questions them is going to "put us in danger."

This is about FEAR more than anything. Out the window goes everyone's ability to DO SIMPLE MATH, to figure out that this is not the end of the world, and that while locking down for maybe the first two weeks was understandable, it's turning into madness now.

I live in Canada, and we're being threatened to be like this, "until a vaccine is found." For or against vaccine, anyone who doesn't think this is INSANE, given the nature of the threat we face, is quite simply, an idiot, who again can't do some simple math.

I am already looking at countries to immigrate to, and if Canada is good for its threat, I'm getting the @#$@#$! out of here.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: infolurker

That sums it up in a nutshell.

Guess what angry guy, I doubt a single person on this board has any say on when / if things are going to open up or how.

Go work right now. Get off your duff, learn to make money online, try out youtube videos. Do something besides complain to people who have absolutely no influence on what states open for business.

wow! Why didn't we all go to youtube to make money? I'm sure that'll be a GOLDMINE!

It's PEOPLE and people ONLY that will have any influence on the lockdowns. The only power those "in charge" have is our acceptance of it.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: thebtheb

originally posted by: infolurker

That sums it up in a nutshell.

Guess what angry guy, I doubt a single person on this board has any say on when / if things are going to open up or how.

Go work right now. Get off your duff, learn to make money online, try out youtube videos. Do something besides complain to people who have absolutely no influence on what states open for business.

wow! Why didn't we all go to youtube to make money? I'm sure that'll be a GOLDMINE!

It's PEOPLE and people ONLY that will have any influence on the lockdowns. The only power those "in charge" have is our acceptance of it.

...and we have accepted it far too freely.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:55 AM
When all this started, China acted in a reprehensible manner, locked up doctors who highlighted the disease, quashed reports of it etc.

Then they under reported their numbers of infected, and there are many threads here on ATS about how they under reported the number of deaths.

And now I'm reading that same ignorance, but - despite lessons from all over the planet - this is willful ignorance.

"I don't know anyone who has had it, therefore it can't be dangerous/probably doesn't exist"

There was a Champions League soccer game in Italy just prior to their lock down. Its since been referred to as a 'biological bomb' - you can read the story here,

What came next in Italy and Spain was crazy.

Now yes, that is an awful lot of people in the same place, at the same time. You could argue that its an exceptional circumstance.

But... in terms of numbers that's a couple of hours of a mass transit system in an urban area running right there. Its a tiny fraction of the numbers at a regional hub airport. Its the population of a small town etc.

The science is out there on this. Its a highly communicable disease.

I guess, ultimately, you guys will make your own decisions on this, and I wish anyone that does the very best.

I just genuinely hope that we don't start seeing body bags piling up, and less people appearing on ATS. It strikes me that the people making the most noise on this here may start dropping off the radar over time, unless they have the luxury of being in extreme isolation

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

That's the fatality rate, less than 1%. Its very contagious and nasty but if they'd start testing everybody they'd see that so many people have already had it that its many times the official cases reported. Ten times, twenty times, easily.
I've had several coworkers that had it. Some were tested positive, some were told they had it and weren't tested based on their contacts and the confirmed cases of those they came in contact with. I had it. I had a day or two of the chills, some sneezing, some shortness of breath during exertion. Not even as bad as a cold. My mother had it back in early March. A few days of cold like symptoms and she refused to go to the doctor as she had it over the weekend and by Monday was feeling better. I had a coworker who said he didn't think he had it. Yeah, he most certainly did. He had two "colds" between February and March. Coughing, runny nose, body aches. Just because you didn't die or go to the hospital doesn't mean you didn't have it.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 04:16 AM
Where are you getting this 1% figure? The death rate in the US is currently at almost 6%.

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