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Beijing and Shanghai

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posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:16 AM
On this week's edition of "Things which make you go, Hmmmmmmm??"….

Why does Beijing and Shanghai, China's two most populous cities, only have CV-19 cases in the triple digits, and deaths in the single digits?????

For comparison, the combined population of the cities of Beijing and Shanghai is 46 million. The combined population of the entire states of CA and NY is 48 million. Bejing has 587 cases of CV-19 and 6 deaths. Shanghai has 536 cases and 6 deaths. Compare this to California which has 33,261 confirmed cases and 1,268 deaths and/or New York which has 251,690 cases and 14,828 deaths.

The virus originated in China, so how could this possibly be???

Sure, China could be lying, but not on this scale! There's enough western media in both Beijing and Shanghai that level of a coverup wouldn't last for long.

There's something we're not being told!

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Their image is far more important to the communist than actual numbers. They are already running propaganda that they are better suited than the US to fight pandemics.

The western media also gets lots of AD$$$$$$$ from the Chicoms so don't expect them to talk about it.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:29 AM
I actually brought this fact up in another thread as I too found it strange that the very place the "virus" started from was largely unaffected, yet the rest of Europe was devastated. I found bits of data that showed no Government officials were affected, no army, only a handful of doctors and nurses in fact as far as the Chinese are concerned no-one of any particular importance. The Chinese of course claim it was their effective measures, whilst not stopping international flights.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

It's all about saving face, it's ingrained into Asian cultures.

If Xi was dead on the ground in front of you a party member would tell you he's sleeping restfully.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Not only largely unaffected, but reportedly has gone back to normal. Even Wuhan, where it all started.

Whereas the USA thinks we all need to stay home another year.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:39 AM
US intel agencies know what's going on over there. China knows they know. Sat footage of the urn making plants and incinerators would be a good source of intel. How many bodies can fit in the incinerators. How long are they running. Data on insurance policies and other things specific to Chinese burial rituals.

What would be the value of releasing that info to world. Incite more fear and panic. There is no value in it. Keeping it however there is value. Keep people calmed the hell down for as long as possible.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 09:39 AM
The Chinese people in some cities probably do not take a lot of ACE2 inhibitors that raise the risk of a severe infection and many switched over to well known natural treatments they have learned about over the years for fighting SARS2. Chinese medicine is very good medicine, there has been lots of research about that. People probably had the antivirals stored right in their medicine cabinets. Most modern medicines are based off natural chemistries.

I read an atricle that the chemistries of many homemade soups contain antiviral chemistry capable of treating this virus, keeping it from giving us a severe infection. This crossed many cultures and they are investigating which chemistries are helping so they can possibly put it into a pill. My homemade Chicken soup is food, a cheap meal actually, but if I could buy some meds that contained the medicinal properties of it, I would buy some to keep in stock. If you are stricken by a bad illness and cannot cook the soup, it would be nice to just pop a pill till you could again have enough energy to get the materials to make the soup. I always have these soup constituants in stock, but I suppose I will be out of them if something happens. I know natural weeds that have these properties though, and what kinds of meat would be good to make soup out of. In the winter this would be difficult though. I always have two heads of cabbage in my fridge, and always have celery and carrots and onions. I also have sage, which has antiviral properties to kill this virus. You can add sage to a bullion cube in a pot and make a drink out of it. Sea salt actually dampens the cytokine storm too. So does iodine in the salt. We have been conditioned to believe a lie which is raising our risk of getting ill.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Hmm chinese traditional medicine is NOT good medicine. Besides the environmental damage they do, this was a con invented by Mao and is absolute quackery. It has always been touted that chinese medicine goes back thousands of years and is held in such high regard by the chinese themselves. This is not true and Mao himself never indulged much preferring Western treatment when he needed it he was quoted by his own Doctor as saying "I do not believe in it and would not take traditional chinese medicine". Chinese medical practices however were a valuable export to the West who gobbled its "naturpathic" healing properties in droves searching for spiritual enlightenment, which strangely does not come from powdered rhino horn.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 10:12 AM
For a while their best magic potion was opium. It was so good the Chinese Government had to start dumping the stuff in the river for their own good.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

As stated in another thread is there any evidence that in Beijing or Shanghai they are consuming large amounts of Camel Urine? Maybe Iran was on to something?

In all seriousness though the answer is that none of the data by the world is correct so it is pointless to compare country to country. The only way the data could ever be somewhat correct is if every person on earth was tested and deaths were actually reported correctly rather than just a blanket cause. Then the data would only actually mean something if unbiased organizations were the people crunching the numbers and had no agenda to pump up.

I am not discounting the virus or downplaying that people are dying because of it. The fact is the virus has no cure at this time and isn't going away. It may have some ebbs and flows but it will always be around so we have a choice as a people to deal with it the best we can or cripple ourselves with fear. This isn't the first virus and it won't be the last

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

In all seriousness though the answer is that none of the data by the world is correct so it is pointless to compare country to country. ...

No argument there, but the point of the OP is, how could the numbers be off that far? We're not talking a few percentage points here, we're talking about orders of magnitude deltas.

There would be no way to conceal tens of thousands of deaths in hospitals or elsewhere in a city like Beijing. Beijing is a gigantic city without a doubt, but even so there's only so much you can conceal. Plus, there are all sorts of media types covering Beijing, not just US media, and this doesn't even include the Chinese citizenry. Yes, China tightly controls their media, but things leak out...and nothing is leaking out.

People can say what they will about the intentions of the Chinese government, but the Chinese populous are not a completely happy society. Flights may be restricted, but people are still coming and going to these cities. If the Chinese government were completely blocking say the internet, or cellular phones, then you'd hear about it from people who have left these areas. **crickets**

Forget the exact numbers, the point is, it seems the infected and/or death tolls in China's largest cities are drastically lower than in western countries like the US and Europe. And, if the Chinese were hauling truckloads of bodies to the crematoriums every day, believe me, the world would be hearing about it. China is not a completely closed country like NK is. They may be oppressive, but they're not oppressive like NK.

No, something more is up than just some propaganda stunt to save face.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 11:40 AM
Because none of the numbers represent reality in either country.
USA is inflating to get tax dollars which will deepen then hole currently being dug.
China dosent give two flying #%%## if 100 or even 1 million of its people die. Their numbers have the opposite purposes to calm the public and save face for the party.

The USA numbers on the other serve to scare their population so as they comply more readily to the demands of the government(as in large amounts of tax money needed) Hence the daily death toll rates and every business telling they how they are there for you ect. Is to sow fear and uncertainty so people run to those in power for covid tests, money, and the comforts of security.

It’s interesting to me how different country’s are handling it and taking advantage of the crisis at hand.

Like all things the reality of the situation is probably some place between the two county’s reported rates.

a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
edit on 22-4-2020 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Athetos

Good points.

Let's go with your argument for a prove mine.

Let's say you are correct and the 'real' numbers are somewhere in between the reported numbers in Beijing vs. NY. Let's say it's in the middle. Well, Beijing's numbers are basically zero comparatively speaking. So what this means is, our numbers are inflated by a factor of 2x, or they are 50% overstated. This would drop the US numbers in HALF! But more importantly, it would increase the Chinese numbers by a factor of 42x! (4200 %)!!

That's GIANT!

Do you see where I'm coming from now?

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
On this week's edition of "Things which make you go, Hmmmmmmm??"….

Why does Beijing and Shanghai, China's two most populous cities, only have CV-19 cases in the triple digits, and deaths in the single digits?????

For comparison, the combined population of the cities of Beijing and Shanghai is 46 million. The combined population of the entire states of CA and NY is 48 million. Bejing has 587 cases of CV-19 and 6 deaths. Shanghai has 536 cases and 6 deaths. Compare this to California which has 33,261 confirmed cases and 1,268 deaths and/or New York which has 251,690 cases and 14,828 deaths.

The virus originated in China, so how could this possibly be???

Sure, China could be lying, but not on this scale! There's enough western media in both Beijing and Shanghai that level of a coverup wouldn't last for long.

There's something we're not being told!

Because there was a complete lockdown. Going out without a mask or in gatherings would get you arrested. Not to mention they had hundreds of people spraying the streets and buildings.

They handled much better than the West has. Simple as that really.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Except we've been told by The WHO NOT to wear masks various Governments have said not to wear masks. Masks don't stop you getting the virus they merely stop you passing it on....apparently. China did NOT carry out a total lockdown at all. They only stopped internal flights FROM Wuhan. International flights continue, again on the advice of The WHO.

You can defend China all you like but facts are facts they continued to allow people in and especially out of China well after they knew there was a problem and then, tried to be everyone's knight in shining armour offering their "expertise" to show the Chinese people just how superior they and the CCP are, whilst ensuring that back in January their agents in the West procured as much PPE and other equipment as possible so the West couldn't have it and would have shortages, and then have to buy back from the chinese.

Did you know Italy sent tons of PPE to China as a humanitarian effort? Then when things got worse in Italy China said they would SELL it them back? Nice
edit on 22-4-2020 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: Jay-morris

Except we've been told by The WHO NOT to wear masks various Governments have said not to wear masks. Masks don't stop you getting the virus they merely stop you passing it on....apparently. China did NOT carry out a total lockdown at all. They only stopped internal flights FROM Wuhan. International flights continue, again on the advice of The WHO.

You can defend China all you like but facts are facts they continued to allow people in and especially out of China well after they knew there was a problem

And yet, they seem to have got on too of it. If there was still a problem sith the virus, considering now compact the cities are, then millions would be infected.

It's not defending China! The fact is they got on top of the Virus doing things we are not. It a coincidence.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Asia was always better prepared to fight virus outbreaks, and some areas certainly have more experience:


Planned for not just in terms of stockpiles but local manufacturing capacity. In Singapore all businesses are advised to maintain a “3 to 6 month stockpile” of surgical masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and other equipment.

Central medical stores of PPE in Taiwan are rolled over every year in order that no element of the stock is ever out of date. In 2019, this accounted for 28 per cent, 35 per cent and 18 per cent of its vast stockpile of surgical masks, N95 respirators and gowns respectively.

And as far as Thailand goes:

“The region has experienced Nipah, SARS, avian influenza or bird flu, pandemic influenza, Zika, and of course now COVID-19. Because of their earlier experiences, ASEAN Member States were quick to agree to the international health regulations and work towards achieving the core capacity requirements under this new framework,”


posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Please remember that OUR Governments were told by The WHO that they didn't believe it was transmitted human to human. China knew different. Of course they were better prepared, it started there! Plus let's not forget the other virus leaks they've had such as SARS. This isn' t their first rodeo! They knew exactly what they were doing when they didn't stop international flights, they knew what they were doing back in Dec/Jan when they instructed their agents abroad to procure PPE

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

That was way before the first infections appeared in the West. Remember when the Virus hit America and UK? Both leaders were playing the virus down, even being over confident that the virus was not going to be a problem. It's was weeks before some sort of lock down was on place. By that time they did, it was too late.

It was the officials of Wuhan who messed up here, hence the reason they were arrested soon after the outbreak.

And yet, we still messed up big time in containing the virus. So many mistakes were made, and are still being made!

Are you saying we did not make mistakes when it came to the virus?

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: Jay-morris

Please remember that OUR Governments were told by The WHO that they didn't believe it was transmitted human to human. China knew different. Of course they were better prepared, it started there! Plus let's not forget the other virus leaks they've had such as SARS. This isn' t their first rodeo! They knew exactly what they were doing when they didn't stop international flights, they knew what they were doing back in Dec/Jan when they instructed their agents abroad to procure PPE

What you seem to be saying is that the WHO acted as an agent of disinformation as this virus spread, refusing to call it a pandemic, the non-sense about masks, etc. Taking advice from WHO seems to result in uncontrolled spread of the virus.
Do you think this was intentional?

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