It crossed my mind that whilst many countries are in lock-down, will this increase the number of people watching the skies, mainly out of boredom from
a window or being on late night exercise walking the dog?
During this time, will the social distancing and scaling down of many kinds of activities affect the explanations for anything strange seen in the
sky? Staged Chinese lanterns releases, for example, should become much less of a rational explanation, as will parachute jumps and light displays from
social events. What about military flares and exercises, will they be curtailed or non existant?
The video below was filmed in Russia on March 26th. I think Russia went into lock-down four days later, but don't quote me on that, however, we have
a 4K video some eight minutes long of the usual nocturnal lights, in formation and what looks to be flares dropping at around the 3:30 mark. The
dialogue is Russian and if anybody has a clue to what is being said, it would be a great help. The title also in Russian translates to...
"UFO over St. Petersburg. The main thing is from 3:30! A troop landing? Watch on the big screen.
It is 4K, so set the playback resolution as high as possible.
I am leaning toward military, although I am unsure if this is a regular occurrence near the St Petersburg area and if it is, why wouldn't the people
recording be aware? As i said, dialogue is in Russian, so an idea of their conversation could provide an answer.
I was seeing reports on reddit for a couple weeks of blue lights appearing over the clouds in different places. They provided video but it was
inconclusive on what was actually happening. As far as I know none were addressed publicly.
However the videos, as mundane as they were, could have been fabricated.
I live in Scotland
i saw 10 what i think were white birds fly over my mums house
when i went for a smoke
but it could have been something else
It was really dark and late
I have never seen birds at that time of night before
I don't even know if Scotland has birds that fly at night in groups
tried checking google but couldn't find anything
I started to watch the skies more again than before Event201. Because i thought in all direction about the reason for the curfew. Why do they want us
all inside our houses outside of our working times, worldwide? Just for fun i said to a friend that we all aren´t allowed to see the aliens landing.
Since that idea i started to watch the skies a bit more again. But nothing to see that could be called an UFO yet.
Last time i saw something (black cigar shaped thing hanging way up in the skies motionless for at least more than an hour, then i stopped watching it)
when i was a child, more than 35 years ago.
Were they in formation or flying in an irregular pattern?
Did they make a noise or were they silent, and have you got any pictures you'd like to share?
they were silent and they were flying in a sort of irregular pattern
didn't get any pics though as they i was smoking and didnt have my phone with me
they also came over the house from behind me