posted on Apr, 3 2020 @ 08:16 AM
here in SC, we are one of the 3 States that have not-yet-passed the Mandatory Stay-at-home 'Lock Down'
but I am personally treating this April>Passover>Easter season as the Hebrews did in Egypt....
they shut and locked their doors & windows for the Passover, where the Death Angel visited & killed the eldest child inside that dwelling which did
not have the 'Sign' of innocent blood at their entry door framework
i'm self isolating all month, I hope the internet stays up, not going grocery shopping or bank or anything out-there with the 'Peak' of COVID19 deaths
& community spread hitting from 10 April- 20 April which will see millions of Stimulus Checks urging us to go 'Spend' on supplies
I think that the elite perps that dreamt-up the Pandemic … also urged the Stimulus Check Law to lure out a lot of otherwise sane & reasonable
peoples into Pandemic Danger
~ so I am hunkering down in my part of the property, the 5 others got the rest of the place... but not any admittance to my efficiency unit -
I would consider a local ATSer in a hunker code 29577
edit on rd30158592013703222020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)
Jewish people have four Hebrew names for Passover, each pointing to a particular aspect of the holiday. The most common Hebrew name is Pesach, which
is usually translated as “passing over,” as the Angel of Death passed over the homes of the Jews in Egypt. (Killing the Egyptian first-born was
the tenth plague, and it convinced the Pharaoh to release the Hebrews from slavery.) But there are three more Hebrew names for Passover: Chag
Ha-matzot (“Festival of Unleavened Breads”), Z’man Cheiruteinu (“The Time of Liberation”), and Chag Ha-aviv (“Festival of Spring”).
edit on rd30158592077303322020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)