Section G : Videos Transcripts : UFO Documentaries on Youtube – Introduction
Documentaries often have the advantage of more resources than are available to many UFO researchers, not to mention the greater willingness of some
experts and witnesses to give up their time to answer questions if they are being paid or have the prospect of appearing on television. UFO
documentaries therefore have the potential of obtaining information or answers not readily available elsewhere.
Unfortunately, relatively few UFO documentaries have lived up to that potential…
Also, it is considerably more difficult to locate copyright holders of documentaries and obtain their permission to share relevant videos/transcripts
than with podcasts, vodcasts and videos of UFO lectures/conferences. So, for the initial batch of transcripts I have focused on the easier material to
obtain permission (particularly podcasts).
While I’m keen to share transcripts of documentaries, I remain troubled by permission issues. In terms of a practical solution, I have been thinking
about the possibility of uploading transcripts of documentaries that have been online for many years without anyone seeming to be bothered (since they
have remained online) – say, the documentaries that have been on the same link on Youtube for more than 5 years. Or perhaps documentaries that are
over a certain age, in relation to which it is doubtful anyone will care if a transcript is shared (Pre-1990? Pre-2000? Pre 2010?). I’m not sure if
any producers of UFO documentaries would care if an imperfect transcript were shared – not least because the transcripts may highlight the
desirability of watching some documentaries which have largely been forgotten. I’d welcome views on this.
I upload a relatively small sample of transcripts of a few UFO documentaries several months ago. No copyright holder has contacted me about those
uploads, making me inclined to upload a wider sample.
I’d welcome views on what transcripts (if any) of UFO documentaries should be uploaded in the absence of explicit permission to do so.
I’d also welcome views on the content and format of an information file which I think should accompany each transcript of a documentary (akin to the
summary spreadsheets for podcasts/vodcasts, but a single file for each documentary). I have in mind the possibility of a small file for each
documentary at least giving links to relevant IMDB entry or other online resources about the relevant documentary, possibility including a list of
credits to those involved and/or a paragraph sourced from one of those links summarising the content of the documentary. I also have in mind sharing
that file in both PDF and TXT format, the former so that it can be searched as part of a collection of PDFs and the latter so that the text can be
amended/augmented in the future.
Furthermore, I have limited the uploads of UFO documentary transcripts because I’m not sure of the default format of filename. Should they be
alphabetical or chronologically? After a few experiments during the last few months, I’ve increasingly favoured the latter and have uploaded a
small sample in a format that gives the relevant year first followed by the title. That (growing) initial sample is at
THIS LINK, but I’m keen to get some views on the above issues
(particularly in relation to the content of the “Info Koi” text files to accompany each transcript) before uploading a lot more documentary