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What is a demon?

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posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Nothing that would satisfy your criteria as evidence
If you were serious you would research for yourself, I am not selling anything and I have learned if a person is really interested it’s on them to seek the truth

And no, I doubt you are open even a little bit

Yes demonstrable evidence would satisfy my criteria actually, and I have researched too thank you very much.

Why all the assumptions?

Don't worry, I understand this conversation going nowhere too, I'll take the L happily as I started it.

I respect your beliefs, I personally am only interested in what is true. And to believe in anything true, there needs to be demonstrable evidence, for me anyway.

With Respect.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 11:44 AM
Monsters dreamed up by priests in old times to make sense of their actions.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Nothing that would satisfy your criteria as evidence
If you were serious you would research for yourself, I am not selling anything and I have learned if a person is really interested it’s on them to seek the truth

And no, I doubt you are open even a little bit

Yes demonstrable evidence would satisfy my criteria actually, and I have researched too thank you very much.

Why all the assumptions?

Don't worry, I understand this conversation going nowhere too, I'll take the L happily as I started it.

I respect your beliefs, I personally am only interested in what is true. And to believe in anything true, there needs to be demonstrable evidence, for me anyway.

With Respect.

I do respect where you are coming from in wanting proof. There have been many real exorcisms performed over the centuries and many Holy souls continuously attacked by demons.

It has been said that Satan and his demons wish to destroy those bringing the message of Christ’s redemption to humanity.. especially those who selflessly sacrificed and prayed consistently for others.

You may not believe the story of this saint with stigmata. He is an example of a Holy man who fought off demons continuously. His name was Padre Pio, an Italian catholic monk.

In that link provided is many examples of how demons work as well as proof of their existence...

I also understand if a Catholic link isn’t to your satisfaction 🤷🏻‍♀️.. but you wanted proof .. and it’s in the link if you care to believe.

An excerpt...

Amorth: The devil is always pure spirit, but in order to reveal himself he takes on aspects which can be most provocative and harmful: fear, seduction, deception. From his childhood, Padre Pio enjoyed celestial visions, but he also experienced terrible diabolical presences. These tormented him in the most frightful forms. They occasionally scourged him with heavy chains, leaving him bruised and bleeding. Sometimes they appeared as gruesome animals. Many biographies recount Padre Pio's encounters with the demons. Did anyone else see these violent attacks? Amorth: Fortunately, Padre Pio himself described many of his encounters with devils. His accounts for his spiritual director in 1911 in the monastery of Venafro are particularly vivid. That was the first time Padre Pio revealed his rich interior life, both his ecstatic visions and his diabolical torments. Sometimes he spoke freely with the Madonna or the Lord, with no realization that other friars might be nearby or listening.

I hope you find the truth as well as the proof you are looking for..

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Sheye

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Nothing that would satisfy your criteria as evidence
If you were serious you would research for yourself, I am not selling anything and I have learned if a person is really interested it’s on them to seek the truth

And no, I doubt you are open even a little bit

Yes demonstrable evidence would satisfy my criteria actually, and I have researched too thank you very much.

Why all the assumptions?

Don't worry, I understand this conversation going nowhere too, I'll take the L happily as I started it.

I respect your beliefs, I personally am only interested in what is true. And to believe in anything true, there needs to be demonstrable evidence, for me anyway.

With Respect.

I do respect where you are coming from in wanting proof. There have been many real exorcisms performed over the centuries and many Holy souls continuously attacked by demons.

It has been said that Satan and his demons wish to destroy those bringing the message of Christ’s redemption to humanity.. especially those who selflessly sacrificed and prayed consistently for others.

You may not believe the story of this saint with stigmata. He is an example of a Holy man who fought off demons continuously. His name was Padre Pio, an Italian catholic monk.

In that link provided is many examples of how demons work as well as proof of their existence...

I also understand if a Catholic link isn’t to your satisfaction 🤷🏻‍♀️.. but you wanted proof .. and it’s in the link if you care to believe.

An excerpt...

Amorth: The devil is always pure spirit, but in order to reveal himself he takes on aspects which can be most provocative and harmful: fear, seduction, deception. From his childhood, Padre Pio enjoyed celestial visions, but he also experienced terrible diabolical presences. These tormented him in the most frightful forms. They occasionally scourged him with heavy chains, leaving him bruised and bleeding. Sometimes they appeared as gruesome animals. Many biographies recount Padre Pio's encounters with the demons. Did anyone else see these violent attacks? Amorth: Fortunately, Padre Pio himself described many of his encounters with devils. His accounts for his spiritual director in 1911 in the monastery of Venafro are particularly vivid. That was the first time Padre Pio revealed his rich interior life, both his ecstatic visions and his diabolical torments. Sometimes he spoke freely with the Madonna or the Lord, with no realization that other friars might be nearby or listening.

I hope you find the truth as well as the proof you are looking for..

Thanks very much for your kind reply, I'll have a look at the link and will also keep reading and learning 👍🏻

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: rickymouse

Then again a Demon could just be some kind of programming that makes us nuts.

It is that, too. A "daemon" (just an archaic spelling) is a program that runs in the background, typically (but not exclusively) on a Linux server that will definitely make you nuts if you forget it is running, or (usually) failing to run properly, as the case may be. For example, a (line) printer daemon (LPD) sends print jobs to a remote printer in the BSD version of Unix.

P.S. Your take on dinosaurs is noted and deserves further study.

Everything is a daemon in BSD based systems.
Break out the Holy Water , I am firing this RHEL server up...

edit on 1/22/20 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

In a court of law, a statement under oath is considered valid evidence
I don’t think that will work for you

Aliens, big foot, alien abductions, ghosts, cryptids and the like, seen to many accounts of people saying they have seen or experienced such moments. Are they all liars, everyone of them.
To many similar stories, it’s enough evidence for me

But I understand that’s not good enough for you, not judging you, I understand you want something significantly more empirical, I understand, I choose similar in some other contexts
edit on 22-1-2020 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: makemap

I think the term "demon" can be used for a variety of things.
The first and probably most common is merely humans blaming their bad habits to an outside force. A demon of alcoholism, drugs, sex, ect. The church I used to go to often prayed to caste out these types of demons.
Then there are the fallen angels... and I kind of deviate from the religion on this one. How an angel appears to you depends just as much on you as them. Expect an evil demon, you will get an evil demon, expect an alien type creature, that is what you will get, expect a sweet, loving being, they will be sweet and loving. That's not to say that there isnt fallen Angel's, just that it's a tad bit more complicated than the fairy tale that is told. Earth is supposed to be a hands off when it comes to Angel's, weather fallen or not, but because some of the fallen have developed an appetite to the emotional energies humans are so great at producing they see the earth as a great buffet table. Because of their interference in this creation, other Angel's who never fell do their best to protect the earth from their fallen brothers and sisters. Fallen Angel's are more interested in creating areas on the planet where the buffet table is stocked full of emotional pain, despair, ect. Think taliban ruled Afghanistan, war torn countries, and famine stricken areas. Unless you are in a position where you can help them stock their buffet table, I doubt if they are gonna mess with you.
The other class would be the human generated and animated energetic thoughtforms we all take part in creating. Get enough people believing and directing their energy into a set of beliefs and we create gods. Convince enough people that a set of what is basically natural human traits is evil and needs to be caste aside, you create a demon. And, what you deny of yourself is still a part of you, it's your energy and it will return to you. In its demon form till you claim your energy back and accept it as being a part of you. So, things might go bump in the night, you might see funny little creatures with glowing eyes looking at you through your window, or you just might have thoughts entering you head that seem to come from outside of yourself.
Of course, I can be a little wacky, so feel free to take what I said with a grain of salt.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: CharlesT
a reply to: Elcabong
I see you don't know too much about this subject. For starters, God didn't send them anywhere. God cast them out of his domain along with their lead conspirator against God, Satan. During the heavenly battle for control, demons, or fallen angels took the side of Satan against God and were cast down to earth along with him.
Satan directs their activities here on earth but only because Jesus Christ allows him to. Only Christ has ultimate power to cast them out from their evil endeavors to either recruit followers of Satan or destroy a persons soul.

Perhaps I don't know as much as yourself on the topic, but I like to learn so please teach me. You said (referring to Satan and his demons), "...God cast them out of His domain....they were cast down to Earth." So, are you saying that when God cast them out, He could have confined them to anywhere in the universe, but instead specifically chose to send them to Earth where they could corrupt our civilization and send many of us to hell?

That seems pretty close to what I was saying. God and Jesus knew they were really bad, why not confine them to Venus which is already pretty much like hell, or some other planet?

To intentionally set them loose and let them run "willy nilly" on Earth is like saying, my ferocious pit pull wouldn't listen to me so I cast him out of my house and banished him to the neighborhood. Oh, you say there are kids who play in the neighborhood? He bit a little girl a few blocks away? That's not my fault, all I did was cast out a bad dog. I don't think that argument holds water, but please educate me.

And you say Jesus allows these demonic hijinks? He loves us, right? So, why in the world would he allow that? Again, that's like saying, I really love all the kids in my neighborhood, but I'm still going to allow my pitbull to run wild and maybe maul some of them on occasion. Would that be moral?

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: FinallyAwake

In a court of law, a statement under oath is considered valid evidence
I don’t think that will work for you

Aliens, big foot, alien abductions, ghosts, cryptids and the like, seen to many accounts of people saying they have seen or experienced such moments. Are they all liars, everyone of them.
To many similar stories, it’s enough evidence for me

But I understand that’s not good enough for you, not judging you, I understand you want something significantly more empirical, I understand, I choose similar in some other contexts

Thanks for understanding 👍🏻
I don't think they are all liars btw, many people can be simply mistaken, tricks of the mind and pareidolia?

As an atheist I am not saying demons, God's etc don't exist, I'm just saying I don't believe the claims that they do, until they can be DEMONstrably proven. Sorry, I couldn't resist 😁

With Respect

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: FinallyAwake

But I understand that’s not good enough for you, not judging you, I understand you want something significantly more empirical, I understand, I choose similar in some other contexts

As an atheist I am not saying demons, God's etc don't exist, I'm just saying I don't believe the claims that they do, until they can be DEMONstrably proven. Sorry, I couldn't resist 😁

With Respect

With respect?
Nope, apology not accepted, nobody deserves to suffer such poor pun under any circumstances
Learn to resist for others sake


posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: makemap
What is a demon?

Explain please. Assuming I'm a 6 year old kid.

Do you think demons actually still exist, but hiding all over Earth because they are afraid of us "Humans".

They hide in human minds and bodies.

There seems to be people speaking inside....thoughts tell you what's what and those voices are believed to be you.....but those voices aren't the real you.

Muppets (demons) in our heads:

edit on 23-1-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: makemap

I read smewhere...forgot where it was but did not forget.. that demons are the spirits of the nephilim. The identities of giants and other creatures created by the combination of human women and angels...fallen angels. When I saw these giant faces in the smoke of the two towers that fell n 911 that was the first association that I made..

Maybe its true, maybe not...

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: FinallyAwake

But I understand that’s not good enough for you, not judging you, I understand you want something significantly more empirical, I understand, I choose similar in some other contexts

As an atheist I am not saying demons, God's etc don't exist, I'm just saying I don't believe the claims that they do, until they can be DEMONstrably proven. Sorry, I couldn't resist 😁

With Respect

With respect?
Nope, apology not accepted, nobody deserves to suffer such poor pun under any circumstances
Learn to resist for others sake


Lolz it was bad 😁

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I think you need to understand the nature of God. First God is just word. The word God represents an idea. This idea is much bigger than the ideas other words represent.

God is part of everything that exists but at the same time transcends all of existence. God is everywhere and no where at the same time. God can be experienced but also is beyond our comprehension at the same time. God is absolute perfection, whole, and complete. God is pure goodness because being whole God has no desires or needs. Having desires and needs is the source of all that is evil in the World. God needs nothing. God is everything.

If God represents an idea, how can it be perfect, whole, and complete? No, God is much more than an idea.

The Universe on the other hand, you and me, are not perfect. Nature is full of imperfections. Human beings and human character is full of imperfections. It is these imperfections that is the source of all that is evil in the World. Demons exist but only in a metaphorical sense. People behave like demons because their petty human desires coming from their own imperfections makes them behave in ways you and I would consider immoral and evil.

Above you said that God was a part of everything and was perfect. Now you're stating that the Universe and everyone in it is imperfect.

By the way, how and why do humans have "desires"? Is that something you created for yourself when you decided that all authority came from within yourself? Are all "desires" a choice or is it only a choice to act on those "desires"?

I think what is important is to live by the golden rule. When you carry a priceless piece of art you do it with a certain reverence. The way we treat a priceless piece of art should be the way we treat each other. Everyone is sacred. Everyone is a priceless piece of art. Demons do not live by the golden rule.

Who declared everyone as sacred? You? You're just part of an imperfect "idea".

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

One time I have a really huge argument about God with a born-again Christian. At one point I said, "Absolute authority comes from within.

Didn't you just argue against free will a moment ago? How does absolute authority come from within if you don't have true free will? Absolute authority comes from the one who created it, and I hate to break it to you, but you're not it.

edit on 23-1-2020 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I don't think Jesus ever said this. This sounds more like King James self-serving translation and his doctrine of the divine rights of kings.

Jesus not only said that He "was the way, the truth, and the life", he explained it in many different ways over and over again, regardless of what version of the Bible you're reading. It's clear that you don't even know what the foundation of "Christianity" is based on.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: Deetermined
The way, the truth, the life what actually is.

But no man will see what actually is because man is always concerned with next and before.......lost in stories about himself in time.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 04:57 PM
Depends on ones mythology, an what they do.

Eating people, raping people, killing people, some apparently all three at once. All the while gods of old, and their messengers, which should be shot I guess, or get eaten by Kali in Hindu, or it was ether the guy above or the guy below.

Is that a sword or a tree log...I cant tell.

edit on 24-1-2020 by Specimen88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-1-2020 by Specimen88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: makemap

People become the Demons imo…

All conscious beings in other worlds and dimensions become the Demons. This happens when they turn away from God and live in opposition to the way, the truth and the life.

The opposite is true of those that live in love and harmony etc… they become the Angels in Heaven, just like Jesus mentioned in the NT.

That’s my theory…

- JC

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: makemap
What is a demon?

Explain please. Assuming I'm a 6 year old kid.

Do you think demons actually still exist, but hiding all over Earth because they are afraid of us "Humans".

I can explain this simply.

Before earth. We all existed as spirit children with Heavenly Father. God had a plan for earth.

Lucifer rejected gods plan and took one third of our brothers and sisters in his rebellion. They do not get to inhabit bodies on earth. They are demons who wander the earth as spirits seeking to destroy.

The rest of us get to inhabit bodies.

So a demon is someone who rebelled in the premortal realm and does not get a body

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