posted on Feb, 9 2020 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to:
the black triangle i saw was about the size of a f-16 so not super big and looked like a more advanced version of other versions like the one you are
talking about. The one i saw was smooth but not reflective and the points of it were glowing blue and on top it had one small red light. the night
i saw it was during the race for the POTUS candidates were in my city.
i have seen bigger triangles that had a blue ball of what looked like one of those plasma ball toys but much more dense and controlled.
I dont think they belong to the military proper, like they arent sitting in some USAF hanger somewhere. SOMEONE built and tested this tech be it
ET+human or 100% human and that more than likely explains all; the odd sightings. how do you know what your new toy can do unless you test it out?
and if it doesnt officially exist why not test it over populated areas when all anyone would have to say is that it was a UFO for people to drop
if i knew a US/UK?whoever's aircraft couldnt do anything to me i might lay some cat and mouse games as well, and dont forget that someone is ALWAYS
watching these types of events and thats not even getting into espionage... what a better way to show off what you can do but still deny its yours.
maybe it did all start from some ET tech maybe it didnt but the fact of the matter is that humans have some pretty serious aeronautical tech and i
would argue that today, it would be very hard to tell the difference between "us" and "them".
once someone figured out a compact power source with the power density needed for these craft means it could be turned into a new type of super weapon
and that is more than likely why we dont know about what makes them run or who is really flying them. And only God knows what other strange things
they have come across using this tech as far as weapons potential.
and as far as the Vatican and all that nonsense about space brothers and them baptizing ET's is just silly and a sign of the times, we as a species
are growing up and dont need a church to dictate to us what is real and what isn't.
personally i think they are just tying to stay relevant
If some contractor cracked this mode of flight and a way to [power it they could make the craft what ever shape they wanted and would also become the
defacto shadow government of the world.