posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 01:15 AM
Good morning.
This time i have replies in my mind to so many, that i will try to fit them all in one post, or otherwise i will occupy the whole page.
LightSpeedDriver: Happy birthday! I hereby command you to do something extra special when one year from now has passed. Then you are 50, and 50 is a
half of a century. In my books, officially an achievement!
Night Star: I did the Briggs-Myers personality test first, it had about 70 questions, but then the site asked me for money to show the results and i
refused. The Yung version had about 40 questions.
Sheye: I feel bad because you encountered a manipulator. But i am glad you got rid of him!
To all Australian members: My best wishes. The fires have been going on for way too long and they are way too fierce. And i am totally helpless
regarding that situation, here in my bedroom on the other side of the planet. I wish super heavy rain there, and fast!