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Sisk and Tired of Being Called a Conspiracy Theorist. I am a Comprehensive Investigator!

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posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:04 PM
Seems every time you talk to someone that believes all the bull the government tells them, when you make a comment or statement as to what is really going on, they say oh, your one of those Conspiracy Theory people. I say screw that, it's said this name, wording was created by the F.B.I., to discredit people who question the system, Government. Well I say the hell with that, I'm a COMPREHENSIVE INVESTIGATOR, and that is what you should call yourself, if you have any brains.

These stupid people, really believe, we the USA are the good guys, well were not, during WW2, our guys were raping killing and stealing just like, the ones they called the bad guys. Even in Germany, the bad guys were told not to rape the women, problem was, there was concern the troops would start queening of with each other, so they had to bring in the whores. IN Japan they had brought in the Korean women for there whores. WE never heard about it but when we took over Japan Our good guys were raping the Japanese women, the Japs did not like this, so they give them the Korean whores, only thing was all our guys started to get syphilis. When General MacArthur , heard about this , he said now more Korean whores, so our good guys start back Raping the Japanese women, MaacArthur made sure that the info never got back home.

A long time ago, our great Government went to help the poor Indians in Utah, they sent them brand new blankets to help keep them warm, well the only thing was the bastards, had infected the blankets with smallpox, that was so nice of they. I say I hope they are all dammed to Hell.

So do you know how many of these Tragic incidents were false flags, just about all of them, Nam ,the works, the biggest one was 911, Obama says it's over shut up don't talk about it. Your a Conspiracy Theorist, Rumsfeld on 9/10/2001 in front of congress said, were missing 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS, well the next day 911,just by chance something hit the pentagon, right where all the records for the missing 2.3 trillion dollars was kept. Bull your a conspiracy Theorist. Nothing was ever said again about the missing Trillions. Building 7 went down all the records on the Enron case were destroyed, what luck all those crooks got of, plus a bunch more.

One big point, this is normal procedure if I go to school for 6 years to lean how to make stuff, and the stuff breaks to easy, you take it apart and see what you did wrong. heave forbid people died because you messed up, but you find problem fix it. The architect that built the world Trade center were told NO!, you can't look at anything, this is unheard of in the annuals of history, a plane, a bridge, a shopping center, you dissect it and come to a conclusion as to what occurred and fix the problem. A COMPREHENSIVE INVESTIGATION, by the Professionals that built it, not hauled away by crooks as scrap metal. This was in part about taking the rights of US citizens away, while at the same time getting into Afghanistan to finish the pipe line that had stalled out, after it was fished , they said time to leave, but now Billion of dollars of opium is coming out of Afghanistan, before the Taliban would burn the fields, now Afgan is the biggest suppler of OPIUM in the world. Who gets this money, did you know the queen of England made all there money from selling Opium Herion , most of you don't I'm sure.
Who is getting the money from the Afgan opium, Cheney, I'm sure the piece of crap Grand Muckaluck don't get, not much.
Now in Us CDC says opium products don't work for pain, endorphin goes right to the opium receptors in you body and mimics codeine and morphine, the CDC is full of crap. It's easier to get Afgan heroin on the corner, than go to doctor and get meds, even if you are in need. The human body also has THC receptors, the CDC and Federal Government are going against Nature, this is fact we were made to use these things, to back some people have no control over their selves.

You just one of those Conspiracy Theory people, that's not real, the government is good, I support the Constitution and the USA, but not the pedophiles and money grubbing crooks that are in position to run it, Did you know they found 500 incidents of child porn being viewed on US government servers,500, watch it there and you won't get busted.

So if someone calls you a Conspiracy Theorist, tell them to ______ off, You are a Comprehensive Investigator, and we will get to the Truth, and get rid of the bums in Washington D.C..
The FBI invented the phrase Conspiracy Theory to discredit the people concerned with all the government lies, but look at them they were once respectable, the good ones need to step up tp the plate,look where they came from J edgar Hoover, black mailing Presidents, no telling who else, and live with his gay lover walking around in dresses at home, what a man. Nothing wrong with that were only human.

They say the Rothschild family, was behind every war since the Napoleonic war in 1700s, they would back both sidesone gave money for farnce to buy horses, the other gave England money t buy horses. who ever one had to pay off the other debt. They onwed the Bank of Englannd and cause the revolution, back North and South in civil war, WWI was about munition sale production, same thing WWii a Rothschild mansion was never bombed. They own the Federal reserve bank and every Central Banks in wold, they also own control the largest bank in the world, the Bank of International Settlement. The Fed has to go why pay them money interest, we can print our own money just. fine
edit on 10-11-2019 by OOOOOO because: miss spelled some words added a couple sen

edit on Sun Nov 10 2019 by DontTreadOnMe because: ALL CAPS

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: OOOOOO

Actually, I am a coincidence theorist.

Sweet rant though!!!

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: OOOOOO

Conspiracy theorist.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: OOOOOO

Some are so blind they will never seevthe truth that upends their world.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: OOOOOO

Actually, I am a coincidence theorist.

Sweet rant though!!!

There are no "coincidences"
Just the Laws of Probability in action .
Even I can win the lottery , if I ever buy a ticket.
In fact , I could win and never buy one.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:20 PM
So , now that's over , take off the kid gloves and tell us how you really feel....

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: OOOOOO

Actually, I am a coincidence theorist.

Sweet rant though!!!

Ohhhhhhhh, I heard that’s now called anti semitism may want to rethink that name
edit on 10-11-2019 by Veryolduser because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: OOOOOO
Seems every time you talk to someone that believes all the bull the government tells them, when you make a comment or statement as to what is really going on, they say oh, your one of those Conspiracy Theory people. I say screw that, it's said this name, wording was created by the F.B.I., to discredit people who question the system, Government. Well I say the hell with that, I'm a COMPREHENSIVE INVESTIGATOR, and that is what you should call yourself, if you have any brains.

Difficult to reply in entirety to all that, so I'll just add a link as to why CT's need to be paid attention to,

However, regardless of the link, which is rather crafty..

There are areas on which some conspiracies deserve comprehensive attention. The only way to do that is to make your case on any or each individual item, that's not so easy, even harder for you now..'cos you ranted.
edit on 10-11-2019 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:02 PM
Cut to the chase...we are all Truth Crusaders...and the world needs many many more of us.The investigations and experiments and trial runs and legwork have all been done in some cases Centuries ago.....all we need to do today to rapidly evolve ourselves and to protect humanity and the entire Planet..... is force those who have suppressed knowledge from Humanity to give it up....those who suppress knowledge and claim ownership of it are and must be recognised as HUMANITARIAN TERRORISTS.....this means the Patent System and all laws that define ownership of intellectual property must be annulled.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:38 PM
I love it when someone labels me a conspiracy theorist, it instantly allows me to gauge their intelligence and wisdom. I usually just smile and nod.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:51 PM
When you start out with a conclusion before presenting any facts, then yeah, you're a conspiracy theorist, and not a very good one. If you are going to claim a conspiracy, you first have to start out with evidence and actually PROVE your evidence is true before coming to a conclusion. You don't use a scatter gun approach mentioning every conspiracy theory you can think of in one post, condemning everyone and everything you don't like, without proving a damn thing. You cannot expect to be respected for your opinions presented as "research" when you present # like this as "truth."

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:51 PM
Really all of you get tired of, those know it alls any any time you say something, they say Oh, your just one of 'Those, Conspiracy Theory Peoples.

That's why I say I'm a Comprehensive Investigator. which I am, like when They said Obama's wife has man hands, well I checked it out, and she does have Man hands. But it doesn't mean she is a transvestite, it could just mean when she was in the womb, there were more of a certain hormone present, and it caused this effect.
Goes both ways man could have woman hand simply because of hormone effect.

I'm sure yous know, a ring finger is usually the same length as fist digit, in a man the ring finger if linger than first digit.

911 is different, Rumsfeld and Cheney need to go to the Gallows, along with many more. From what I understand only one Jewish person died on that day Bush a first said 30. The guy that died, I think he for got to charge his phone, never got call. And yet Mossad was filming from another build got whole thing on tape, jumping with joy, let them go.

I did a story inn ATS, a long time ago, about the tight rope walker who walked across the two towers back in the 70s.
They carried 2000 pounds of equipment to the roof never got caught, till he was on the wire.
Just think if you had connections and a bunch of white vans and a bunch of thermite. And just insured the building for 7 Billions dollar a few week earlier. Another thing The twin towers were old and in disrepair, I read because of asbestos are something they were written up as condemned or repair, the cost was to much.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:59 PM
Kind of like how my rabbit turns into a poo pellet pea shooter after eating more than normal, the OP is equally all over the place with the word salad topics there.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Dude screw that, I don't have a theory, I look at the facts and then I look, at more facts, when the fact add up, it's clear as day, there are so many false flags, that have been admitted to to by the perpetrators, it's just about all of them, sure there were some accidents like the Main, cause war but was just coal fire.

When you see you wife having sex with you best friend, it's to quit saying I think my wife is having an affair.

Did you ever read the study that was done after Serpico, if you didn't you should, what it said was up to 90% of the New York cops were bad, Fact

Go study Epistemology,or logic for a while. Draw your own conclusions, I don't have to prove, anything to anyone do your own research, come to your own conclusions.

Just like I said Michelle has man hands, but I think she is a woman, unless I see her wanker, I will keep that conclusion.

As for 911 it would take a moron not to see what happened. In another study, it waas said 95% of the people of the world don't have a clue as to what is really going on. It's because they are stupid and believe all the crap they are feed.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:23 PM
Sisk? There may be a conspiracy in the title thread? Weird word.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

There are no "coincidences"
Just the Laws of Probability in action .

Which was exactly my point.

If something happens that relies on a series of coincidences, I'm going to go with the Laws of Probability.

See 9/11, Princess Diana, etc, etc, etc...

edit on 10-11-2019 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:35 PM

Here is only a beginning list of links for people to follow if they want to find the number one conspiracy website on the internet....That top one has whole $hitpot of forums listed under

''CONSPIRACY FORUMS...........''

So a rose by any other name huh?

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yes I tried to fix that was meant to be Sick, I just type and make some simple stupid mistakes, spell checker should of caught it. next time i will have my proof reader run over it, before I publish anything else.

But you are saying Sisk is real word, I am not aware of this, I will have to check out what you are saying.

I myself don't really give a ____, as in the past, on ATS, it was not cool to criticize someones, grammar or spelling or even a mistake, you got to do better than that, you ever make a mistake. Like how many people you think died from my mistake, like I said Could give a ____. And I am a Saxon. Yeah make a mistake and cause a death, run a red light, discharge a weapon by mistake.

So what's the big conspiracy in my mistake Dude, it's a world ender right, Hey I'm not here to play or talk dumb crap.
This is life and death, how many people died in the world trade center, how many are still . You do even know what is coming. Do you know about the agreement Kissinger had president Ford sign when he was president.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Coincidences is three things happen in a row, That was out right planned murder.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: OOOOOO
a reply to: rickymouse

Yes I tried to fix that was meant to be Sick, I just type and make some simple stupid mistakes, spell checker should of caught it. next time i will have my proof reader run over it, before I publish anything else.

But you are saying Sisk is real word, I am not aware of this, I will have to check out what you are saying.

I myself don't really give a ____, as in the past, on ATS, it was not cool to criticize someones, grammar or spelling or even a mistake, you got to do better than that, you ever make a mistake. Like how many people you think died from my mistake, like I said Could give a ____. And I am a Saxon. Yeah make a mistake and cause a death, run a red light, discharge a weapon by mistake.

So what's the big conspiracy in my mistake Dude, it's a world ender right, Hey I'm not here to play or talk dumb crap.
This is life and death, how many people died in the world trade center, how many are still . You do even know what is coming. Do you know about the agreement Kissinger had president Ford sign when he was president.

I was just joking, I make mistakes like that and sometimes don't see them till the time has passed. Part of being human I guess. Not criticizing, just treating you like a friend when you hear them miss say something. Notice I put a little smiling guy there at the end?

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