originally posted by: hyperlexic
We need a list of things we cant say or do anymore.
Illegal alien
manhole cover
no more OK sign with your fingers and thumb or you will hurt some snowflakes feelings
if you are white you can not disagree with a person of color on anything or you are a racist.
Request granted:
Language police
Forbidden words
Colorado State University Inclusive Language Guide/ Living Document/ Updates made frequently:
Words that are not to be used. collegian.com...
America/ American/ You Guys/ Indian/ Illegal Immigrant/ Alien/ Hispanic/ Oriental/ Colored/ Eskimo / Barrio / Ghetto / thug/ tribe/ spirit animal/
Mr./ Mrs./ Ms/ Mankind/ Manmade/ Male/ Female / Preferred pronoun/ He/ She/ Ladies/Gentlemen/
Policeman/Fireman/ Chairman/ Grandfather clause/ grandfathered in/ Freshman/
transgendered/ straight/ Homosexual
Handicapped / Disabled / Paraplegic / Quadriplegic/ Epileptic/ Crippled / Suffers from, Afflicted with, Victim of / Invalid / Lame / Deformed/
Handicap Parking/ Lame / Retarded / Stupid / Slow Learner / Moron / Idiot /Imbecile / Down’s person/ Mute/ Dwarf/ Midget/ Normal person/ Senile/
Demented/ wheelchair bound/ confined or restricted to a wheelchair/ Spastic: Spaz: Crazy / Nuts / Maniac / Lunatic / Insane / Deranged / Psycho /
Demented /Depressed / OCD/Dumb / Blind / Deaf /
Addicted/ Like Crack/ Basket Case / Eye for an eye / Cake Walk / Takes the Cake / CP: Eenie meenie miney moe / Gyp / Gip / Hip hip hooray/ Hold
down the Fort/ Defend the Fort/ Long time no see/ Man the booth/ No can do/ Paddy Wagon/ Peanut Gallery/ Pow Wow/ rule of thumb/
Starving/ I’m starving/ I’m broke/ food coma
war/ go to war/ at war/ war zone/ battle
Here a handy guide from a website purporting to help human-resources departments in midsize businesses.
It is headlined.
“Gender Neutral Pronouns—What They Are & How to Use Them.”
He/She—Zie, Sie, Ey, Ve, Tey, E
Him/Her—Zim, Sie, Em, Ver, Ter, Em
His/Her—Zir, Hir, Eir, Vis, Tem, Eir
Himself/Herself—Zieself, Hirself, Eirself, Verself, Terself, Emself
It’s wrong, when you meet a new co-worker, to ask his pronouns. (We don’t say “preferred” pronouns—that “implies someone’s gender is a
preference”!) You don’t want him wondering if you think he’s transgender or nonbinary. Instead, introduce yourself in a way that summons his
pronouns: “Hi, I’m Jim and my pronoun is he/him.” Use “they” a lot. It’s gender neutral. Suggested sentence: “I spoke to the marketing
director and they said they’d get back to me.”
edit on 10/2/19 by The2Billies because: formatting