I'm up at work until Saturday. At which point I go on vacation for 2 weeks.
Before I leave, I want to close a couple of cases I have sitting in queue.
In order to close the cases, I need to be able to identify the object in the videos.
I have 2 videos that were shot with cell phones.
Before I can do anything with them, I need both videos stabilized.
I'm looking for something like this, but really only need 1 window of stabilization - it doesn't have to be all fancy.
If you could help me out - please drop me a PM to discuss video transfer.
Im thinking dropbox.
As already pointed out it is just an aircraft. Poor quality video showing lack of detail. The aircraft is simply reflecting light. The back and
forward movement is simply parallax.
Anyone can film this type of footage repeatedly on a bright day and also make what they are filming appear to dance about in the sky.
See Mick West from Metabunks video at Twitter link.
I remember the original "UFO video" being posted. Once again no accurate times, accurate location etc, Why? I bet that all the aircraft in the video
could be matched up on flight tracking software.