Mexico and Central America are the Illegal Immigration Problem - and it's Not Racist! It's the DRUG WAR CRISIS!! And these are the Refugees!
I will use statistics and logical reasoning to explain
why Mexico and Central American nations are considered "the illegal immigration
problem" and other nationalities, like China, India, African or European nations etc are generally ignored when people talk about "Illegal
Immigration in America". If people saw these numbers they would understand the
context of the situation a lot better and realize that this is a
problem derived from the
Drug War Refugee Crisis specifically.
It will show that
racism is not actually the main culprit here per se, but rather that
most immigrants from most regions tend towards
legalization while the
Mex-CentAmer group represents 70% of the illegal immigrant population.
Here are several sources I want you to investigate in depth. It will help you understand the statistics behind this situation so you'll get a better
concept of why people aren't complaining as much about certain groups of immigrants (Asians, Europeans, Africans).
Unauthorized Immigrant Trends
On this page check the top graph, then
click the tab labeled "Region/Country of Birth", then
use the drop down box under that to change the
1) First I want you to
compare the "Mexico" with "Non-Mexico" numbers. This shows that Mexicans represent about 5 to 6 million of the illegals,
whereas ALL non-Mexicans represent essentially the same number. So
Mexico is 50% of the entire illegal immigrant population.
2) Now check
"Central Americans" - they are almost 2million of the 5-6 million Non-Mexicans.
So that means around 70% of the entire illegal
population is Mexico+Central America.
3) Check Euro/Canadian - they are around .5 mil, so only representing
5% of the illegal population.
4) Africa - they are .25 mil, so
only 2.5% of the illegal population.
5) Asia - they are 1.5 mil, so about
15% of the illegal pop (despite that
Asia houses half the world's population).
Caribbean is .5 mil or 5%, and
South American is .75 mil so 7.5%.
7) Now you can go down below and check by nation. Look at some of these numbers -
El Salvador is nearly .8 mil or 8% of the entire illegal pop, and
Guatemala is .6 or 6% of the entire pop, and Honduras is .4 or 4% -- yet these are
extremely tiny nations with minor populations globally
Compare with China - about .375 or 3.75% and
India's .5 or 5% , yet these two nations
represent nearly 28% of the entire
world's population!?
nearly a third of the world's population represent less than 9% of the illegal population in the US.
Mexico+CentAmer is less than 3% of the world's population and represents 70% of the illegal population!
In context,
China and India represent roughly 28% of the world's population.
Honduras is about .175% + Guatemala around .25% + El Salvador about .1% + and Mexico is 2.3%.
Mexico + Central America 2.8% total of world's population!
World Population Data
Also look at this!
More Asians immigrate to America than Hispanics! But they tend heavily towards Legal Immigration.
Yet 77.5% of illegals are Hispanic, while only 15% of illegals are Asians - despite that more Asians come to the US than Hispanics!
That means that
Hispanics tend heavily towards Illegal Immigration.
That's why no one's griping about the larger numbers of Asian immigrants - they're legal!
edit on 8/9/2019 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)