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The real reason behind mass shootings, that no one wants to talk about...

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posted on Aug, 6 2019 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

A counterpoint requires that you make a point...

Is it a coincidence it is pretty much only the conservatives on here who post troll posts with no actual independent thought??

posted on Aug, 6 2019 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: JustJohnny

Johnny, I was going to toss my hands in the air and just walk away from this thread, just give up and say, "You win" and ignore you.

But (perhaps) that's part of the problem.

You always win. You don't know how to lose. You've never learned how to lose. Be it a debate, a game, a date, a job interview. It's always someone else's fault, never yours. If someone makes a counterpoint, you call it trolling.

And maybe that's what's going on with these shooters. They are adults having child-like temper tantrums with adult tools. They never learned humility, they never learned how to lose. They never learned that everyone makes mistakes and that everyone fails from time to time.

They always got a trophy. They won every debate. They never learned how to cope with failure. So they act out.

You need to learn how to lose, Johnny. You need to learn humility. You need to learn how to be humble. How to use self-deprecation.

posted on Aug, 6 2019 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: JustJohnny

You tried to correct my description of incels by explaining what you all want, being a return to the 1950s as opposed to what I said, even though what I said is entirely accurate.

And then you tried to argue about some other stuff that I didn’t even say in the first place and somehow blame me for you arguing about things I didn’t even say to begin with.

The only thing laughable here is whatever you think you’re doing on behalf of incels.

posted on Aug, 6 2019 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I think the problem here is that usually when an incel posts ideas like this, they wander off to collect the chicken tendies mom made them and then come back to find other incels falling over themselves in a race to blame lack of sex for the issue. Since that wasn’t the response, the OODA loop has been broken and the next step is unclear for the OP.

posted on Aug, 6 2019 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Well, yeah.

Options should include. . . . "Hmmm, perhaps I am wrong" and just move along. Take this and learn from it.

I was counseling a younger engineer one day. The poor guy was terrified I was going to fire him for a mistake he had made.

I sat him down and explained that while our education levels are almost identical, I have the ability to draw on years of experience.

Then I told him this. . . .

"And what is experience, but learning from screw-ups. I have screwed up more than any one of you, and have learned from it. Take what happened and learn from it."

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy


That was the most laborious deflection on ATS this week lol... at least..

Still no counterpoint... just ad hominem deflections...

You do realize that making a legitimate counterpoint achieves the same goal, without requiring deflections..

For example...

The interviews of a couple of the girlfriends of school shooters..

Or maybe show that humans are different from every other form of life and reproduction is not its primary goal..

You just went “nah-uh” and some how feel superior lmao

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Lol I’m an incel now??

Should probably tell my girlfriend and 16 year old daughter lol..

Still nothing resembling a counterpoint I see...

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Shamrock6

Well, yeah.

Options should include. . . . "Hmmm, perhaps I am wrong" and just move along. Take this and learn from it.

I was counseling a younger engineer one day. The poor guy was terrified I was going to fire him for a mistake he had made.

I sat him down and explained that while our education levels are almost identical, I have the ability to draw on years of experience.

Then I told him this. . . .

"And what is experience, but learning from screw-ups. I have screwed up more than any one of you, and have learned from it. Take what happened and learn from it."

Could you please quote any post on here that actually includes ANY form of counterpoint that would justify me conceding I am wrong???

When not one person has addressed the thesis AT ALL...

That’s kinda hard to do lol

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: JustJohnny

Should probably tell my girlfriend and 16 year old daughter lol..

Normal people don’t have conversations with waifus, so that would be tough for me to do.

Still nothing resembling a counterpoint I see...

Refusing to acknowledge something doesn’t mean that thing doesn’t exist, it just means you’re too ignorant to accept that it exists because it’s inconvenient to your narrative.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6
Then please.. provide where ANYONE on here replied with ANYTHING addressing the OP???

No one has even attempted a counterpoint..

The closest thing has been the person who said “most mass shooters are not teenagers..”

Which is irrelevant considering I specified teenage school shooters..

So please..

Who even attempted to prove me wrong except for you and cowboy saying “nah-uh” and SOMEHOW feeling superior lol...

The post history is right there. We are not talking about something subjective.

posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Is a waifus related to a confefe???


posted on Aug, 7 2019 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

You’re doing that thing where you make it obvious that a) if you keep repeating something long enough, people might end up believing it’s true and b) if you can keep this going long enough and everybody else stops responding then it means you win.

Neither of which changes the following: you present a hypothesis with nothing to support it, but then demand others present data to support any reply to your hypothesis otherwise their response doesn’t count. Even when given a response with data, you try to say you weren’t talking about teens even though you referenced teenaged shooters multiple times. You use “young men” and “teens” interchangeably even though they don’t mean the same thing. The overwhelming majority of mass shooters are not teenagers, yet your OP and thread title attempts to argue that teenagers not getting laid is the cause of mass shootings. How can teenagers not getting laid possibly be the cause of mass shootings when nearly all mass shootings are committed by people who aren’t teenagers?

You then state that one shooter who was getting laid would debunk your theory (the theory that’s already debunked at this point because we know that teenagers account for very, very few mass shootings so their sex life cant possibly be the cause of mass shootings in general), and when shown one shooter who was most likely getting laid you say he doesn’t count because he doesn’t fit the narrow parameter you came up with. Unless you can prove, definitively, that none of the very few teenage shooters we know about were not getting laid then it’s not incumbent on anybody else to prove that they were.

It’s YOUR idea. YOU have the burden of proof here, nobody else. You don’t get to just dismiss all responses to your unsupported hypothesis and declare yourself victorious. ATS is not your incel safe space, nor is it your incel echo chamber.

We’re done here.

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