posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 04:17 PM
It seems plausible we may not have so much of a gun problem but a mental health problem. Consider the drastic advancement in technology on the human
psych or perhaps the loss of traditional social norms (family, religion, community trust etc). These events are becoming commonplace to the point
people expect them. Meanwhile, civil liberties stand at risk because many Americans are willing to give up liberties for the sake of safety and
security. How do we police ourselves with civility when these violent attacks become over the top compared to normal crime and violence? This is a
real S**t Sandwich when we look at the grand scope of mayhem occurring almost on a weekly basis. What happens when society becomes numb to the
violence? Which I fear it is. I can't even fathom a solution that maintains civil liberties, it's just too complex and overwhelming. Is it the
rapid advance of technology, the withdrawal of most from traditional bonds or something more complex? It is not just the U. S. it seems to be
happening throughout the modern world. I fear we may have to accept personal restrictions in order to have safety and security. Humanity is at a
major crossroads and no one or group seems to have an idea as to which direction we need to turn. I don't want to give up my liberties for the sake
of safety because eventually, some jerk in government will surely use our reduced liberties to their advantage. This isn't doom and gloom, the
trends are occurring right in front of us. Maybe Humans cannot be trusted to act accordingly for the betterment of others. Someone tell me I am
wrong but red flags are flying everywhere.