Some very funny videos are emerging on youtube that depict the raid on Area51..
tons of fun to watch before its on for real.
I do believe a lot of people is going, some for fun, some are going to watch the others some for profit and some are really going to try and raid
me and the gang Naruto running to Area 51
Area 51 ("Fields of Verdun" Sabaton Parody) - Johnny Medlar
I have been watching this one closely for the past week or two. The Camo Dudes are the least of the threats in a place like Area 51. Listen to them
and do some homework before going there, there is some deep, dark stuff lurking in the vicinity. The reputation of Dreamland fits. There are many
dangers there and it is clearly signed that you enter at your own risk. Approached responsibly and with support improvements can be made.
It looks like there is an insurgency within and associated to the base pushing for disclosure and helping promote the event. Russia has been sending
planes into the base, help clean up some of the mess I imagine. Things are looking good for some manged disclosure to take place. If you want to
Naruto Run then Minecraft has some interesting maps of the world to explore. There are also many other interesting websites out there.