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Looking for Help - ET Encounter

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posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 10:07 PM
Yes this is my first REAL post, and I registered with this forum in hopes in finding some help or information that might help me with an encounter experience I had a few weeks ago. Any insight into this encounter would be very helpful to me and I greatly appreciate any feedback in advance.

Preface: This is NOT my first incident when it comes to ET's, but it is definitely the most personal, and most blatant.

Story: A few weeks ago, it was roughly around 11pm local time, and I had just turned out the lights to go to sleep. I was having some trouble actually falling asleep, tossing and turning. I eventually decided to turn my lamp on to feel "safe." This is atypical behavior for me but NOT unheard of. I typically sleep in the dark with only music playing at most. But every once in a while, I'll feel an urge to turn a lamp on by my bed before I can fall asleep. I'd guess I get this feeling once every few months if I were to guess estimate the top of my head.

So I did just that, I turned on my lamp, laid on my back, and put a pillow over my eyes to block the light (irony I know). The top half of my eyes were blocked so I had roughly 50% of the bottom half of my vision. I ended up falling asleep for about two hours (I later checked the time). I was in the middle of a vivid dream, I can't remember the specifics but it was a good dream. Mid-dream, I was "snatched" awake. Immediately, I realized I was in what felt kind of like sleep paralysis.

There were two things that woke me up: First, I heard a high pitched sound, directly in my ear, what I would describe as a metallic sound. For some reason hearing this sound, I just knew that "they" were here. Second, I was wearing a necklace with a copper pendant. My necklace was laying flat on my bed to the right of my head. I could feel a "pull" on my necklace, on the left side of my neck. Nothing painful, but enough to know that something was causing it to tug at my neck. More importantly, my copper pendant was vibrating insanely fast. I couldn't move, so I couldn't actually turn my head to see it, but I could feel it vibrating incredibly fast.

Let me interrupt the story to say I am no stranger to sleep paralysis. I used to get it often when I was a kid growing up, and infrequently as an adult. I understand what it is, so paralysis on it's own isn't enough to emotionally charge me. In those few seconds I could account for the paralysis, but I couldn't account for the strange behavior of the pendant on my necklace.

Coming to this realization, I immediately went into panic mode. I tried to fight the paralysis but it was useless. I felt an energy pushing down on me, but mainly centralized in my abdomen area. With the pillow covering half my vision, I could still see the wall opposite me, my tv, I could still see that the light was on in my bedroom. But having only half my vision made me panic even more to no avail. Finally I tried communicating with whatever was in the room with me. Since I had paralysis, I tried to speak, but I am sure it was only mental. I basically expressed concern, I asked the entity what it was doing, I expressed my fear mentally to whatever was keeping me pinned.

That's when something tried to communicate back to me. I could still see the bottom half of my normal vision (because of the pillow). That is when symbols or geometric shapes, a lot of them overlaid my vision. I could still see the opposite wall, but it was like an overlay of symbols in front of it. After the symbols, came letters (ABCD, etc) but they were all jumbled up like a crossword puzzle. Then the letters started to spin counter clock wise. It was so fast, and I was so panic'ed I couldn't make out any of it.

It was at this point I had confirmation there was an intelligence in the room with me, and there was nothing I could do. I stopped trying to fight the paralysis and gave in to it. This is when I said to myself mentally "Am I at least safe?" I repeated that a couple times. The energy centralized in my abdomen made what felt like a pin-point trajectory to the right side of my abdomen. It was an intense feeling, but it wasn't pain.

And as fast as it started, in an instant it was over. I immediately sat up, looked around my room and everything was exactly as I saw it. Lamp was still on, everything was exactly in place as best as I could see a few minutes prior. This is when I looked at the clock and realized I had been asleep for roughly 2 hours. It took me a few hours to fall asleep after that, but eventually I passed out and woke up for work the next morning.

The following workday I could still feel that something has happened to the right side of my abdomen. It varied from a slight pressure to even a dull ache at times. This lasted until about the end of my workday, reaffirming to me that something had happened to me the night prior.

Can anyone give me ANY insight into this encounter? I've been researching nonstop for something similar, so any help would be much appreciated.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 11:03 PM
First, thanks for sharing this personal experience.

I've experienced sleep-paralysis before also (although I did not know what that was - at the time I experienced it, only years later), and yeah it is freaky and paranoia-inducing - because you are not in control of it.

You say you can tell the difference between your "normal" sleep-paralysis episode(s) and what happened? I didn't quite understand what you felt was different about it?

Also, were you able to control your eyes (move them around and/or open/close your eyelids) during this event?

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: EnhancedInterrogator

Thank you for the reply.

Well a few things were different. In my sleep paralysis episodes, things are still a bit hazy, particularly w/ vision. In this event, my eyes, though vision obscured by the pillow, were very much active and able to move around. Also, the overall feeling of what was "holding" me down felt more concentrated if that makes sense. I could actually sense that it was more targeted in my core area.

The most obvious thing that told me this was not a typical sleep paralysis episode, was the behavior of my necklace. I can't explain my necklace behaving the way it did.

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 02:38 AM
I believe the symbols you saw might be some type of "download" of information.

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: tjocksteffe

Based on the bit of research I've been able to do myself, believe it might have been the same. I haven't been able to find any source that was really able to expand on that. Do you have any further ideas as to the nature of this "download?"

Really just looking to be pointed in a good direction for me to dive in and look further into what happened in hopes of connecting with others who might echo a similar experience.

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: goste112

Look on Jerimiah Cohens channel he has a video called alien abduction deception or something along those lines. They are demonic forces. Theres Over 400 documented cases where people stopped an abduction by praying to /calling on Jesus Christ. It works every time. A few cases are also mentioned in John Macks books he wrote after his years teaching at Harvard.

This is demonic activity and Jesus Christ has authority over them!! Look up "Stephen Darby Prayer" also , he has amazing powerful prayers that will halt this activity in your life ! I had similar experiences and haven't been messed with at all since I've been reborn in the blood of Jesus Christ and pray regularly. God bless you.

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: TheRealSolarPanel

I appreciate the feedback and will certainly keep this in mind. Though, I am not ready to deem this as demonic or malevolent just yet. I hope to gather more information before coming to a determination of the nature of my experience.

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 08:37 AM
Welcome! Not your 1st "post"...but your 1st composed, original "thread"-topic.

A thread is a subject...and postings are replies to it, about it and in regards to the thread you started!

Hope you find your answers...this 'be the place!


posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: goste112

Calling on Jesus works!

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: KTemplar
a reply to: goste112

Calling on Jesus works!

Well, in theory, she could call on The Power Of The Force if a 'Star Wars' fan. The point being that a strong faith/belief in ANYTHING that is overreaching and powerful is enough to deter an unwanted presence.

I have no firm conclusions at all about the reality of such nightly visitations, but they are certainly a common phenomenon worthy of investigation, even if the Mind is ultimately the culprit rather than an external force.

PS: I imagine such faith would have to be a True Belief. Anyone remember the cheesy movie 'Dracula Has Risen From The Grave' (1968) wherein Chris Lee is staked in the heart but casually pulls it out again when he realises his attacker did not truly believe in God/Jesus after all?

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 06:54 AM
Maybe I should define -- I am looking for if anyone has heard of similar experiences or had anything similar happen to them? I am particularly interested in any information regarding the symbols.

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: goste112

can you remember or draw any of the symbols?

Maybe the alien was trying to communicate with you but had no clue how? I tend to think there are multiple groups/ subsets of visitors, some more familiar & similar with humans than others.

It could very well be your mind playing tricks on you.

Were the alphabet characters true english alphabet or more like Greek lettering? Pentagrams? Polygons? 3d shapes? Swirls? Glyphs? Hieroglyphs?
edit on 26-6-2019 by Attentionwandered because: (none given)

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: goste112


Welcome to ATS and thanks for sharing.

Preface: This is NOT my first incident when it comes to ET's, but it is definitely the most personal, and most blatant.

Could you give some more details on your other experiences? Were they similar to this or completely different? Were they recent or long ago?

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: Diaspar

I've had 1 other definitive ET experience, and 1 other "maybe" ET experience.

Maybe Experience

When I was a kid I used to get a lot of sleep paralysis. I had no clue what it was, just knew it scared the crap out of me. Anyhow, when I was about eleven, I woke up in the middle of the night in the middle of sleep paralysis. I was laying on my back, with the door to my bedroom in the opposite corner of the room. All the lights were out, except for the ambient light coming from my window. At my bedroom entrance was what I perceived to be an "ET", in the form of a "Grey" alien commonly pictured. It didn't move, and I couldn't move. In fear I fought the paralysis until I could finally move, and immediately turned on the lamp that was within arms reach. When I turned it on, it was gone.

I only give this a "Maybe" story because of my age, and I perhaps really could have just imagined that scene up out of fear. I will say in all my sleep paralysis as a kid, or adult; that was the only time I actually visually perceived another entity in my room. Imagination or not, this event shocked me enough to refuse to sleep alone in my bedroom for almost a year.

Another ET Encounter

Fast forward to about 10ish years later, March 2012; I had an encounter w/ a ship while driving on the highway around 6AM. In attempt to shorten this story up, here are the cliffnotes

- Saw UFO fly directly overhead my car while on the highway to work in the early morning
- This wasn't a UFO off in the distance, what I saw was very close, close enough that if it were an airplane, I could have told you what airline it was.
- The craft was huge, I felt like I was driving to a "mothership" if you will.
- What I can't explain is apparently I was the only one who saw this craft, though I was not alone on the highway. Again this wasn't a lights off in the distance type sighting, this was up close and personal. When I got to work, I immediately called my mother to see if anything was on the news. I googled ufo sightings, anything. No one appears to have reported or seen anything that morning aside from me, and it was RIGHT there.
- I could go into more elaborate detail if requested

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Attentionwandered

Unfortunately I cannot recall any specific symbol because it happened so quickly. I would say the entire sequence of visual symbols lasted for all of 3-5 seconds. On top of that, the sheer amount of symbols took up my entire peripheral like an overlay. I didn't have time to focus on just one symbol. It was akin to having a page of a novel put inches from your face for 3 seconds and trying to recall any of the the content.

The alphabet characters were true english alphabet to the best of my knowledge. Again like a novel put in front of your face, but the letters all mixed up like a word search puzzle. Again this lasted for maybe 3-5 seconds before spiraling and disappearing.

edit on 26-6-2019 by goste112 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 01:27 PM

See the attached picture of a UFO I saw about 7-8 years ago. I once had pictures and videos of it, but when I switched over from a blackberry to iPhone I lost all my pictures and videos. I watched this UFO for approx. 30 minutes before losing sight of it over the top of the house and trees. It started off as what looked like just a bright stare that was approx. 2x's the size of the rest of the stars around it. Then after 15 mins or so I began noticing that it was getting brighter/moving closer to me and that is when I began taking pics and videos of it. When it went over head it was about 200 yards or so above head, and I am sure on the height because I have worked right next door to the airport for the last ten years, seeing and hearing dozens of commercial jets taking of and landing every single day. It was about the same size as a commercial jet, except it had no wings, landing gear, flashing lights, windows, etc. It was solid black and the body seemed to be a single piece (no seams, rivets, etc). On the rear third of the object it had what looked like big rotating cylinder that had windows all the way around it and the height of that portion of the object was about 2x's the height of the "cigar" portion of the object ( if the cigar body of the object was 20ft wide then the "rotating windows" would be 40ft wide). Basically it looked like two types of UFO's joined together - the "cigar shaped" UFO's, with a "saucer" docked on it(the saucer types that are shown that kind of look like a hamburger - thick middle section with windows). I've never been able to find any depiction or description of a similar object. So if anyone could shed any light into this I would greatly appreciate it.

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 01:27 PM

See the attached picture of a UFO I saw about 7-8 years ago. I once had pictures and videos of it, but when I switched over from a blackberry to iPhone I lost all my pictures and videos. I watched this UFO for approx. 30 minutes before losing sight of it over the top of the house and trees. It started off as what looked like just a bright stare that was approx. 2x's the size of the rest of the stars around it. Then after 15 mins or so I began noticing that it was getting brighter/moving closer to me and that is when I began taking pics and videos of it. When it went over head it was about 200 yards or so above head, and I am sure on the height because I have worked right next door to the airport for the last ten years, seeing and hearing dozens of commercial jets taking of and landing every single day. It was about the same size as a commercial jet, except it had no wings, landing gear, flashing lights, windows, etc. It was solid black and the body seemed to be a single piece (no seams, rivets, etc). On the rear third of the object it had what looked like big rotating cylinder that had windows all the way around it and the height of that portion of the object was about 2x's the height of the "cigar" portion of the object ( if the cigar body of the object was 20ft wide then the "rotating windows" would be 40ft wide). Basically it looked like two types of UFO's joined together - the "cigar shaped" UFO's, with a "saucer" docked on it(the saucer types that are shown that kind of look like a hamburger - thick middle section with windows). I've never been able to find any depiction or description of a similar object. So if anyone could shed any light into this I would greatly appreciate it.

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: USERNAME1986

I can't say the craft I saw looked as the one in your picture. The craft I saw was very dark, and against a dark morning sky, very difficult to distinguish an actual shape. I could only see the movement of it (it was traveling slowly) and based on that, it was very large.

The craft I saw had very little lighting, only a row of small red lights going "up" it, or best I could determine as the top of it. At the "top" of the craft was a very large rotating (best I can surmise) ball of red energy. The best comparison I can draw, is a magicians crystal ball and they put their hands over the ball, creating what looks like electricity/energy over the ball? That is what it looked like, only rotating and extremely large, red, and bright. That feature alone is what made me believe this was something remarkable.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 01:57 PM
My best guess about the symbols is that it has something to do with awakening/preparing humanity.
One hypothesis is that the symbols distract the left brain half, leaving the right brain half to work.
Grant Cameron has a few videos about this.
Evidence of something being done to stimulate the right brain half can be found in marks left on experiencers bodies.
The marks are almost always on the left side of the body which is controlled by the right brain half.
I have myself photographed strange marks on my left wrist which I discovered one morning a few years ago. The marks looked a bit like three mosquito bites but were in a perfect triangle pattern.
I live on the 17th floor in a big city and there are never any mosquitos or other insects up here.

The right brain half stimulus is allegedly somehow connected to a lot of weird stuff like remote viewing and such.
Whether you believe in that stuff is up to yourself. But left-to-right brain pattern changes have been medically proven to happen to advanced level buddhist monks for example.

But check out Grant Cameron. He talks a bit about symbols in some of his videos.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: tjocksteffe

Thanks you so much for the feedback. In regards to your marks, did you experience something peculiar the night before?

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