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UK Thread for NHS discussion

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posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: johnb

Shocking mate , not in Scotland fortunately the tories cant get their hands on our NHS !

and Trump just wants us to lower our standards so we can trade with the US post brexit

I emailed my MP stewart McDonald and asked him what the script was
and he said that the NHS in scotland wont be put up for sale by Scotland

he said that in order for the US to trade with us , they'd need to beat the top 10 competitors
before we sought to replace them and their medicines etc !

and then even with our food, the US isnt even in the top ten to replace the suppliers we have !

the NHS may die in England , but i've been told from the horses mouth by my MP in parliament that the NHS is not for sale in Scotland !

I only hope that the rest of the UK see what the tories are doing and get them out of power before its too late

thing is , what does the brexit party plan to do with the NHS , are they going to sell it off and flood the UK with private healthcare and reduce health and safety protocols just so we can trade better with the US for some private health care and big pharma dollars! For the tories and their pals in corporations and of course Trump and his buddies !

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: sapien82

This is honestly one of the biggest reasons my views on Scottish independence has changed so much, I voted against it before now am 100% lets do this thing.....

Personally now I want a full breakaway from rUK with Scotland joining the EU adopting the Euro because I think that rUK is #ed and so is the pound.

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: CthruU

Pure pish mate !

Half the doctors in the NHS are immigrants

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Welcome aboard my brother! hahaha

it was only a matter of time before there was something that made you change your mind

the NHS will be the turning point for a lot of Scots !

if the Tories are caught out selling it off in England , then even threaten the same in Scotland
then the tories will die a death with the NHS

I hope it wakes more people up to what is happening, the UK is being pulled out of the EU so it can be cut up and sold off !

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Its honestly not even just the NHS I feel like since the last Scottish independence referendum so much has changed, so much so that am getting pretty hardcore about wanting to leave rUK.

I just hope they do it right this time, my biggest concern last time was the economic impact but Brexit has kind of nullified that. If they can make a fairly robust economic argument then it will be an easy win for independence, I would be more than happy if the plan is to gain independence, apply for full EU membership, adopting the Euro. Some might say thats not true independence but I look at what's going on in Dublin these days and think that we could have that if we went for it.

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

there are lots of benefits to breaking away , the biggest benefit is shaking the political foundations of the UK to the core
and rocking them so much it breaks , only for something new and better to emerge from the ashes!

meaning that not Only Scotland , but Wales England and Northern Ireland can make big changes

break it and make something better !

then maybe ten years down the line we can get back together in a Union on equal footing !

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 02:58 PM
The NHS screwed, I have worked in the NHS in many areas over many years from general Nursing to working with Learning Disabilities.

I have witnessed the health care spiral down ...very sad ..very sad...a footballer, a golfer, celebrity, someone who just pushes buttons and makes a fortune being a computer savvy...gets paid more...far more than the guy that saves a life...or the care provider that is there to nurture them....NHS basic wage for a Health Care Assistant ...just about the bottom of the nursing heirarchy ..The Healthcare Assistant is there for the basic needs when you are unwell in hospital...when you poo your pants because you are unwell, you vomit, you wet the bed...We are all human..we will all at some point go through this...and the Health Care Assistant will help you clean yourself or even clean you you will keep your ..dignity...where I get paid more for stacking shelves in a supermarket...very sad...

I still work in the NHS...I am a trained Carpenter...I could be earning a fortune..I am one of many that could be earning far more outside the NHS....But we are spite of the demoralisation..from the governments...even some patients...there are so many in the NHS that believe in what we do.....I struggle to understand why the surgeon and the team that nurtures another human being to health is paid less than than an idiot kicking a leather bag of air about a field...Something is really wrong!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 02:58 PM
The NHS screwed, I have worked in the NHS in many areas over many years from general Nursing to working with Learning Disabilities.

I have witnessed the health care spiral down ...very sad ..very sad...a footballer, a golfer, celebrity, someone who just pushes buttons and makes a fortune being a computer savvy...gets paid more...far more than the guy that saves a life...or the care provider that is there to nurture them....NHS basic wage for a Health Care Assistant ...just about the bottom of the nursing heirarchy ..The Healthcare Assistant is there for the basic needs when you are unwell in hospital...when you poo your pants because you are unwell, you vomit, you wet the bed...We are all human..we will all at some point go through this...and the Health Care Assistant will help you clean yourself or even clean you you will keep your ..dignity...where I get paid more for stacking shelves in a supermarket...very sad...

I still work in the NHS...I am a trained Carpenter...I could be earning a fortune..I am one of many that could be earning far more outside the NHS....But we are spite of the demoralisation..from the governments...even some patients...there are so many in the NHS that believe in what we do.....I struggle to understand why the surgeon and the team that nurtures another human being to health is paid less than than an idiot kicking a leather bag of air about a field...Something is really wrong!!!
edit on 12-6-2019 by shuck because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-6-2019 by shuck because: Double post

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 03:36 PM
My opinion

Why do people not want to be in NHS..
And not in any particular order.
Fear of litigation..
Staff shortages ..increased workload
More people presenting Mental illness ( NHS not geared up to address)
Management in various NHS boards incompetent...

Bullying and harrassment inthe ÑHS a list..but one thing I will say..if ever something happens in your life and you end up in hospital..S**** happens will come across those in the system that really care...and you will know...just show some gratitude...working as a Nurse...just that bit of gratitude gives the reason why you became a Nurse

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: shuck

In a world of Me, Me, how do you you teach people to care ..about others outside oneself...

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: shuck

well I think you lead and teach by example others that are compassionate need to show others by example and just hope that it rubs off on them !
You can lead a horse to water , but it will drink when its ready , people need to be willing to change first!

life is just one big paradox , but all paradoxes can be reconciled through the principle of polarity apparently!

posted on Jun, 13 2019 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: shuck

Never a truer word and you and your Colleagues have my utmost respect.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 12:16 PM
Just an update in case anybody wasn't sleeping through worry about my condition

Eventually got to see an ENT specialist and he operated last week and all seems good so far anyway


Typical electioneering at the mo re funding but we can live in hope that they actually provide more encouragement, respect and rewards to those who choose to care for us.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

if the Tories are caught out selling it off in England , then even threaten the same in Scotland
then the tories will die a death with the NHS

They've been pretty brazen about it in Lancashire. Jeremy Hunt wrote a book on privaising the NHS prior to being made home secretary - NHS Direct, the whole 101 non emergency medical line are a private healthcare company, the tory chief whip is a major benefactor, at least 43 prominent Tory MPs, many of the front benchers have assets, donations or strong links to private healthcare companies.

Many hospirals have wards staffed by NHS CARE who wear NHS univorms but are actually Virgin Healthcare - GP practices recieved word from the government to only display patient leadlets and information for private healthcare companies instead of charities, it costs £40 to get a doctors private letter but my GP practive ignores the guidlelines.

The government are only giving a loan with substantial interest to the current repairs at the main hospiral in the counry, ir's so run down, underfunded and understaffed that most patients have been transfered to private 'hospitals.

Mt neurology appointments are all in Greater Lancashire hospital that is the size of a a small GP surgery, has one receptionist, three Drs/Neuros working on a locum basis - they make several times what they did before for less/no work as it has no medical equipment, just a desk and computer at reception and the neuro room. Hardly any patients in the county are told about the NHS/Guidelines to have specialist staff like epillepsy nurses, care plans, advice on how to cope with living with epilepsy and the life saving/devices, because there are no funds for neurology in the count with people having waited upward of 30 years to have an initial appointment.

90% of people who need wheelchairs have to wait more than six months to get one, meaning they're bedbound in the meantime so the public are largely unaware of the problems - it's been the most vulnerable and in need that have had services removed,

posted on Nov, 14 2019 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: bastion

Um. The NHS has always been staffed by people who are not employed by the NHS. Agency staff, locums and service providers. The big one of course are GPs, with most GP practices essentially being small businesses.

Private diagnostic services (e.g. pathology) have improved quality and productivity within the NHS. These changes have been going on for decades.

Social care is where there are numerous private operators inc. care homes et al.

The idea that the NHS should be exclusivley staffed and serviced by NHS staff is silly. The idea that the Tories are to blame is also very wrong. It was under Labour that PFI found its most corrupt expression, for example. Non-clinical services have been outsourced under Labour and the Tories.

posted on Nov, 14 2019 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Agreed Labour PFI/PPP is/was one of the most destructive and nonsensical policies, technically John Major was first to talk of introducing the concept but Labour steamrolled it. The reason this is happening is because of how ill thought out PFI/PPP contracts are and corruption between then Labour MPs and Branson.

It was poor wording on my part but I'm not talking standard locums and GP practives or hospitals having non NHS staff for efficiency and necessity to cover demand/staff absence - they're an essential part of a functioning health service.

I'm talking hospitals that have NHS signs but select wards are secretly completely private, it started around 2010 in Lancashire but was a direct result of the impact of PFI/PPP - can't name sources due to journalism ethics but there's a decent article here about how Virgin Healthcare fabricated the figures of the local secure mental health ward falsely claiming it was failing so they could close it down as under the PFI/PPP agreements if the hospital is run so badly it is forced to close the private investor/company still receives the full PFI/PPP payout without the costs of running the hospital or ward.

PFI/PPP is robbing the NHS of much needed funds - a non PFI/PPP hospital charges the NHS nothing to put p noticeboards and £1 to replace lightbulbs. A PFI/PPP hospital charges £50 to put up a noticeboard and £85 to replace a light. A few hundred million were wasted at one a mate worked as the builders/contractors had renovated the radiography, nuclear medicine and MRI departments with state of the art equipment but the corridors and doors were too narrow for a hospital/ambulance stretcher to fit through so it had to be redone.

They failed to notify staff, managers, the hospital, patients or families and turfed them out on the street and faced no reprecusions:

On the subject of GP practices and Virgin Healthcare I had an interesting/nasty experience that nearly killed me once. I'd had a bad seizure and was sent to an out of hours GP - he took one look at me apologised profusely and said I should never have been sent there and to get to the nearest hospital immediately (2 mins drive away) but not to mention that I'd been sent to that surgery as the Drs were only allowed to send people to a hospital that's 30 miles away and thankfully he broke the law/risked his job and saved my life as there was no chance I'd have survived the journey -

Any ideas or potential leads why and out of hours/emergency gp surgery would only allow staff to send patients to an allocated hospital that's on the other side of the county instead of one that's practically next door to it? It's never happened before or since and always struck me as an interesting rabbithole/article.

edit on 14-11-2019 by bastion because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2019 by bastion because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2019 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2019 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

The pay may not be the best but that's because it's not a for profit system, people do the job to help people rather than make money. NHS staff receive around 25 - 50% from most brands, travel, services, accommodation etc for being frontline staff to make up for the lower wages.

Americans don't really get it that the biggest reason UK Doctors and nursing staff enter the profession is to help other people. Helping sick people is the most important thing to them and is top of their list in life, they are absolutely not motivated by money.

Their 'reward' is much more satisfying and fulfilling than chasing the fattest salary available. It's not just a 'job' of work to them, it's a 'need', a 'calling'. They feel it's their purpose in life, the reason they were put on this Earth, and they will answer that 'call' no matter what and nothing can sway them from it, not even crap pay and work conditions can put them off. They are dedicated to the profession, and are without doubt the most amazing wonderful unselfish people on this planet.

They get much more than just money from what they do. Money doesn't come close to it. Their poorly-paid dedication to their profession and to the patients whose lives depend on them, is puzzling to those who think that the only purpose in life is to accumulate as much money as possible while you can. So shallow.

God bless our NHS doctors and nurses.

edit on 14-11-2019 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

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