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The US and the war against China. (Mobile / computer tech).

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posted on May, 25 2019 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: strongfp

the bully in this whole trade was the instigator is the US,

So when the US institutes reciprocal tariffs, it's the bad guy. Hysterical.

You're right. China is the victim. They should pull up their big boy pants and stop "helping" the US by selling them Product for profit. I'm willing to help them find their independence by making Chinese products less attractive with US tariffs. You should be too.

posted on May, 25 2019 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

Is it China's fault that American company's left the US? Is it China's fault that Huawei wants to do business in America?

Is it China's fault that the current US government slapped billions of dollars worth of tariffs on themselves?

Why does the US need to be king of the world? You do know actual humans live in China right, with families, communities, etc. face the facts the US is losing grip of their economic power and stirring the pot, might as well just start a full on war with the rest of the world, that'll show us all to make better business decisions!

posted on May, 25 2019 @ 04:32 PM

Is it China's fault that American company's left the US? 

Not really. They were small contributors.

Is it China's fault that Huawei wants to do business in America? 


Is it China's fault that the current US government slapped billions of dollars worth of tariffs on themselves? 

Yes. Those tariffs are the answer to unfair trade practices including dumping, IP theft, espionage, and, brace yourself, excessively high tariffs...

Why does the US need to be king of the world?

It doesn't. It doesn't need to fund an openly antagonistic regime with no regard for its citizens either. It is free to protect its own industries the same way the China, the EU, and a host of other countries protect their own.

posted on May, 25 2019 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

I believe in humanity working together to achieve greater goals. And currently the US is putting up more road blocks instead of attempting to take them down. Was a trade war really needed?
War means someone gets the bigger end of the stick, and someone ends with the shorter end, and the US clearly wants the bigger end. Before it was rather equal.

posted on May, 25 2019 @ 11:49 PM
It was not equal. Nor was it in our national interest.

It's not equal when one side illegally dumps steel and other productsin foreign markets to put industries in those countries out of business. It's not equal when one side refuses to recognize IP rights and steals technology. It's not equal when one side has exceptionally high tariffs on the other side. It's not equal when one side has a massive half trillion dollar deficit each year. China gets the "big end" of all those sticks at the moment.

So spare me the histrionics about trying to address some of it being "unfair" or " bullying" or "not working together".

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: RadioRobert

Are you being serious right now?

The US made it's bed and doesn't want to sleep in it. Don't put the blame on a nation that took full advantage of poor business. And look what is happening, US company's are now suffering, which makes the consumers suffer.

Remember, China makes all the US consumer crap that they thrive on. It's not their fault the US citizens keep buying it.
Maybe if the US didn't elect a literal dunce in world economics you wouldn't be in this mess and free enterprise would be thriving.

Let me ask you this. What does it matter if a hammer is built in China or built in the US? In the whole grand scheme of things a hammer does what it does, why do imaginary lines on the globe dictate who makes the hammer?

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: RadioRobert

'Oh FFS you're wilfuly ignoring that Oil is traded in $US. For 50 years the recycling of petrodollars allows the US an unfair advantage in exporting its inflation, and creating fake $'s out of thin air. Stop crying about the few cents and notice the big dollars.

And you dare talk about even playing field.

Lol Lol LOl

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: strongfp

Don't put the blame on a nation that took full advantage of poor business. 

So we were taken advantage of (I'm glad you admit) and are now trying to stop being taken advantage of, and that makes us a "bully"...

That's very coherent.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

The US is in no danger of sainthood. Noone is forced to trade in dollars. It could end tomorrow if the countries involved so decide.
The US has to act in its own best interest. Just like China acts in theirs. As it happens the administration has decided it no longer desires to be taken advantage of (as strong says brightly there) in poor trade deals. China gets to pick between trying to resolve some of the underlying issues or deal with the reciprocal tariffs.
America isn't required to do business with anyone. Certainly not with people openly antagonistic. There are other countries that would be thrilled to expand their textile industries, for example, in return for hard currency, MFN status, and access to our consumer market. We don't have to deal with theives just because we've done it for 50 years. Chiina doesn't have to deal with the US either. They can buy food elsewhere and ship discretionary consumer goods where ever they desire. More power to them.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 03:07 AM
I do see this issue as one for National Security, but not in the way this discussion is going. A back door does not ask for your country of residence. I can see some tension with just who's back doors get implemented, but there are bigger things going on. It is more about Global Security.

5G is a new frontier for us humans, lot of concern around, lots of ways it can work in the details. As it gets developed and rolled out the standards are becoming clearer. When looking at some of the technological breakthroughs to lead to this capability, I find it hard to ignore the associations that surface with alien implants.

I do very much consider that some key components, like the use of geranium in the transistor was found with the aid of recovered alien tech. I know some here refute such claims, but we must all make our own decisions about the unknown.

So here we are setting up a global grid, at least in some part based on alien technology. Reverse engineered, defined and measured against everything else we know. A massive control grid is growing, the internet of things expanding, nano or smart dust emerging, our whole way of life managed by telecommunications and machines, food, lights, houses, cars, money, everything...

What happens if 5G does go pear shaped? Having a separation of powers with China over 5G hopefully gives this world half a chance should something go wrong with 5G.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: RadioRobert

Israel spies on the US , has done industrial and military espionage and is frequently having spies deported from the US e.g. The Dancing Israelis opposite the WTC on 911 who the recently released FBI files confirm we're Mossad agents.

Should the US not do business with Israel too ?

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: RadioRobert

Just remember it's a national security issue when the US trades with China. It's not a national security issue when the US sells weapons to Saudi Arabia, the nation where 16 of the 19 hijackers on 911 came from and the nation now known to have funded the 911 attacks.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

5g is only a huge issue because it was created by China. Its s game changer for sure, but all the speculation has made me suspicious why is there so much pushback and conspiracy theories?

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: englishdissident

If the Saudis were trying to kill steel production with illegal dumping, and they were backdooring and/or stealing our technology, I'd call them security risks and be concerned about or trade, too. The (very real) concerns about the Saudis don't revolve around their military. I'd be thrilled to get out of the ME more or less altogether. We've done plenty of monster slaying. There will always be another monster. I'm not interested in spending any more lives or money taking on that role.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: strongfp

5G was not created by China.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Huawei was the main investor into the technology, the main share holder, it's a Chinese company. South Korea was where it was tested and first implemented. Huawei designed, engineered, and built the hardware for 5g. Technically it's a worldwide effort but it was mainly focused on by a Chinese company.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 05:53 PM
What war? They already de facto own half the nation.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 06:04 PM
Nobody’s all good or all bad. China and the US have both don’t terrible things on all fronts.

But no side is all bad and the other all good or visa-versa.

But it’s the US that’s going around sanctioning everybody it doesn’t agree with: China, Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and also sanctioning countries that doesn’t abide by their destructive sanctions( even their own allies). China and Russia who despite the US tyranny of sanctions will nevertheless still buy Iranian oil and help Venezuela.

So overall its clear the US is the worse of the two and is acting like a Nazi authoritarian economic power.
And now they want to jinn up a war with Iran.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 06:23 PM
Also, the US taking on China may have terrible results.

The Chinese have a tyrannical government and can more easily withstand the negative effects of this trade war than the US whose citizens affected won’t remain quiet.

The dollar may take a beating in relationship to Chinas currency which is slowly replacing the dollar as the worlds reserve currency.

China has alternatives to the US market and can punish the US in may ways, like

…. China has a million ways (almost) to retaliate. China can devalue her currency vis-à-vis the dollar, or China can dump some of their almost 3 trillion dollars-worth of reserves on the money market – just take a wild guess about what that would do to the hegemony of the dollar which is already in dire straits – with ever more countries departing from the use of dollars for international trade.
And just hypothetically, China could stop altogether exporting all that Walmart junk that American consumers love so much – just for a while. Or China could stop making iPhones for the US market. Guess what kind of an uproar that would trigger in the US? – Or China could of course, levy herself high tariffs on US imports, or stop US imports altogether. China being part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – actually the co-founder of it – has many alternatives to cover her demand. No need to depend on the west.


But of course, China would also be hurt if a more destructive trade war heats up.

Bottom line, that would be a potential worldwide economic disaster.

posted on May, 26 2019 @ 06:53 PM
So, I gather they have evidence that these phones are a threat. What is the evidence?

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