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Boston College Student: Baby Who Survives Abortion Is Not a Baby

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+5 more 
posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 02:03 PM
I'm really at a lost of words, on how to describe my feelings concerning the utter cluelessness this student displays. How can someone be so ignorant? This student is stating in the clip below, that a baby who is born after surviving an attempted abortion, is not a baby, because the abortionist “already determined that it’s not a baby.” So, what is it then? Unreal and to think this generation is our future. YIKES!

The student made the stunning statement after Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, asked her during a pro-life event to explain the difference between offering care to a baby who survived a failed abortion and giving treatment to an infant dying in an immigration center along the southern border.

HAWKINS: Do you think that children that are apprehended at the border that are in U.S. government care … do you think babies who are going to die should be resuscitated and given care?
HAWKINS: Okay. Do you believe that a baby who is born alive during an abortion at Planned Parenthood should get care?
HAWKINS: So do you think it’s a baby?
PRO-CHOICE STUDENT: Because they’re performing an abortion. So, for that, they’ve already determined that it’s not a baby.
HAWKINS: You just said, “They determined it’s not a baby.” How can an abortionist determine it’s not a baby? … Why is it not a baby?
PRO-CHOICE STUDENT: It hasn’t been born yet.
HAWKINS: So this baby comes out of utero, and the digoxin hasn’t been successful in inducing cardiac arrest, and this baby is alive … so, do you think it’s a baby?


posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 02:09 PM
I haven't watched the video or visited the link you've provided, but from your post, it seems like this person is being blatantly dishonest for the sake of justifying her logic.
"Save immigrant babies!"
"What about babies that survive abortions?"
"Oh, those... uh... well, you see, that's ok because those babies aren't real babies..."

+14 more 
posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 02:23 PM
Because for Planned Parenthood that baby becomes a commercial product to be sold by the piece to the highest bidder. Our brainwashed youth believe what they have been told by the public education system. Critical thinking has been removed from the system.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 02:24 PM
Something that has always bothered me about abortion was the doctors that preform them.

How can someone that has taken an oath to do no harm justify in their own mind that an 8 month old fetus is not a human life? They have no doubt seen premature babies thrive.
3, 4 maybe 5 months I could see a reasonable conversation about that but not in such a late stage.

A stupid college student doesnt surprise me at all though...
I wonder if the kid thinks that since their parents didnt want a baby when conception happened that they should commit suicide? I mean the parents didnt want a kid so they're not really a kid.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Brain washed, indoctrinated, idiots! This is what our colleges have been up too since the 60's. Remember, back then one could say we as a country were family oriented? Now look. It seems everything is against that. Remember the Marxists at Berkley demanding free speech? They got it! Now we are witnessing a cancer that has used our Constitution against us. Here is a video of some brain dead college cultists protesting because someone whom they don't agree with is going to be on their campus (safe space). Notice the guy they were protesting trolled the hell out them and how at the end, some fascist grabbed the toy bull horn and told everyone to not engage in conversation??? You know who else does that? CULTS!


Did you watch the video???? Now tell me how the hell this kind of mind control is possible! Just listen to these utter brain dead idiots parrot what their professors put into their thoughtless heads.

Screw ISIS and ISLAM as being our nations greatest threat. Hell our nations greatest threat is our GD college system!

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

So this woman is not a human being even today because she survived an abortion and lived to tell about it?

On Tuesday, Melissa Ohden, founder of the Abortion Survivors Network, testified in support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. When she was 31-weeks-old in her mother's womb, an abortionist attempted to end her life with a saline solution. She survived, and now she advocates for the rights of the unborn. She slammed pro-abortion advocates who claim to support women's rights.

She's hardly the only one who has done so too. So basically this student is saying we have an entire class of un-humans living in the country because someone had the gaul to allow them to continue drawing breath against their mother's wishes?

The abortion survivor described the saline solution abortion that nearly took her life. "You’ll find that children like me are actually called the red-skinned or candy-apples babies because that toxic salt solution," she said. "I wonder how much I thrashed about in the womb as it attacked my body."

Ohden recalled speaking with mothers whose children were killed by a saline abortion. "They have actually felt their baby thrashing about in their womb after the delivery of that toxic salt solution," she said. "My arrival into this world was not so much birth but an accident, a live birth after a saline infusion abortion."

She cited her medical record, which states, "A saline infusion for an abortion was done, but was unsuccessful."

"A nurse said, 'I couldn’t just leave her there to die,'" Ohden added. She referenced polls showing widespread popular support for abortion restrictions.

The article goes on to say that when doctors do surgery in utero, they use anesthesia, but there is none for any abortion procedure. What logic does that make? Either there is pain or there isn't. Either you need anesthesia or you don't.
edit on 11-4-2019 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 02:54 PM
I support abortion, but this is just absurd.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

I wouldn't let my kids go to a university these days. All that is today is the blind leading the blind from the dean to the professors to the students. They'll be going to the local community college. Luckily they're just like me and are well informed about the lunacy of the left.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 03:17 PM
This is absolutely disgusting.

The indoctrination NEEDS TO STOP.

This moves me, I feel passionate about going up to every single damned leftist and telling they are WRONG.

You know, I can deal with the BS left and pro abortionist creating and inventing BS logic to justify their murder is beautful innocence little babies, but I can't sit idly by when it starts to get to the point where not only are they not human or deserving of life, but they are some class of in-human "Thing" should it survive an abortion. Disgusting.

This broad rationalizes this babies death as not a death or even a baby, but rather, a thing that must be purged because the abortionist "determines" whether it's a baby and if it says "Abortion" then anything after is and should still be aborted, regardless of what.

YEAH, NO, ALL YOU LEFTIST OWN THIS, I don't care if you support abortion and find this disgusting, Y'ALL PART OF IT TOO, OWN IT. All I ask is hurry up and eat your own so we can be done with this disgusting inhuman crap of killing small humans.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: seeker1963

I wouldn't let my kids go to a university these days. All that is today is the blind leading the blind from the dean to the professors to the students. They'll be going to the local community college. Luckily they're just like me and are well informed about the lunacy of the left.

My daughter is a Marxist zombie. She was always just like me, not afraid to question, not afraid of confrontation, but now since she is in college I can see how they are brain washing her. I do have fun with her though! I love it when she tries to educate her father and then totally destroy her indoctrinated beliefs in 20 seconds. I always look at her and ask her, "Well? Do you have an intelligent response to debate my point or are you going to call me a racist?".

Good times!

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Arnie123
This is absolutely disgusting.

The indoctrination NEEDS TO STOP.

This moves me, I feel passionate about going up to every single damned leftist and telling they are WRONG.

You know, I can deal with the BS left and pro abortionist creating and inventing BS logic to justify their murder is beautful innocence little babies, but I can't sit idly by when it starts to get to the point where not only are they not human or deserving of life, but they are some class of in-human "Thing" should it survive an abortion. Disgusting.

This broad rationalizes this babies death as not a death or even a baby, but rather, a thing that must be purged because the abortionist "determines" whether it's a baby and if it says "Abortion" then anything after is and should still be aborted, regardless of what.

YEAH, NO, ALL YOU LEFTIST OWN THIS, I don't care if you support abortion and find this disgusting, Y'ALL PART OF IT TOO, OWN IT. All I ask is hurry up and eat your own so we can be done with this disgusting inhuman crap of killing small humans.

They want to kill their own, while welcoming in people who want to kill them.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
and to think this generation is our future.

Abortions are actually at the lowest rate since Roe v Wade in the United States. Just because these animals talk the loudest, doesn't mean they're speaking for the majority. All the venom we've seen of late, I believe, is the last gasp of a dying creed... I honestly believe most Americans, even the youth, haven't lost their humanity and find abortion repugnant and, perhaps soon with the makeup of the court, Roe v Wade will be challenged and humanity, sanity, and common decency will prevail and this barbarism will end. If need be, those who continue to push for acceptance of that barbarism will be dealt with in the same manner as other barbaric dinosaurs like slavery proponents, witch burners, public lynchers of minorities, and doctors who performed ice pick lobotomies were dealt with by society.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

This is what our colleges have been up too since the 60's. Remember, back then one could say we as a country were family oriented? Now look. It seems everything is against that.

Do people really believe that all classes in college are, "Abortion is awesome 101, Selling baby organs 104, or White Males are Evil 204"?

A few people with far-left opinions is now the determination of all college kid's beliefs?

Believe whatever you guys want.... It's all about which side can be more outraged, right? Rage against the dying of the light. … Er.. I mean rage against the leftist blogger on your keyboard!

Sure colleges have issues. However, to say that the handful of far-leftists in college is a serious problem is just silly in my opinion.

You know these anti-liberal "snowfalkes are ruining the country" people make a living off pushing these narratives and these types of videos.

Much like how infowars reporters will go to the most liberal places in California and try to make random liberals look like idiots. More left vs right hatred. Solves nothing!

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: blueman12

No, but I do think there is a marked increase in classes like my US History Since 1867 class where it should have been US History Since 1867 taught from the perspective of a black leftist radical which is what it actually was.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

I could only stomach watching 3 minutes of that video.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 04:04 PM
Completely heartless SOB’s. Killing a new born baby is the ultimate low.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 04:04 PM
I wouldn't pi$$ on that girl if she was on fire.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: seeker1963

This is what our colleges have been up too since the 60's. Remember, back then one could say we as a country were family oriented? Now look. It seems everything is against that.

Do people really believe that all classes in college are, "Abortion is awesome 101, Selling baby organs 104, or White Males are Evil 204"?

A few people with far-left opinions is now the determination of all college kid's beliefs?

Believe whatever you guys want.... It's all about which side can be more outraged, right? Rage against the dying of the light. … Er.. I mean rage against the leftist blogger on your keyboard!

Sure colleges have issues. However, to say that the handful of far-leftists in college is a serious problem is just silly in my opinion.

You know these anti-liberal "snowfalkes are ruining the country" people make a living off pushing these narratives and these types of videos.

Much like how infowars reporters will go to the most liberal places in California and try to make random liberals look like idiots. More left vs right hatred. Solves nothing!

I despise the whole Marxist agenda! So what are you trying to defend? If you are defending an institution of this country who has brainwashed the weak minded into hating their own country, freedom and liberty? Well then that's on you! I am not saying all classes in college are this way, but every damn one of them that is focused on Social Justice sure as hell are!

Justice is Justice! Period!!!!! So any idiiot who uses Social as a descripter before justice as to whom they are??? Are MORONS! So to all of those morons who majored in all of the racist Social Justice courses? Enjoy complaining as to the money you owe and why you are not employable to a sane business who's goal is to make money verus virtue signaling.

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: mamabeth
a reply to: seeker1963

I could only stomach watching 3 minutes of that video.

Know thine enemy!

posted on Apr, 11 2019 @ 04:18 PM
Anl random asshole with an opinion is worthy of national debate?

No wonder our nation is in its current condition

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