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Cynthia McKinney ruffles Rumsfeld!

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posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 06:33 AM
Seems like there might still be some hope in the US of A in the form of Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney. She recentley asked Rumsfeld and Myers about the five wargames taking place on 9/11 and they avoided answering and looked uncomfortable when the subject was brought up.

McKinney ruffles Rumsfeld

Phones started ringing early on the morning of February 16th. Representative Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, newly returned to Capitol Hill for her sixth term as a member of Congress was, within minutes, going into a House hearing on the Defense Appropriations bill and she was going in loaded for bear… or goose, depending on one's viewpoint. She asked me how quickly I could email select documents establishing that as many as five wargames were simultaneously underway on the morning of Sept. 11th, 2001.

[edit on 2-3-2005 by uknumpty]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:11 AM
If they avoided answering and looked uncomfortable it isn't because
of any conspiracy ... it's simply because Cynthia McKinney is a certifiable
wing nut and EVERYTHING she says and does is beyond strange.
Kinda' like that dingbat Helen Thomas at the White House press
conferences. When either woman speaks, groans are heard and
eyes roll ... by the right AND the left.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:24 AM
what a load of----- it's not a conspiracy your right there FlyersFan it's a fact that war games where under way, ask the CIA or FAA or NORAD or your own freaking Air Force. These Neo-Cons have to be called on th carpet, question is who will they sacrifice for there greater good

Good stuff uknumpty

[edit on 2/3/2005 by Sauron]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:49 AM
When I was stationed at Fort Hood Texas, we ALWAYS had our
field exercises (war games) in May and September. I remember
that some other Army posts had theirs scheduled for September
at the same time we did. These lasted the entire month of May
and September. We were 'in the field' during those months.

There are ALWAYS war games and/or field problems going on
in the US military. ALWAYS. Take any day at random and there
will be at least a few units 'at war' in field problems or exercises.

Again. No conspiracy here. Just life as usual and Cynthia McKinney
not understanding life and not understanding - or bothering to check -
how the military runs it's training. (Considering we are talking
about Cynthia McKinney - no surprise there

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:27 AM
I have personally spoken to two different people in 2 different branches of the military that think what happened on 9/11 set a little off kilter.
One is a medically discharged (blown out knee) SGT in the Green Berets (forward logistics and comm link) who was stationed for training and gameing at Ft. Campbell, KY. He told me their training ops were in relation to an "unspecified catastrophe" in D.C.
As 9/11 was going down he said he and his men were gearing up to head to D.C. and were told to stand down. He tried to find out why and was basically told to shut his mouth.
The other guy is a Naval Pilot who was stationed in Norfolk on 9/11 and when they heard an attack was underway they instinctively made ready to get their jets off the ground and were told to stand down immediately.

I have absoluteley no reason to call into question the truthfullness of these men. They both said later on their superiors claimed 'fog of war' for their not being sent into action. Both men said that could be possible but they both seriously doubt it.

I make no claims as to whether they are full of mularky or not, but I find it all a little odd. that's all.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:29 AM
I think you'll find there is great cause for concern and investigation when one of the wargames, Operation Vigilant Warrior was a LIVE-FLY exercise run by the Chief Joints of Staff that simulated a hijack scenario within the continental United States.

Hmm, what convenient camouflage!

To dismiss Cynthia McKinney as a nut just because she's asking pertinent questions is ridiculous.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:52 AM
I don't dismiss her because she's asking 'pertenant questions'.
I dismiss her because of her history of being a nut. She's a
complete loon. If Sen. McCain or someone else with some
credibility stepped forward asking questions, I'd listen. But
from her ...

My brother is in the air force and was stationed in N. Dakota
at the time. They were in the middle of a war game when it
was cancelled because war 'Real World' happened. They
had to stand down their exercise and geer up real world.

September is a popular month for war games. So is May.
I have no doubt that the Fog of War happened in some
places. This situation unexpected. Heck ... the Emergency
Broadcast System SHOULD have gone off for New York,
DC and probably Connecticut and New Jersey as well.
It didn't go off. For decades this was used in practice,
but when the time came, everyone was in shock and
no one pushed the button to activate the EBS.

When the real thing happened .... all the training failed.
Everyone was in shock. Heck ... I was in the Army for
5 years and I watched what was happening on TV and
I was in shock. I didn't believe it. It was unworldly.
It took a good three months until it sunk in before I
actually believed it was real and that the world had
changed so drastically.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:55 AM

Excerpt -

Cynthia McKinney: Crazy … Like a Fox?
By Chris Lilik

"The War on Terrorism" is where McKinney's mouth really stated
to shine. McKinney penned a Washington Post op-ed, writing
"I believe that when it comes to major foreign policy issues, many
prefer to have black people seen and not heard." McKinney
tongue-lashed New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for turning down a
$10 million donation from a Saudi Arabian prince who declared that
U.S. Middle East policies were partly to blame for 9-11. Unlike
Democrat Senator Hillary Clinton and Republican Congressman
John Sununu, McKinney even refused to return large campaign
contributions from Abdurahman Alamoudi, who proudly voiced
support for terrorists group Hamas and Hezbollah at an October
2000 White House demonstration. But what does it all mean?

Is McKinney just some harmless partisan loose cannon, or a wily fox?
The Southeastern Legal Foundation discovered that between
September 11 and December 31, 2001, 100 of the 108 McKinney
contributors of more than $100 were identifiably Arab or Middle Eastern.
"If we are to give any credence to her baseless [Bush] claims, the
American people deserve to know that McKinney's financial 'relationships'
- her campaign contributors - are heavily represented by Arab and
Middle Eastern-connected individuals, as well as organizations which
have expressed sympathy for terrorist organizations", adds Phil Kent,
SLF President. "If McKinney's standard of review is 'relationships',
then her 'relationships' - and the influence those relationships have
on her actions - must also be investigated."

Human Events finds that "unlike previous election cycles, when she
got 20% to 40% of her campaign cash from outside Georgia,
McKinney received more than 90% of her itemized individual
contributions from outside her state in 2001." The question of
whether or not there is method to McKinney's madness might not
be as important as who's exactly pulling her strings. Throw in
McKinney's seats on the House Armed Services and International
Relations Committees, and you have yourself lots of interesting

[edit on 3/2/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:04 AM

Excerpt -

Cynthia McKinney
The rep who cries racism.
By Chris Suellentrop
April 19, 2002

All of us have voices in our heads, whispering insanities. Rep. Cynthia
McKinney's problem is that she lets hers speak. She's the Christopher
Walken character in Annie Hall, except when she's tempted to swerve
into a car's oncoming headlights, she actually does it.

In her 10 years in Congress, hardly a year has gone by when she didn't
make news for an outlandish accusation or a wild conspiracy theory
(ideally, as in this case, a combination of both). During a nasty 1996
congressional campaign with racial tension on both sides, she called
supporters of her Republican opponent "holdovers from the Civil War days"
and "a ragtag group of neo-Confederates." Never mind that her opponent
was Jewish. And during the 2000 presidential campaign, she wrote
that "Gore's Negro tolerance level has never been too high. I've never
known him to have more than one black person around him at any given
time." Never mind that Gore's campaign manager was black. (McKinney is
not a particularly partisan finger-pointer—there are enough delusions for
both sides.)


[edit on 3/2/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by uknumpty
I think you'll find there is great cause for concern and investigation when one of the wargames, Operation Vigilant Warrior was a LIVE-FLY exercise run by the Chief Joints of Staff that simulated a hijack scenario within the continental United States.

Hmm, what convenient camouflage!

To dismiss Cynthia McKinney as a nut just because she's asking pertinent questions is ridiculous.

As you limeys says BOLLOCKS your oh so principiled McKinney has a history of being a conspiracy theory crazed militant black white hating, jew baiting nut PDQ. One of her weider claims include saying that there was a conspiracy on the part of the NHL and eminem to damage black America

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by observer
The other guy is a Naval Pilot who was stationed in Norfolk on 9/11 and when they heard an attack was underway they instinctively made ready to get their jets off the ground and were told to stand down immediately.

I make no claims as to whether they are full of mularky or not, but I find it all a little odd. that's all.

What does your friend fly?

Back to the subject at hand, why does a Congresswoman need to go to a left-wing author to provide source material for her questioning? Shouldn't she be able to quickly dig such facts up on her own? Guess her time could be better spent brow-beating people?

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by marinefan
a conspiracy on the part of the NHL and eminem
to damage black America

Oh my goodness. Her insanity gets deeper and
deeper. The NHL is part of an anti-black conspiracy?

Oh goodness. She's a laugh a minute!

Here's what a fellow black (man) American says about her ...

Excerpt -

Bob Parks
April 15, 2002

'I personally consider her a blithering idiot'

[edit on 3/2/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:10 AM
Why do people always fall back on character assanination when faced with facts or awkward questions?

If a nut says the sky is blue, is it not blue because the nut says so?

[edit on 2-3-2005 by uknumpty]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
If they avoided answering and looked uncomfortable it isn't because
of any conspiracy ... it's simply because Cynthia McKinney is a certifiable
wing nut and EVERYTHING she says and does is beyond strange.
Kinda' like that dingbat Helen Thomas at the White House press
conferences. When either woman speaks, groans are heard and
eyes roll ... by the right AND the left.

FlyersFan, just wanted to let you know that I couldn't fall asleep last night, so I started counting FlyersFans and ended up getting a great nights sleep.

Thanks for the help buddy!


[edit on 2-3-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:55 AM
Funny as I was looking in the internet about the “looney lady” and “loose cannon”Ms. McKinney it seems that she is not such a looney after all.

The New York Times’ Lynette Clemetson revealed her comments went even further over the edge: “Ms. McKinney suggest[ed] that President Bush might have known about the September 11 attacks but did nothing so his supporters could make money in a war.”

It most be a lot of “looneys” around including me because I believe the same thing.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's uncle made more than $450,000 last month by selling stock in a defense contractor whose profits are growing because of the Iraq war, records show.

Whatever you look, links to Bush family and 9/11 is all over, and a breading ground for conspiracy theories.

Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
1. by Margie Burns
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.
The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."

How will President George W. Bush personally make millions (if not billions) from the War on Terror and Iraq? The old fashioned way. He'll inherit it.
Meet The Carlyle Group
Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism

The biggest profiteers of bush war was his own father and friends.

Hum..........Funny that Cheney Haliburton also was involved in the profits.

Now what they called anybody that can see what I do? And Ms. Looney also, yes we are the crazy ones.

Now wonder Rumsfeld is edgy around people that ask to many questions. Things like this makes very difficult no to create all kind of “conspiracy theories” about Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and all their business associates.

We should all be put in a mental hospital for still wanting more answers from 9/11.

Better yet Bush was going to have all screened fro mental illnesses that would be better, don’t you people think?

Yeah Rumsfeld should feel very nervious alright.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 11:36 AM
Why is it that you turn almost every one of your posts in to more anti-Bush rantings?

The topic had nothing to do with Bush until you stumbled into it. You started your post with some revelant material, but then you degenerated it into another of your useless posts.

If you cannot stay on the topic, then do not post responses to it.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:00 PM
What you going to do about it, when I post the truth can you denied anything I said perhaps instead of going on me because you don't like what I said, put you fingers to good used and get yourself some good post that prove me wrong. the FBI or homeland security and get me arrested for "terrorist to the state"

Can't not find any?

So sorry......... but if it makes you happy then keep the rant going.

I am all for it.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I don't dismiss her because she's asking 'pertenant questions'.
I dismiss her because of her history of being a nut. She's a
complete loon. If Sen. McCain or someone else with some
credibility stepped forward asking questions, I'd listen. But
from her ...

Give some evidence please, specifics? In my thoughts she is one of the few people who asks any questions of pertinence at all. Now also consider Helen Thomas, whereas her fidgeting is symptom of problems, namely to form any questions at all that would get an intelligent response. This was not true for her in any prior White House. McKinney is far more direct and may come across as brusque at times, due to incomplete data all the way around. But I am unaware of any pending psychiatric observations regarding her quest for facts.

My brother is in the air force and was stationed in N. Dakota
at the time. They were in the middle of a war game when it
was cancelled because war 'Real World' happened. They
had to stand down their exercise and geer up real world.

That is very convenient as it only reinforces the case of the stand down order as applied to both the wargame, and the real world.

September is a popular month for war games. So is May.
I have no doubt that the Fog of War happened in some
places. This situation unexpected. Heck ... the Emergency
Broadcast System SHOULD have gone off for New York,
DC and probably Connecticut and New Jersey as well.
It didn't go off. For decades this was used in practice,
but when the time came, everyone was in shock and
no one pushed the button to activate the EBS.

As in chess, no one is interested in excuses when you lose.

When the real thing happened .... all the training failed.
Everyone was in shock. Heck ... I was in the Army for
5 years and I watched what was happening on TV and
I was in shock. I didn't believe it. It was unworldly.
It took a good three months until it sunk in before I
actually believed it was real and that the world had
changed so drastically.

Now all of this is too convenient. For years Civil Defense has had contingency plans for when an attack happens during its monthly drills and siren testing. There is in fact always something to do under alternative conditions within a wargames to adjust to real world conditions. It is called contingency planning. It is obvious that when you stand down from a wargame, that it is different from when you stand down from current operations to defend the country. In the very explanation you give, the wargames have a shield to actual operations conducted by our own force structure.

Regardless of what people use as cover, there are deep questions about ommission and/or commission that are pushed aside in the frenzy to treat the People of the United States of America as if they themselves were the problem. Meanwhile the open borders and myriad of ways for copy cat "terrorists," to actually do something worse is poignant.

[edit on 2-3-2005 by SkipShipman]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:41 PM
One thing is for sure the truth about the 9/11 ordeal will come out, it is nothing that can stay hidden for to long in this time and age, all the culprits can do is discredit anything and anybody that will bring any prof to the light, and even call them loonies.

On September 11, at least five different "war games" were being conducted by the military and intelligence agencies. These exercises included simulations of 9/11 type events, a plane into building scenario near Dulles Airport in Virginia, and deployment of fighters to northern Canada and Alaska (which reduced the number of fighters that were available to protect the US?). It seems that these exercises were the means used to paralyze the air defenses, thereby ensuring the success of the "attacks."
1. The British Navy was conducting exercises in the Indian ocean near the Middle East. A biowar exercise was also about to start in New York City. Who has the power to coordinate all of these exercises? Osama bin Laden? Saddam Hussein? Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah? Dick Cheney and the White House National Security Council?

What is so difficult about saying that it was war games conducted on the same day of the 9/11? It should not be, but what is something to worry about is the fact that these war games would confuse the air defense systems, coincident or foul play, that is the conspiracy here.

For me this the first time I heard about any war games before or during 9/11.

the war games do not answer the question of how the air defenses were suppressed for another half hour after the second tower was hit (at which time everyone knew that an attack was in progress). The Air Force had another half hour after the second tower to scramble interceptors to defend the Capitol (the plane that is alleged to have hit the Pentagon made its 180 degree turn over Ohio to head back toward D.C. about the time that the second tower was struck).

Perhaps Rumsfeld should had laugh about “Ms. Loony” question instead of showing discomfort.

The problem with the war games is that they were mentioned only on the final day of the 9/11 commission hearings.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:15 PM
I don't think that it is fair to dump on Cynthia McKinney--there are legitimate unanswered questions about these wargames and this "business as usual" needs to be called into question as it left the entire Northeast paralyzed.

Why has Bush's cabinet been acting like it has something to hide about 9/11? Everyone from Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and down the line has been caught making preposterous statements, contradicting themselves, and blatantly lying--and why is anyone who questions these things immediately labeled a "left-wing nut" or "wacko conspiracy theorist?" These ridiculous answers to serious questions about what happened are making people more angry and suspicious.

It seems to me that egregious, yet basic mistakes were made. The key lies in that concurrent wargames were organized in a way that diverted too many resources and a significant amount of intelligence was disregarded that outlined the potential for these attacks. Is this a huge failure that the people responsible should be fired for? Absolutely. But why is it that it is four years later and we are still guessing at who is responsible and no one has been fired? In fact, the people who have demonstrated gross negligence have been protected and even promoted--why does the media give these people a pass? Are they above the law?

Questions need to be asked about the wargames. FAA attention and Military resources were diverted away so that standard operating procedures that are always followed when flights deviate from their filed plans could not be enacted. The fact that these issues were never brought to light have serious implications. The fact that the people who scheduled these games disregard for national security and the ability to respond in the event of a hijacking were never held accountable--and some were even promoted after 9/11, speaks volumes.

The point of planning and operational oversight for military wargames is with the National Command Authority--which is The White House. In May 2001, a White House Press Release was issued where President Bush formally established VP Dick Cheney as the person with planning and coordination responsibility in the event of a terrorist attack in the U.S.--which would include planning wargames. In light of these facts, responsibility for the U.S. response on 9/11 sat squarely in the lap of Dick Cheney.

The White House is further implicated when cabinet members have blatantly lied regarding either having conceptualized or having prior knowledge of terrorist intent to hijack and use planes as missiles. Either they are all forgetful and incompetant or hiding something--both notions are terrifying.

In July 2001, CNN reported the airspace around the G8 conference that President Bush attended in Genoa was closed and anti-aircraft weaponry was deployed to protect from "terrorist aerial incursion" based on information received that terrorists were going to crash aircraft into the building that housed the conference in an assasination attempt. That was just 10 weeks prior to 9/11--did Bush, Cheney and Rice not know what the anti-aircraft guns were for or about the OBL warning? Why would Rice testify that she couldn't imagine the possibility that planes would be used as missiles after Genoa?

How can anyone in their right mind not see the connection--which leaves two possibilities. She is thoroughly unqualified or she committed perjury and should be in jail.

Also, what about the fact that some of the very drills that were being held on 9/11 were simulations of hijackings; and Project Bojinka was a reality, which led to NORAD exercises that simulated a commercial airliner being flown into the World Trade Center and a scenario where a plane filled with chemical poisons was shot down over the Atlantic (a third simulation was planned using the Pentagon as a target, but was never carried out); and the real-world use of jets on patrol to protect from terrorists using airlines as missiles during the Atlanta Olympics; it is hard to believe the statements made by Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush et al that claimed that there was no way of knowing that terrorists had intentions to hijack planes and would use "planes as missiles." That is pure and utter BS. Why is anyone who calls them on this crap considered a nutjob when they are lying--and lying under oath in some cases?

Combine that with the information and warnings received in the months, weeks and days prior to 9/11 from Italy, Britian, Germany, Russia, the Jordanian GID and a combination of intelligence gathered by people, signals intelligence and electronic surveillance that specifically mentioned hijacking planes, the names of Middle Eastern terrorists, crashing planes into "symbols of American and Israeli culture", the time frame placing the attacks in September--it becomes even harder to believe that no one is personally culpable, especially in light of Condi Rice's infamous PDB, Richark Clarke's numerous and specific reports regarding impending terrorist events, George Tenet's comments about "the big one is coming"... and you come to no other conclusion that that they knew.

Even more damning is that Senator Orrin Hatch made a statement to AP on 9/12/01 that the U.S. had been monitoring Osama bin Laden's communications electronically and overheard two of his aides celebrating the attacks ----making the case that OBL had been involved, I can't help but wonder what OBL and his aides had been monitored saying in the days and weeks prior to the attacks? Were they talking about the weather and soccer scores? Why did Donald Rumsfeld reprimand him after making this statement?

And the intelligence community has carried a lot of the blame, but what of Robert Wright Jr.,Kenneth Williams, and Colleen Rowley--all FBI agents that discovered key pieces of information that could have prevented 9/11 but were suppressed. What is mind boggling is that one supervisory agent, David Frasca, was responsible for the decision to not follow up on the Phoenix memo that discovered that Muslim radicals were taking flight lessons, to terminate an investigation into al Qaeda money laundering in the U.S., and personally hindered the attempts to obtain a search warrant of Zacharias Moussaoui's laptop--which contained information that could have prevented the attacks. What is even more bizarre is that this "bumbling" agent was allowed to testify at the 9/11 commitee hearings in secret, without a stenographer or transcript--and was promoted in the years after 9/11....

If I screwed up this badly at my job, I'd not only be fired, I'd be sued. Is it that Americans don't understand the issues or don't care? Some of these things are so blatantly obvious....

I think that the above alone reveals the existence of a cover-up--but is it a cover-up to protect the existence of gross negligence or U.S. government complicity in the attacks? Being that the negligence was so widespread and across all agencies, it is hard not to wonder if there was deliberate sabotage. It is clear that it will be difficult to find the truth with the same team in office, but that doesn't mean that we should remind these people that they can't get away with murder...

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