posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to:
So included in his cast of characters are the sneeches, bird likepeople that are a place holder for humans and teach about racism as some have stars
on their bellies and some do not, an elephant, cat, ants, and many other ANIMALS, and also an empty pair of pants, just to point out a few. If somehow
teachers think that Dr. Suess books will make kids racist those teachers are £[_]€《!||& lazy and too scared to talk about the subject matter.
The man lived through anti-German sentiment during world war 1 as a child in the US. Will you blame a child for a war? Will you take a man's life's
work run it through the wringer just because he came from a time where he was one of the only people trying to talk to children about racism?
He was a man, he was flawed, where the flaws come from who would know?
If we see his books being used in racist groups to indoctrineate children lets take a look, but whomever is interpreting his work as racist I think
must truly take a look in the mirror and find out why their world is so flawed they must target something responsible for about 0% of all racism.
Let's be better people, but realize if we burn our past we will lose our way.