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China's 5G is a very serious political issue

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posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 04:11 AM

British intelligence has ruled that any risks from using equipment made by Huawei, a Chinese company accused of “dubious covert practices”, are manageable. A ban on its use in 5G networks across the UK appears to be off the table. But while Huawei may be about to receive the all-clear, experts believe big security challenges persist around 5G that have fallen under the radar amid a storm around the company driven in part by political tensions.

Any technology that can relay information in such bulk and so quickly is a security threat. It is pretty obvious. Aside from that it would be very possible for China to have a barb on this new hook with tasty bait on it for the West.

I'll go as far as to say "China, you have won the war!". China takes the lead with this technology as the most advanced technological political state on the planet. How does that feel? Howe does it feel that such a brutally politically oppressive dictatorship is now leading the world and is the most advanced? What a lovely political model for us all to emulate.

The West has been a lazy slug! The U.S has at least tried to keep up, but is fast losing pace now. I have said this before that we can't compete with a state economically that goes to such low depths of labour rights inadequacies. They have very low pay. Their work is their whole life. Personally, I would rather throw myself off a bridge in Shanghai than live a life like those people are having to, knowing how "the other half" live in the free West.

5G will be shared with us, but at what cost?: What cost politically? What cost for human rights and freedom? What cost to the U.S as the losing its edge super-power? What cost to democracy?

This is what happens if we do not challenge states who stoop to dictatorship politics and near slave labour. They get an economic edge and therefore a power edge over us and end up becoming the one who dictates not to just their own so called citizens, but to the world's economies and states at large "with a little patience".

America is 2nd place now to China technologically. We have lost this battle. All we may do now is take advantage of the technology, but do our best to secure it, to make it safe for us as Western states.

I am actually wondering if there are any secrets left to keep? Perhaps it should all now open up as we end up sharing technology anyway? I mean what is there for me to learn about China that I do not already know, or about the U.S, or about Russia? Acurate guessing is very easy for any Sherlock Holmes who is "elementary" enough in reasoning and can join up the dots and clues.

I doubt any state can go too far ahead because it is impossible to keep a technological secret now. All states rely on each other for economic security. Without the West China would be knocked back into poverty. May be the same for the West though we managed without China in our markets until very recently in fact. Perhaps we have that economic edge that if push came to shove we could still maintain our markets and economies without Chinese market integration?

So, Mr President, you have this one card to play that China would sink economically without the West, but the West would still float just about without China and possibly be even wealthier, because I really get the impression China are more of a drain on quality and on my local economic wellbeing than anything. It works for the Western Investor "big boys" who invest and can make a killing in China, huge in proportion compared to the less sparsely populated Western business "clinetele", because there are so many more people in China for businesses to make a profit out of than here, where labour costs too are so low because of the lack of rights, so profit may be maximized.

The day China began trading with the West on the markets and with the investors this was bound to happen. At the right twist in time China went from a slow embrace of democracy to the worst kind of dictatorship ever seen on planet earth, controlling the largest population ever seen on earth.

I would never have allowed China in until it embraced democracy. I would have dangled a carrot in front of it and also a stick of sanctions. That is what the West used to do, but the investors saw the potential of huge profits they could not dream of in the West and forsook every political altruism and healthy decision making in favour of the gold mine fever of Chinese investment opportunities. That is why they hated Trump. It was because he has been holding them up on China and stopping them making money. Do you think they really cared about any of the other stuff? That is just an arsenal of weaponry to use to bring him to China friendly import policies. Already they are being much nicer to him. I have noticed they have taken the blow torch off his face in terms of character assassination in the British media, just as he is easing up on China.

With 5G China have become the most technologically advanced state on the planet. Soon they will be the most powerful economy as soon as the Western investors are given their freedom. Those guys will forsake everything democratically sacred in Western politics for the eastern carrot being dangled before them. Yes, it is now China dangling the carrot. How long before they start using a stick?

edit on 25-2-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 05:02 AM

originally posted by: Malak777
I'll go as far as to say "China, you have won the war!". China takes the lead with this technology...

Oh, I don't know. There are plenty of companies out there moving 5G forward, and which are not Chinese. Huawei have got a lot of attention, but there are other players in the market. China - being a dictatorship has the ability to command and control the move to 5G, almost certainly as part of their insidious programme of population repression and mass surveillance.

In the developed West, 5G provides different motivations and opportunities. I would expect massive innovation to exploit the potential 5G has to offer, and much of this will be driven by the imagination of consumers of 5G in a liberalised environment.
edit on 25/2/2019 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Malak777
I'll go as far as to say "China, you have won the war!". China takes the lead with this technology...

Oh, I don't know. There are plenty of companies out there moving 5G forward, and which are not Chinese. have got a lot of attention, but there are other players in the market. China - being a dictatorship has the ability to command and control the move to 5G, almost certainly as part of their insidious programme of population repression and mass surveillance.

In the developed West, 5G provides different motivations and opportunities. I would expect massive innovation to exploit the potential 5G has to offer, and much of this will be driven by the imagination of consumers of 5G in a liberalised environment.

Your post leaves a bitter taste in my mouth!

Your "liberalised environment" is exploiting a third of the world's population trapped in a brutal prison dictatorship state.

These attitudes are everything I despise about Western Liberalism. It is a vile hypocritical disguise. It is the archetypal wolf in sheep's clothing. At least China don't disguise the wolf they are. This "liberalised environment" is globalism and it sacrifices humanity for the investor Molochs. Everyone knows this. You are either benefitting from them or like nearly all of us losing out big time to them and having our Western lives and civilization destroyed.

My British, American and European "played" chums, your enemy was always the Chinese State, not the people and certainly not all those minorities they are baiting you to express your anger on. They are not making you poorer. The investors are, lol. You have been played rotten, you Brexit Clowns. They want you out of the EU's human rights and worker rights clutches so they can sell us off to China, and THEY will make a lot of money, but you fools will be turned into pawns with no rights at all, all in the name of market competition and this "liberalised environment".

Youa are wrong. This is Huawei's baby in the bath water and you know it. All the other companies are just getting in on the show as all the articles of news say they are. You are in fact stating a falsehood and lying to me and ATS with this. %G is most definitely Chinese led.

That is the whole point of the security threat, that this has come from China and may be a Trojan Horse quite literally. Why would there be all this fuss then? Do you know better than the Security Chiefs of the West who are very concerned about this? It was on the morning news just how concerned the British security Services are about Huawei and Chinese espionage potential using 5G technology.

Do you not see the darkness in all this? You have lied in your post in defense of it. You are spreading disinfo when you do that. Your Liberalism stinks to High Heaven to me when I tell you of the concerns about all those BILLIONS of Chineseworkers,the destroying effect it is having even on my local economy and state and you do not bat an eyelid. Insensitive at best, but I have much sterner words for you I will only speak to myself that are not for you to hear.

I have been watchging this whole game going down. It is "nuts" and the investor with all their lobbying influence gets their way every time. They got you all worried about stuff they want controlled by fear anyway. They are using you to police the minorities in a climate of baited fear.

It is a Chinese trick actually to play you like this. You make a false battle-front so the enemy fights you there where there is no battle for you to lose any way as you get your enemy doing what you want in that place. Meanwhile the real battle field where you are attacking is totally off guard. The Western investors are using that on you in the media RIGHT NOW! Go look!

edit on 25-2-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 05:39 AM
As an european i have to say that i don´t care if it are the US companies with their backdoors, the NSA, the Five Eyes or the chinese that spy on me, a-holes will spy anyway on everybody. I see the US soft- and hardware everywhere as a bigger problem than Huawei, not only since Snowden. Because our politicians trust everything from the US blindly, Microsoft everywhere, Google everywhere, Facebook and Twitter everywhere.

Every politician has a social media account at an US based spying and data dealer company, every newspaper or TV channel tries to force to you become a Facebook user(you can be part of the discussion, just visit out facebook page...), every website with a facebook like-button is spying on everybody, even if these people aren´t even Facebook users.

The NSA sits in Frankfurt am Main, at the DE-CIX (Deutscher Commercial Internet Exchange), and is spying on the german internet traffic. The US spies on our politicians, their spyPhones(remember Merkels phone) and "our" politicians, these transatlantic controlled US agents in the german government, don´t care about an foreign nation spying on all of us here, the NSA affair was officially declared to be ended by these US agents.

And we should be afraid of Huawei and it´s 5G, just because the US doesn´t like Huawei?
A good one!

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 05:51 AM
The US already have 5G. I can get it through ATT where I live.

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

This is not about that. It is about the Chinese state becoming the world Super Power via technological dominance. It will then follow that they will have political influence like the U.S do and tell other states what to do if they want to trade with them. That will then have grave consequences on human rights and worker rights for us all in the West. It will have political implications and dominate our democracy economically. The Chinese worker will become the favourable worker model as they are the most successful battery to the investor. Do you not see the link? It is as clear as day.

People can't even see straight now. My my, they got you all so tangled up. I am a very lucky guy to see all this so clearly and not be taken in by any of it, including the MSM "baiting" of jsuta bout everything I am. I did this by knowing all that they know. I did this by knowing those ancient Chinese tactics and doing my reading. Reading and learning is freedom from mental slavery. Mental slavery is letting the state control you. It is letting the state play you and getting you doing all the dirty work without even knowing that you are being played. I am here to tell you. YES, you are being played for real agendas and motives.

John Lennon said they were insane doing what they are doing. He was very naive. They do it for MONEY and POWER. Power gives you an edge at making money. Money gives you power to get and edge. This is the game between civilizations and political states right now.

I want the Free World to win where I can write all this and a guy doesn't come knocking on my door to take me away for it. If I wrote this in China that is exactly what would happen.

The investor does not like me. I tell the truth. That makes my life a lot harder and he will keep me as low as he can and does not want me having any influence. I am actually placed in poverty even in the West for my beliefs and my politics as it stands already. I see his point. I also see my point more clearly and it will be a dagger to his own entrails metaphorically one day when he realizes the Judas he has been to Western civilization and buys himself a Potter's Field with his thirty pieces of Chinese silver.

edit on 25-2-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: Middleoftheroad
The US already have 5G. I can get it through ATT where I live.

Can you, that's cool. I am not moaning about the technology. I love technology and advancement as it is our future and the earth's. I am groaning about China's dominance through foul means human rights wise in their advances (Pharaoh built very nice Pyramids with slaves, better than all the rest of his competition) and I am concerned they may have maniplated the technology in their favour, politically, technologically and economically. The Security Services are also worried about this. It is a big worry.

The problem is the democracy/dictatorship power dynamic as played out in globalism and who gets to be boss. China is showing it can be more advanced using its worker model. It is downsizing on human/worker rights to get a technological edge. It will be the winning model obviously. What will the investors think of this? If I was a business in a cut throat power dynamic where profit was EVERYTHING and made the difference between investor life and death I would be very interested where the "cheats" may be hidden. Minimizing labour costs, maximizing output and thorough labour control are sure places to rid yourself of a big extra hungry bite out of your coveted profits. So what, human schuman rights! No their mess! It is OUR MESS though, and a big mess at that.

The ultimate streeamlined business is good for robots and investors, but it destroys human beings. This is the human dilemma of the age. Business is becoming the enemy of the human and the environment(except for a very tiny minority and those who suck on their teats like amoral little piglets, lol).

Is that video too naughty, lol!

edit on 25-2-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: Malak777
Your post leaves a bitter taste in my mouth!
Your "liberalised environment" is exploiting a third of the world's population trapped in a brutal prison dictatorship state.

Don't worry Twinkle Toes, you are misrepresenting/interpreting what I said.

5G will herald a new era of innovation and these innovations will be pushed in countries where the markets are not government controlled. Certainly in my field, we have the promise of AI and robotics in medicine being fully enabled by the promise of high bandwidth. The people who push these new industries will be from the liberal marketplace, universities and so on.

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 07:17 AM
Also 5G can place you within inches.

Have fun but not on your phone.

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: Malak777

One of the larger problems that doesn't seem to be talked about much, is the tracking aspect of 5g. The using of the large number of transceivers to analyze interference patterns, thereby monitoring every person within its scope/range. The tech looks like it has enough data throughput to monitor almost everyone 24/7. What great toy for liberal globalist crazies bent on forming a totalitarian/fascist government.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 08:21 AM
Meh. China has had the largest leap in incomes and size of the middle class this last decade. Also, they offer equitable exchanges with the nations they are forming treaties and cooperative agreements with, where the us has mostly been draconian and exploitative in their treaties with other nations in Africa, South America, etc.

yanis varoufakis had an interesting comparison between how the western bankers treated him vs Chinese investors when he was finance minister in Greece, and he said the western bankers levied austerity on his nation knowing it would cause a total collapse, meanwhile the Chinese listened to everything he said Greece needed from them and complied with no problem, not even trying to negotiate. Also, labor rights are rapidly being destroyed in the us, where the middle class is shrinking dramatically.

Have the oligarchs as overlords or the Chinese, I don’t see it being much better or worse either way at this point.

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Malak777

But that was the plan.
The last Admin would set it up,
and Hrc would knock it down/sell it out.

Think about it...
Stealth Chopper crashes in Paki.
remains tech sold/transfered to China.

All Security personnel clearances hacked/
sold to the open. China,ETC> HELLO?

State of the art Stealth Drone crashes in Iran.
Tech sold/transferred/stolen. Whoops!

No Treasurer State Dept

Billions transferred on pallets,Eurobank,Swiss,Luxo,
Ping Pong kick back. I'll have Creme Brulee' for desert.

10 Trillion added to U.S. debt. ???to prop Soc Sec, Bail Student loans?/
Infrastructure?? Bomb shelters, bank bail out? Foreign Nations?

It was almost over...

China is 5g guinea pig now.

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 09:14 AM
5G is already old in U.S.A since tRUMP was demanding 6G just a few days ago.


posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Malak777

You have been played rotten, you Brexit Clowns. They want you out of the EU's human rights and worker rights clutches

Do you mean workers rights like the right to zero hours contracts ? Or what Eu workers rights are you talking about ? Human rights are universally applicable , they're UN constructs , not the Eu's

We haven't even had Brexit yet and tax revenues have gone up by billions , and unemployment ha gone down by loads .

We can now get £13.50 an hour for cutting cauliflowers , and still the doom of project fear rolls on : saying that no one benefits is completely false .

posted on Feb, 25 2019 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: Qboneq

He's a genius. Ain't nobody that of that before!

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