posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 12:32 PM
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Ah, Kester, Kester, looking at the world through rose coloured binoculars cos you aint even in the same county. No anecdotes, truth. I used to work
for the borough and knew most (I say most cos no one knows all) the regulations, but they rewrote them 4 years ago. It used to be, undeveloped land,
1, for pleasure use(parks etc.),2. old industrial land (designated grey sites) and 3. green belt. at that time only grey sites were allowed to be
developed. Now anything goes, even flood plains which were a massive no no.
Now yes you can claim land , object to unwanted development etc. But, with the biggest but you have to go through the procedural channels. ie. you
have to put your case to the local authority whether its objecting to building, claiming rights etc. Firstly you are given an allotted time to put
your point across the the relevant committee.
You will have 2 minutes, that's 2 minutes for all objectors, so if there is 4 objectors you get 30 seconds each (and you are timed to the second and
if you try to go over you WILL be dragged out). Been there, done it, got the t shirt.
Now IF you do succeed they can use the regulations against you. Example:-the land you claimed whoops smeone has found a shard of roman pottery, you
HAVE to pay for an archeological investigation before you can proceed. That's £15000 to you.
And if they really want to stop you a "local conservation group" will find an edangered plant or creature and that stops everything. These cases are
not made up I have actually witnessed them.