So I had this idea, and it worked rather well, if not a little too well.
All you need is a gullible spouse, friend, or colleague; some neodymium magnets, and a free smartphone app.
First, get you some of those strong rare earth magnets and wrap them in packaging;
Then, download a free magnetometer app for your phone (I'm using iPhone 5), the app I have is called Teslameter 11.
Here's the screen with normal background readings;
It's probably the same for most people, but when I look at it all I see is gobbledygook, and we can use this to our advantage, read on.
A magnetometer measures magnetic fields, but if you tell folk that it's a Geiger counter app, most wouldn't know the difference,
So, you tell your spouse, friend or whoever that you drunkenly ordered a plutonium sample just to see if it would get through, which you had forgotten
about, and here it is, in this heavy little package,....
'Check it out on the Geiger counter app!'
As you load the app, all is normal and rather tecky looking, but as you move your phone closer to your sample, the graph reading goes ballistic, your
screen flashes red, an audible alarm sounds and the earlier 'background radiation reading' of '45' has now jumped to over '400';
My mates just had a look on their faces that was a cross between confusion and downright concern, the other half, well, she freaked badly so I had to
pull the plug on the joke after about 45 seconds lol.
The last time she screamed at me like that shouting 'get that *snipping* thing out of the house!' was when I randomly came home with a rather large
water dragon years back 😜
Anyway, I figured someone else might get a kick out of it