posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 04:54 AM
Greetings from the UK.
Those of you who have interacted with me on this site on a regular basis, will be aware that although I prefer steel to lead in almost every
conceivable circumstance, I believe that people should have the right, nay have a duty, to defend themselves if they are able, and that a nations
people should be supported in possessing the tools necessary to perform that task. Therefore, I tend to agree with my American friends on the matter
of the second amendment, and its importance, the importance of its remaining unfettered as much as possible, to be specific.
However, there are quite a few pro-second members here, who partake of their rights with great enthusiasm and dedication, and I want to address a
question to these people specifically, because I believe it is an important one, and one that only they will be able to answer in a manner which is in
any way enlightening.
I believe it is accurate to say that the vast majority of our most pro-second members here on this website, probably, for whatever reason, voted for
the current President. With that in mind, I would like to know from those members, what their opinion is of Trumps record on gun rights, including his
knee jerk, reactionary approach to "solving" the mass shooting problem (i.e. bans on certain devices). I would also very much like to hear members
opinions of Trumps pick for the office of the Attorney General, Mr William Barr, who, despite being ostensibly a right winger, has been a staunch
advocate of the dreaded gun control agenda for practically his entire time in politics, and has stated that ERPO laws permitting the authorities to
seize firearms from citizens, are and I quote, "the single most important thing that we can do in the gun control area".
From the outside, this pick appears to be counter to the beliefs of the people who largely speaking voted for Trump, as do several of Trumps other
actual actions when it comes to gun control and bans on certain items, so I am trying to figure out if that is something that is felt by the people
most effected by these matters, or whether its a product of my having an objective view of the gun debate, being as I am, a UK citizen. I look forward
to your responses.
Thank you for your time.