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Was Christ a victim of undermined perception?

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posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:18 AM
There is nothing more glorious in life than to have celebrated the absolute peace and tranquility of existence. To have known the absolute horror of the consequences for losing righteousness within free will, the innocent pay for the wicked acts of life with an oblivious perception.

Was Christ brainwashed into excessive empathy? The messages of life are full of darkness. Reality with pacifism often denotes a sense of lost perception. Can a sense of true darkness save life from being fooled into martyrdom?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Superunknown528

This is your idea of the Christian message? What was "wrong" with Christ? Where did he go wrong?

Certainly you are entitled to your opinion. I hope you realize you are not going to influence many Christians with this approach.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:48 AM
Jesus Christ was Perfect. Perfect in every way. Without Blemish. Let that sink in, in regards to your query. As such He had No imperfections.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: toms54

It is controversial, was Christ ever guilty of too much empathy? Too much to have convicted his own murderers before it was too late?

I truly feel that an antiChrist would purposely bring relentless distractions from the true sense of darkness and conviction of our surroundings.

There was certainly a sense of conviction in the words of Christ. My question is: Were his own followers trying to have pushed empathy over his conviction? Difficult for Christ to punish love, ultimately left with the ultimatum of dying for all of their sins.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinions as well.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Superunknown528

Can a sense of true darkness save life from being fooled into martyrdom?

Obviously not since jihadists commit martyrdom all of the time.

Jesus knew why he came to earth and what his mission was before he came here.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:05 AM
I wouldnt disagree with any of you that Christ had perfection and destiny.

As for Jihadists and any act of terrorism. I feel their sense of punishment is motivated towards child molesters. People try to justify being a child molester because it is supposedly peaceful when compared to murderers, only to have found themselves Godsmacked from violating someones personal space.

There is a missing commandment from God in this world, in my opinion.

edit on 22-1-2019 by Superunknown528 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:25 AM
As far as commandments go, I find the most difficult is "Love your brother as I have loved you".... It is so difficult to follow with todays behavior.

What do you suppose the missing commandment might be ?

a reply to: Superunknown528

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:27 AM
"It is controversial, was Christ ever guilty of too much empathy? Too much to have convicted his own murderers before it was too late?"

While on the cross, He said "Father forgive them, they know not what they do"

Least wise I think that covers your reply.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Superunknown528

Let me ask you this? What do you believe would be the most desirable outcome for him? That he not be crucified?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:32 AM
I'm sort of catching your drift...... At first it would seem a difficult question, it has it's elements of abstract.

a reply to: Superunknown528

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Plotus

I would say the missing commandment involves prohibiting any act of sexual abuse. A clean reflection of love can shine from that law being regarded by society.

I have an intuition of 9/11 being a conviction towards society accepting sexual crimes.

This world went to hell the moment everyone watched The Hangover scene where he grabs the infants' wrist and makes a perverted gesture.

There are one too many acts of sexual abuse within churches.

@Toms54 We might not be able to have changed the outcome of the way society treated Christ, but there is a chance to bring murderers into rational peace and understanding today.
edit on 22-1-2019 by Superunknown528 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Superunknown528

The thing is that Jesus was only somewhat pacifist.

I say that because, although, yes, he did not resist his arrest, and went to the cross without attempting escape, he also kicked the traders out of the temple. If his pacifism were absolute, he would not have raised a hand to those traders, leave alone turned over their tables full of wares, and kicked them out of the temple with the gusto he is said to have mustered. He might have implored them to leave, or suggested it to each of them in turn, with whatever results might have come therefrom, but he didn't. He put the Holy smack down on the entire situation, and forcibly ejected them from the premises.

His preparedness to die therefore, was not a result of pure pacifism, because pure pacifism is not the simple lack of will to kill, or a refusal to defend onself. Its the lack of will to act with vigour or fury, and indeed, he did act with vigour and fury during the temple ejection, so simple pacifism cannot be used as an explanation for the totality of his actions. Yes, he did instruct folk to turn the other cheek (which, anatomically means that a person could potentially be expected to put up with obnoxiousness four times, before reacting, one for each cheek. Two for the face, two for the arse, and then the gloves come off? Its not clear), but he also became physically violent with people who posed him no physical threat. The only thing they did to offend him, was turn his fathers house into a business.

The normal person in the street might not react that way to the same stimulus. In fact, a regular person would kick and scream on the way to execution, and make those attempting to kill them sorry that they had ever taken up the sword, taking as many bastards down with them as they could, but would barely lift a finger to correct the behaviour of those trying to turn religious practice into a business transaction.

Jesus was not the normal man in the street however. According to the Bible, he was the Son of God. This has an importance that most people who examine the Bible from the outside, refuse to acknowledge, which is why so many of them come up with flawed notions of his manner of thinking. At no time was Jesus indoctrinated. In fact, he was the ISSUER of instruction in the ways of faith, not the recipient at any time, of spiritual understanding greater than his own. We see from the part of the Bible where he, as a child, is recorded as having spent time discussing the finer points of faith with elders in the temple at Jerusalem, men many times his own age, who were stunned at his learning, not just for his age, but for ANYONE to know of the things he knew to the degree he knew them. He was, from the get go, BEYOND the ability of anyone to indoctrinate, because his understanding of the beliefs of his people was absolute and entire. Indoctrination can only occur when there is a gap, a pretty substantive one, in the understanding a person has, of a particular matter or group of matters. For example, if a person fails to understand percentages, you can fool them into thinking that a larger portion of people who fall into a particular category, are habitually involved with certain activities than is actually the case. If a person does not understand policy and diplomacy too well, an influencer might be able to convince them that someone who is looking out for the little guy, is actually a Marxist terrorist in disguise. Those are more modern examples, but they illustrate my point.

Jesus was not indoctrinated, because he developed his understanding of belief in God and the faith in general, to a degree where his knowledge was peerless, a situation that prevents a person becoming indoctrinated. When one is more knowledgeable on matters of doctrine, than those around them, it is impossible for them to be poisoned in such a manner. It would be like someone convincing Einstein that fairies are responsible for the transmission of energy between physical objects. He would not be convinced, because in that area, there were no thinkers who could match his insight into the universe and its function, which means he already knew a measure of the processes which involve the exchange of energy between objects and states of matter in the universe, and knowing this, could not be convinced that the more ridiculous notions involving fairies, were anything more than stupidity.

No, Jesus' apparent pacifism was, in fact, nothing much of the sort. And indeed, if the tome is to be believed, he will come again, with righteous fury, and some significant arse will be kicked. Now, you can choose not to believe that, you can do whatever you would like to do, and think whatever you would like to think. But if you think of Jesus as meek and mild only, as pacifist to the exclusion of all other things, then you will have failed to understand the fellow entirely, or the gravitas of his permitting the Romans to put him to death.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: Superunknown528

So when Jesus returns and destroys those who wage war against the saints, blood to the height of a bridal on a horse, comes back to judge the living and the dead, cast some out from His presence for eternity, you are saying that Jesus is to empathetic
Kinda lost on the logic of that one

As for sex crimes, Jesus taught not to hurt others, how is sexual abuse not hurting others?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Superunknown528

Christ was on a mission only. He clearly stated His mission statement, to fulfill prophecy. Every nuance and detail is accounted for. There is no point in bringing Him down to the usual mundane confinement of human perception. Like St John says in his gospel it would take all the books in the world and still they would not have explained Him,

(John 21:25) "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

Go into a Christian bookshop and see all the books written about Him. Consider all the books ever written about Him and still we keep getting new inspiration continually. It never stops. I know a lot about the Scriptures and yet I still know nothing. The information keeps coming through Spirit and it is not finite. It lives eternally.

The Word describes Him best. No amount of posthumous redacting will be able to precis Him. It takes the whole of the OT and NT to demonstrate His Mission. It was mission accomplished according to divine Instruction.

I don't even try to define Him. I keep learning and the learning will never cease.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 12:26 PM
Mathew 18:5-6-7

5 And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. 6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world for the causes of sin. These stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!…

I think that would cover anything perverse against children...

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 12:28 PM
I think if the Lord says woe..... it don't get any worse...

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