Wish my gay friends who admit to choosing to be gay were on ATS.
Because we don't get a choice in the biology we're born with, but we always have a choice in what we do with it I believe.
I have a lot of ideas go through my head since birth, but I don't fricking act on them because I have a little thing called personal responsibility
and self control.
This is my problem, we should not confuse sexuality with biology but people often do.
But yes, I have met people from all walks of life who have told me they have actually chosen their sexual preferences, while those who share their
label scream you can only be born that way.
When did I decide to be straight?
Why not...
Were you born with a BDSM fetish?
When did you realise Polygamy was for you?
Can you recall the first time Rovers balls turned you on?
Did you come out of the vagina with a boner for My Little Ponies?
So were you born with a sexual interest in children?
Why do people always have to be born that way when it comes to being gay?
Who gives a # any way? Born that way or not, if you're gay you're gay, if you're straight you're straight. If you like being choked and spanked then
you like being choked and spanked.
What has how you became that way got to do with it at all?
What's birth got to do with it?
If I am born a serial killer does that make it okay, because well, I cannot help it, it's in my genes.
(Before you go OH NOES you cannot compare -insert x here- with being gay, it's a little thing called context, and why the hell can I not compare it
any way? At the core it is the same thing. Being able to give consent is another discussion.)
Are the men and women I know who chose to be gay less valid because they weren't born with same sex attraction?
Born this way is just an excuse for people to validate their choices if not to other then themselves.
"Sorry I cannot help it, I was born this way. Along with being born with no self control........"
Again who cares?
Not me, because I only care when your sex life disrupts the quality of my life.
I only care when I am forced to go against my own morals and opinions because someone feels matter more.
Be a Dolphin for all I care. Just don't be an ass.
Have people defecate on your face if that's how you're born. Just be a damn decent human being and respectful of others when you go into public.
Don't expect you're 'specialty' exempts you from the rules of society we're all expected to abide by.
So your old man has his own opinion? What's wrong with that?
Is he calling for a posse to go out and lynch your cousin?
I personally disagree with my parents all the time, I'd not stop talking to them over them not thinking like me.
You're all adults, get the hell over it.
You all get a choice in how you behave.
Not sure when I chose to be straight. But I did choose to not tell every man and his dog I am every 5 minutes.
What I do in the bedroom is nobody elses damn business.
I don't blame my actions and flaws on how I was birthed.
Too many whiny people these days, agree with me and everything is cool. DISAGREE AND I WILL RUIN YOU!!! (or stop talking to you)
It's often not our opinions that are the problem. It's how people choose to respond or act on them that usually is.
But as for choice? There's always a choice.
Welcome to equality, where everyone gets # about who and what they are equally, regardless of race, gender, beliefs or sexual preferences.
I was born tall, I get # daily since childhood, even bashed over it. Where's my freaking parade?
If your cousin weren't gay somebody would be picking on her being fat, having freckles or whatever.
But yep, let us make a dinner table discussion into a big public event.
Too bad people cannot keep # behind closed doors anymore. Everything has to be a spotlight grabbing scene these days.
(oooo but the stars and flags..... the up votes and likes this gets hey?)
Seriously where do we draw a line and when are we going to draw it.
Now excuse me, I have a bisexual friend I need to go counsel. Apparently despite being 'born' Bi. He has some Gay men and women picking on him for
Apparently he cannot be Bi. He cannot of been born that way. According to them he's just a dirty greedy little man trying to have the best of both
Oh but that's right, all homosexual people are saints. I keep forgetting that.
edit on 23-1-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: typos and words.
more in their, there, they're no doubt.