Over the years I have had orgasms over the prospect that one day I'll be able to colour not just a briefcase level folder, but all the subfolders and
files within each lower level folder.
My orgasms would explode exponentially if I could; just as an example, trace say; one red, one, blue and one black folder and or one red, one blue and
one black file from the brief case level to the lowest level folder in the list.
Just thinking about the ease of tracing that ONE red file down through a dozen or more blue folders just causes the orgasms to flow uncontrollably.
What would cause me have orgasms from daylight till dark is the realistic prospect that I could through some kind of settings menu, that would enable
me to fatten out the slider column on the right hand side of the page - permanently, and adjust it to my desired width.
What would cause me have orgasms all day and all night is the realistic prospect that not only could I fatten out the slider column but also increase
the LENGTH of the ARROW HEAD using a menu to make permanent adjustments. Ooooooboyyy.
You see; my hands shake and I wear glasses which quickly get smudgy, dusty; out of focus and all those other inconvenient things that happen to
glasses. The net effect is that I often 'miss' the "G" spot on the upward and downward arrow heads when I want to go up or down the screen in a
controlled speed rather than suddenly find I'm 20 pages up or down from where I wanted to be.
There is an an excellent uninstaller program out there but the sadistic owners have deliberately made the slider so, so, narrow and so, so, similar in
colour to the surrounding colour that it causes my all my orgasm making chemicals to all exit the body in searing stinking hot flash and the worst of
this is that it takes days for it to come back again.
I have told the makers of this program about my shaking, poor eyesight and poor hand eye coordination but I think that was a mistake. Not only did I
hear their horrible cackle, cackle, laugh from across the other side of the world all night; when I was trying to sleep but unfortunately they stole
my orgasm making capacity which frankly; I found rather pleasurable and relaxing..... darn that... funny how when we get just a touch trite, we make
little mistakes.
edit on 3-1-2019 by Azureblue because: (no reason given)
edit on 3-1-2019 by Azureblue because: (no reason