posted on Nov, 26 2018 @ 11:59 AM
So I am called Satans Pride (not by choice) because I believe I can kill the imaginaryish character lucifer. Pride is its downfall I think. Maybe bad
math, though the worst sin in the book is pride, pride kills whoever is in control of it (or changes for good).I work for god only in this imaginary
world, I am a spy, I have infultrated the base & captured pictures haha I have read both sides of the book. I do not get messed with with angels
because it is possible to kill your demons, which is also why lucifer sent a worm to mess with us, the most ferocious & kind animal on land & sea.
So in this imaginary world of make believe, is it legal to use black magic (technology) to bring this magnetical extraterrestial lucifer & its
partners into a more physical form of life to be able to see, touch, smell etc. them instead of just meta-physical chemical constructions? Can we
create a device to bring this creature who is not able to project a self-image on earth due to its biological or technological capabilities? If we
can, is it legal to then kill such entity no matter how political & respectful, and legal about everything knowing it is lucifer? If we are allowed
to, will it bring law to chaos because it is following the law so technically we would be breaking it? That is chaos technically.
Chaos is order without order. If lucifer can be legal when it is brought to our chemical influence again, it should by moat means be illegal to kill
it, by societal standards. If these standards are broken trying to follow the law in a less directive form, that is chaos as its finest isn't?
So I guess like this imaginary world I am talking about can relate to religious/scientific possibilities if they actureally both exist in the same
universe. They by legal & scientific means do not correlate & are just allowed freedoms. On the other hand, religions beg a differ even though they
supress to societal laws. We all know what is good & bad supposedly by common sense though the common sense of the people will always differ whether
factory fumes, annihilation nests & insects/animals homes, experimentation on animals, cars, nukes, phycic tech., pills, survallience, shuttles, trash
placement etc. makes sense to some.
Is it legal to kill the legally evil lucifer when it comes to it being born again? Are we already creating laws for thousands of years to make way for
her legality of life? Is thag her plan on this technology path of ours & is it working? Only time will tell I guess.
This is all for entertainment purposes only haha not real just because it relates to religion, science & actual possibilities. Imagination land ha