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strange pulse occurring third eye area

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posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 01:05 PM
Sorry I'm explaining how the NHS would deal with that complaint, i dunno maybe the US give you an MRI scan for twitches outwith the cranium.

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Have you been attempting to practice or focusing on third eye through meditation. It could be the cause of the said twitches your talking about due to try to stimulate your head, which can throw your bodies algorithm s out of whack.

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Specimen

HI, i have been reading on yoga and occult stuff, also been quietening my mind frequently while sitting relaxed, been to the vibratory stage of astral projection but came out due to getting scared, that was like over 18 months ago, going to try again but just moved into my own place so feel i need to acclimatise myself here first and work on my bravery, smoking less weed would certainly take the main anxiety away but thats a work in progress (Sigh!)

what do you mean bodys algorithms, i have previously felt tremors at the base of my spine, that felt like it was like the tremors/vibrations i felt when trying astral projection, like a vibratory wave at my back just above my bum and again just happened for a moment but didnt feel like it came from my physical body... that happened a good few times over a cpl of months i think but not happened for a while, that was also really weird.
the only other strange occurrences is the increased synchronicity in things

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

aether snatches your soul as soon as your third eye opens anyway, a sinus infection would be exciting though.

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

a reply to: ManyMasks

thankyou for validating my assesment of you

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

you're describing what many people call kundalini rising.

Supposedly there is an oil at the base of our spines which used to be known as the christos i believe.

Through mediation and practices like astral projection you can stimulate your christos to move up from the base of your spine into your brain. This is basically a natural D m T trip. This will cause astral projections for sure. It will cause many weird things in your consciousness to happen that feel very physical.

This happened to me many years ago when i started astral projecting. I don't think i noticed it much while in my waking state but when i got into deep trances practicing astral projection it felt like my body was literally vibrating to the point where i was scared i was killing myself.

I'd snap out of the trance and jump out of bed at times because i thought i was exploding my head. Guess what? I'm still here, never saw a doctor, never felt pain in my actual physical body from any of this stuff. Nothing negative or painful has ever happened to me physically ever.

I believe what you are experiencing is what I experienced years ago when teaching myself astral projection. You won't harm yourself physically, I actually believe I've healed a knee injury I had while blasting energy at my physical body while being out of body.

Keep practicing. Do not be afraid. Remember you truly are the man, in this realm, and in the astral. This realm will manifest reality at a much slower pace than the astral though. When you do get out of body, and you will for sure if you keep practicing, make sure to be positive, fearless, and helpful. In the astral your mind manifests reality instantly, so if you're negative you get negative beings and experiences, if you are positive and fearless you will stay out of body longer and manifest positive experiences.

This is how real life works too. I get you're angry and frustrated at these people's responses. I've been there. But honestly try to examine the feelings you are having and try to make them positive. It will save you a lot of trouble. Trust me. When I first woke up I was angry. I was pissed no one else around me was even slightly interested and would even call me crazy . I believe it caused things (negative and positive) to manifest and teach me my lesson. You have to try to be happy and positive in real life just like in the astral or you will manifest negativity. I've never been told to go see a doctor by more people than I have on ATS. It's hilarious. You have a spiritual experience and 100 people immediately diagnosis you as a Schizo. YOU'RE NOT DYING OR GOING CRAZY. You are tapping into something that most people will dismiss right off the bat due to their heavy indoctrination of western culture. (the first response was from Silly, that should be a huge tip off to you, she's like the mold of an NPC) This is real.
Don't worry, just tell your atheist father and Catholic mother so you can worry the hell out of them too. hahah it's a blessing and a curse.
I'm going to leave you with an amazing interview by the MAN! This guy is creating a new Theory of Everything. He is a pioneer of astral projection. He's worked for NASA and is a physicist. I've found him to help me understand what the hell we are really doing here and put my mind at ease.

cant get the video to embed for some reason.
Don't worry about the tapping on your forehead. You're right in what it is. Also don't be afraid of astral projecting. If anything happens you just get sucked right back into your body. You'll be fine no matter how hard you vibrate.

Good job learning this stuff by the way, it takes a lot of dedication. If you have any more questions I'd love to help. Remember stay positive. We are here to learn to want to help people.

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: video)

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: (dont know why i can't embed this video. Heres the link

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-11-2018 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

i used astral projection to turn the moon upside down, but i had to use mountains to align the planets first. also i sell rocks, trip huh?

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

the tapping on your forehead is illuminati.

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: i77oomiknotti
a reply to: booyakasha

the tapping on your forehead is illuminati.


explain please.

posted on Nov, 13 2018 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: booyakasha


posted on Nov, 14 2018 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

Thanks for the advice, you have basically described me lol, that was the kind of confirmation i was looking for. I am angry at times, frustrated at replys i know that are coming its as if nothing surprises me anymore, the anxietie though about knowing that there's so much more and knowing I'm in the threshold of something that i know to be real, but a bit scared about the change in perception that's coming from that first undeniable experience, also the chance that i may never pass over the thres hold of the point I'm at.
Yeah mixed feelings, but your message has gave me more confidence, thanks and i will go back to this message again when needing some mental back up up:

edit on 14-11-2018 by ManyMasks because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2018 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Didn't really answer what I was asking, but I'm guessing you've been attempting it.

What I mean by algorithms is by the rhythm of your organs like heart rate, breathing, and even the brain generally speaking. Chakra meditations can throw them out of whack or sync, especially in the cranial regions where it finicky as it is. Meditation in general is meant to slow that rhythm and harmonize your body in laymen terms.

Some call it Kundalini Syndrome with a wide array of effect and problems that can go with the practice, like chest pains.

posted on Nov, 14 2018 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: Specimen

Sorry i thought I'd answered but yeah been trying some practical but mainly just trying to still my mind and cncentrat ng in breathing, i have been getting tight pains in the chest also that i attribute t a certain strain of mj that does it, it's like a panic attack coming on, but i ignored it or make nothing of it and it goes away, i also breathe really lightly sometimes unconsciously and don't notice I'm doing it till my heart palpitates. Then I'm like wow deep breathes.
So yeah few.things been happening. That i have been blaming the weed on.

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