Don't you even dare knock drummers. That's where the energy is. What do people do at a show? Clap? Sway to the beat? Or touch their pingas and play
air guitar?
Haha. I can relate. I play a six string bass I've gotten wow your guitar is big before. And yeah people asking you to slap da bass or play higher
ground by the chilli peppers...sigh...fine! Here. Here's your damned chili peppers song. (Plays four bars of higher ground)
However I've never been in the background when I'm onstage I play pretty damned well.
Bass is simple for rock tunes which is great I can get sloshed and stay in first position the whole gig playing eighth notes and never mess up.
But serious bass playing is not easy. Jaco's Havona or portrait of Tracey. Victor Wooten grooves. Or the king Marcus miller and run for cover.
Real bass ain't easy.
originally posted by: BASSPLYR
But serious bass playing is not easy. Jaco's Havona or portrait of Tracey. Victor Wooten grooves. Or the king Marcus miller and run for cover.
Real bass ain't easy.
You know that’s not really Paul McCartney, right? Kidding aside you gotta love the musician’s humor. Every joke was funny . Btw, does
anyone have a link to bassplayer’s posts? I searched ba33pl4yer and can’t find