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Somebody explain to me why so many people live in California.

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posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Lab4Us

We call that the "sunshine tax" here in BC, Canada.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: Oldtimer2
a reply to: JAGStorm

We like it because we see all the mid west and southerners make fun of our state,but will kill to live here,it is the best state,as long as we can dump the liberal scum destroying it,stay in your own state,most trouble makers here are from lower states,in more then one manner

Speak for yourself.

I have no desire whatsoever to live out there no matter how nice your weather. California is full of d-bags and expensive.

I like where I am at.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I travel to California regularly and I'm very partial to Northern California, the food scene is great, the countryside is very picturesque and I find the climate to also be great.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 01:55 PM
Never been there yet myself, but there's portions of Northern, Central and Southern California that I'd love to see in person that are substantially more geographically picturesque & stunning than anything I ever saw growing up in Pancake Florida. Florida is visually BORING. I've been all over, there's not much worth looking at down there. Nothing like "hiking" through some flat-as-hell swappy park full of mosquitoes & alligators every month of the year, and you don't even get a view at the end of the trek for the payoff. Saw palmettos and southern pines, that's what you see. Beaches may be whiter sand & warmer water, but the coastline is not that impressive overall.There are beaches devoid of buildings (homes, condos, offices, etc) but they're not that much to look at. Oooh, mangroves & more southern pines, and maybe some Norways. And your view is still just flat earth and ocean. Wow, stunning /sarc

Plus, the dry, arid climate at the coast n California is a MUCH bigger draw for me than anything hot & humid is. I grew up with Florida's trademarked high heat & humidity, it's overrated. Last thing I want to do is vacation anywhere like it.

As far as dangers of any locale goes, they get quakes, fires and mudslides. So what. The Deep South/Gulf area gets hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. Is that really any better overall? The only benefit to a hurricane is you get a few days' warning to GTFO of the way, if you want/can. It's not really a selling point, because once it's over, s# is still destroyed all the same.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Oldtimer2
a reply to: JAGStorm

We like it because we see all the mid west and southerners make fun of our state,but will kill to live here,it is the best state,as long as we can dump the liberal scum destroying it,stay in your own state,most trouble makers here are from lower states,in more then one manner

Speak for yourself.

I have no desire whatsoever to live out there no matter how nice your weather. California is full of d-bags and expensive.

I like where I am at.

The same could be said for much of the plains, midwest, south, north, NE, etc, Ket. Douches are everywhere, and some of the biggest arrogant douches, IMO, come from flyover country. That's a holier-than-thou plains/midwest attitude that doesn't get much attention when it should, for the sole purpose of Those In Glass Houses applying.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 02:02 PM
I have family there and they're as religious and conservative as you can get, so it's not all kooky.

They live in the general area of Bakersfield. Beautiful area with vineyards, ranches and such. One of my uncles on my moms side is the caretaker of a small vineyard. They live pretty simple - house heated with a cast iron wood stove, raise horses and such.

I dont see the dangers of living there as much more than where I'm from. We have flash floods, dangerous high winds, wild plains fires fueled by mesquite wood, tornados, softball sized hailstones, and it's one of the most deadly places for lightning storms.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 02:18 PM
Basically you just came here for back patting on why you don't like California. And obviously you are getting it with grade-A comments that include such wizardry as... "commie-fornia". Pathetic. But par for the course around here lately.

I love it here. Live in LA. Originally from the east coast. In some ways I connect to east coast people a bit more (LA is just way too slow for me... I've got way too much NYC in me). But for someone, like me, who loves the balance of city and nature, it's beautiful. I can have all the perks of city life, but also easily escape and go camping for days and not see anyone (if desired). The deserts are amazing, the forests and the mountains as majestic as the USA can deliver. Good food everywhere. Decent prices if you know how to look. I have good old friends here, that certainly helps.

And most importantly... no humidity. No mosquitoes. And every single day I walk outside and it's amazing and perfect weather.

And one more... I love to work on old cars, and they don't rust out here. Massive support culture for old car interests.

But we've got some forest fires at the moment. That's no good. Just ask Trump... he's an expert on them.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Probably, but there is some excellent company from folks in the deep south and other areas.

I know this much - Folks in California are more than happy to live how they want ... well over there. But they can draw the line when it comes to telling the rest of us how we should live.

California is California, and they live how they live, but their ways aren't ours and sometimes for good reason. I'm not telling them they all need large 4x4 trucks am I? But there are legitimate reasons for folks out here to actually need those on occasion depending on where you live and your lifestyle. Not many in Cali actually have that kind of life, so I don't tell them they need one.

But lots of the green crowd out there think we all ought to have electric vehicles, and those just aren't very practical or workable for many over where I am at.

Maybe, people who live where they live ought to understand that their lifestyles are unique to them and stop trying to tell the rest of us that we have to live that way too via Federal law?

Just sayin'. It is why we are supposed to have 50 separate states and Federalism.

posted on Nov, 11 2018 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Treehuggers & environmentalists aren't limited to California, come on. Plenty of people in other states already own and are pushing alt vehicles to replace combustion ones.

posted on Nov, 12 2018 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Unless you are talking about the rivers once they get down into city polllution, they are amazing up stream in the mountains.

I was talking about the coastlines, of course. No disrespect intended. But considering California is arid, the downstream rivers tend to be a lot more polluted. The NYC Hudson is polluted but not concentrated with schmutz like the tiny "rivers" of urban California.

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