posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 06:00 PM
I finally have a rant post!
A couple of weeks ago, I received a letter from my apartment complex, telling me it was almost time to renew. If I signed my documents now, within 10
days of the letter, I'll get a 2% discount, which after the 10 days, no discount.
Like every year before, my rent has gone up and up and up.... Thanks all your Californians coming to Austin in droves, taking all of your liberal
politics with you in the process. I was here first! Go Home! You're messing with my cost of living!
A little back story:
When I moved to Austin 8 years ago to relocate for my company, my rent (with company discount) was 680 per month. Pretty cool, huh? They also gave
us free cable.
The next year, they decided that I shouldn't get a discount anymore because of the influx of people. Anyone could replace me at full price, right?
So my rent went up.
The next year after that, rent goes up again. It's not going up a little. It's going up about 50$ a year.
The next year... They decided that we could have free cable but only if we opted for the boxes from what was then time warner, but they wanted to do a
credit check or 50$ without one. I complained... They gave me one without touching my credit.
The next year still, more rent but this time, the boxes are no longer free. They're now 5$ a month.
Now all this time, I never used their crappy cable. Everything ties through my computer which connects to my big screen. This year, they
We're going to charge you 15$ for parking.
We're going to charge you 15$ for cable.
- all after the yearly cost increase!
I don't want their stinking cable and why should I pay for parking when some aholes can park in my complex who dont even live there, taking up my
parking spaces!
So now... I am forced to buy cable from their supplier every month for something I dont even use. I have a different cable provider that I pay for,
don't even use, but makes my cell phone bill cheaper. If I break the contract, I'll get charged for it and also my phone bill goes up because I'm
not bundling anymore. I'm surely not going to pay for 2 cable suppliers. Either way I'll end up paying the same.
THEN when I complained about it, the lady told me their corporate said that it's mandatory, no sliding, AND it's cheaper than moving!!!
Seriously? They said that? What aholes!!!
but.... Sadly, their right. Apartments for some reason are allowed to price fix based on their surroundings and they do exactly that!
Legally they can force me to pay for cable as long as I live there, making any competition void. ATT does the same for other apartments so they
pretty much divy up the areas.
Legally they can force me to pay for unfair parking.
Legally, they can price fix my rent to compare to every other complex around me so I wont move. Though... The principle alone may have me do just
that. I told the manager that and she said "I can give you 5$ off parking but that's all I can do".
I asked for the contact information to corporate. They gave me an email address. Pissed, I sent an email asking for a phone number.
Guess what happened.
The email went to the complex manager!!!! lol GRRRRRRRR!!!!
There is a law in Texas that mandates that they HAVE to give me their owners contact information but legally, she can step in the middle and make it
miserable for me.
Man... Some people are just so greedy and don't give a rats @## about you and me, only their pockets. Those people should be euthanized, I tell
Welp... My rant is done. I feel better. Maybe I'll find another complex and throw keg parties in this one until they kick me out!